School of Sociology and Social Policy

Staff Supervision Areas

Below are some of the areas of research in which our staff currently specialise and areas where they can offer expert supervision.

Staff supervision areas
NameKey expertise and research areas
Bott, Esther Tourism in the Global South, niche tourism markets such as orphanage tourism, 'tribal' tourism and adventure tourism in remote regions; tourist interactions, impacts and negotiations of important new tourism markets and employment relations.
Bradford-Clarke, Lauren Victims of crime, victimology, policing, and criminal justice processes.
Briscoe-Palmer, Shardia Political Sociology at the Intersections of Race and Genders; Sexualities and the Body; (Black) Masculinities, Colonial Legacies and Performances. Health Sociology including Sex and Reproductive Health. Media Representations and Social Stigmas.
Carr, Nicola Punishment and penality; Youth Justice; Community Sanctions and Measures; Children and young people in the youth justice system; criminalisation of children and young people; Sociology of punishment; Representations of punishment; Courts and Sentencing; Criminal Justice Policy and Practice; Alternatives to custody: Probation and Community Sanctions and Measures.
Clamp, Kerry Any area of restorative justice/practice; justice in post-conflict settings/transitional justice; community-based justice initiatives. Victimology, victims of crime, policing, criminal justice processes and criminal justice reform.
Chau, CM Ruby Comparative welfare study, East Asian welfare systems, women in labour market and family, health and social care for older migrants and global responses to ageing.
Chen, Qi Criminal sentencing, probation and community supervision, feminism and populism in criminal policy and public policy, crime and social control in China, and comparative studies in criminal justice and criminology. 
Dauncey, Sarah Sociology of disability, gender, identity, citizenship, para-citizenship and personal life in China and other global South contexts; as well as welfare and policy-making (including education and family planning), language, culture, life writing and memory.
Dixon, Bill Policing and the police; decolonial and southern criminology; criminology, crime and crime control in South Africa.
Farrall, Stephen

Criminal careers; desistance from crime; politics and crime; white collar crime; the fear of crime; crime surveys, qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods. 

Fyson, Rachel Adult social care and social work; adult safeguarding; all aspects of policy and practice in relation to people with learning disabilities; policy implementation and evaluation.
Gardner, Alison Local governance and community co-production, particularly in relation to addressing modern slavery and human trafficking. Alison’s research focusses on identifying determinants for slavery-free communities.
Genova, Elena Intra-EU mobility, highly skilled migration, identities, belonging, policies and provision in relation to asylum seekers and refugees, EU citizenship, theories on late/liquid/post modernity and digital sociology.
Gregory, Lee Poverty, inequality, LGBTQ+, sexuality, social security, asset-based welfare, young people and social policy, class and social mobility, policy making processes, financial wellbeing, social theory of time
Guiney, Thomas Parole and prison release; prisons and imprisonment; the sociology of punishment; penal policymaking; the politics of law and order; historical criminology 
Hashemi, Morteza Sociological theory, global social theory, Ibn Khaldun, colonialism and decoloniality, 'race', ethnicity, identity and migration, sociology of religion, social movements and activism, sociology of science and technology, sociology of startups, medical sociology, blood and organ donation.
Hobson-West, Pru Animals and society, veterinary ethics, science and technology studies, medical sociology, vaccination.
Jas, Pauline Patterns of hunger and satiety, the development of taste preferences in teenagers, motivations and patterns of charitable giving behaviour, and the effects of introducing the national minimum wage on voluntary sector organisations: improvement of performance in public sector organisations that have gone through a period of poor performance.
Jordan, Melanie Criminology, Criminal Justice, State Harm & Abuse, Medical Sociology; Forensic Psychology & Psychiatry; Healthcare Harm; Theoretical Criminology; Deviance Theory; Prisons; Victimology; Sex Crime; Offenders and Health.
Kramer, Anne-Marie Broadly located in the sociology of personal life and the family; gender; identity and memory; religion; and sexuality and faith
Laird, Siobhan Children’s welfare and protection, conflict in professional practice, international social work, cross-cultural communication and work with families from Black and minority ethnic backgrounds.
Madziva, Roda

Migration, race and inequalities, with a focus on (highly-skilled) migrants, refugees/asylum seekers, internally displaced persons and victims of human trafficking.

Pacey, Scott Buddhist-Christian engagement and interfaith dialogue, Buddhism in the West, Taiwanese Buddhism and religion in Taiwan, new religious movements (NRMs), religious innovation.
Paterson, William Most recent research drew on Bourdieu’s field theory to explore class, whiteness, rural/urban belonging and boundaries in northern England.
Purser, Aimie Subjectivity and Intersubjectivity: Embodiment: Relationships between Theory, Art, Practice and Method: Continental Philosophy/Theory, including Existentialist Phenomenology, Post-Structuralism and Psychoanalysis: Love and the Erotic: Environmentalism: (Mental) Illness: Contemporary Dance and Performance Art.
Roberts, Simon UK, EU and International social security; EU free movement, social security and cross-border healthcare law and policy; UK and international disability policies; research and evaluation methodologies.
Saunders, Gary Higher Education, Learning and Teaching; Critical Pedagogy; Student Engagement; Co-operatives; Marxist Social Theory and Criminological Theory.
Shaw, Ian Key research and consultancy interests lie in health, health policy and services (particularly primary care), medical sociology, mental health, inter-agency collaboration and evaluation.
Stevenson, Nick Cultural citizenship, class, the labour movement, socialism and human rights.
Tangen, James Criminal Justice Policy and Practice; Digital Criminology, with a focus on the use of technologies in criminal justice practice; Probation & Community Justice;
Tomczak, Philippa Sociology of punishment, penal voluntary sector, prison suicide, deaths in state custody, prison regulation.
Warr, Jason Criminological and Sociological Theory; Race, Racism, and Criminal Justice; Cultural Studies/Criminology; Penal Theory and Penology; Sociology of Prison; Sociology of Risk and Power; Philosophy of Criminology; Ethnography; Qualitative Research (Methodology and Methods), Sensory studies in Criminology; and Narrative Criminology.
Warwick, Lisa Child and family social work (children in care, entering care and leaving care), children and childhood, motherhood and professional relationships.
Wikoff, Nora Labour markets, crime, financial wellbeing, and inclusive asset-building policy, with a shared focus on how interventions can improve individuals' financial wellbeing and promote beneficial outcomes.
Wilkinson, Hannah War, state violence and social harm (zemiology); narrative and visual methods; critical social theory 
Wright, Edward Criminological theory, social theory, sport (particularly fighting sports and martial arts), decolonization, zemiology/sociology of harm, prison, time, qualitative methods (particularly ethnography)


School of Sociology and Social Policy

Law and Social Sciences building
University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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