Studying Effectively

Finding other resources

Books and journal articles will be the main resources you use when carrying out research for your academic work but there are many other sources of information that may be useful to you, including:

  • Newspapers, both current and historical, available in print and electronic format.
  • Papers that have been presented at conferences and have been published as a conference proceeding.
  • Theses that have been written by other students at the University or at other universities worldwide.
  • Reports written by organisations and professional bodies and official publications, including reports by Government Departments, statistics, data etc.
  • Legal documents, such as patent applications and standards.
  • Manuscripts, such as letters, illustrations and other unique documents, plus historical and rare books and the University's special collections.
Studying in a library



Library access online

Further reading

Reading and interpreting sources and data


People who can help

Talk to someone in your school or a specialist support service


Studying Effectively

Kings Meadow Campus
Lenton Lane
Nottingham, NG7 2NR

telephone: +44 (0) 115 951 5151
fax: +44 (0) 115 951 3666
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