Welcome to the Advanced Componet Engineering Laboratory (ACEL) webpage.
Our lab is supported by a multidiscriplinary and multinational team of researchers who apply fundamental scientific principles to create manufacturing tools and processess. These are capable of producing complex parts for next generation engineering systems.
Primarily, reseach relates to electrophysical processes and additive manufacturing, working jointly with the Advanced Manufacturing Technology Research Group and the Additive Manufacturing and 3D Printing Research Group. Furthermore, we enjoy collaborations with researchers and businesses from many disciplines on a multinational scale.
Lab members are regular contributors to key scientific journals and international conferences across the field of manufacturing technology, materials processing and surface engineering. Links to the proceedings of our work are included within these pages.
We focus on emergent process machine architecture and systems design/manufacture.
The lab welcomes academic visitors and students seeking to collaborate with our efforts enquires shoud be directed to Dr. Adam Clare.
Want to get in touch? Contact us.
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The Advanced Component Engineering Laboratory develops tools and equipment for cutting edge applied research in the field of advanced manufacture
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For a full list of our publications click here
ACEL is an active research laboratory applying a wide source of knowledge to a range of projects. For a list of currently ongoing projects, click here.
The University of Nottingham Faculty of Engineering The University of Nottingham University Park Nottingham, NG7 2RD