NUBS China
Title: Impact of the Healthcare Reform on the Performance of Public Hospitals, Evidence from Eastern China
Supervisors: Professor. Zhuo (Adam) Chen, Dr. Xuyan Lou, Professor Lina Song
Research interests: Health economics, Policy evaluation in health sector, Public hospital reform, Hospital management.
Title: Political Economy, Ownership Structure and Firm Performance
Supervisor: Dr Jian Chen
Research interests: Finance; Corporate Finance; Political Economy; and Industrial Economics
Title: Labour Market Segmentation in China
Supervisors: Professor Lina Song, Dr Bin Wu
Research interests: Labour market segmentation between formal and informal sectors
Title: Diffusion, Adoption and Development of Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage (CCUS): International Cooperation and Social Learning with the People's Republic of China
Supervisors: Professor Cong Cao, Assistant Professor Jinmin Wang
Research interests: China's Environment and Climate Change, Innovation Diffusion, Clean Energy Technologies, International Cooperation
Title: Empirical research on the relationship between economic development, FDI and environmental degradation in China
Supervisors: Dr Jing Zhang and Professor Shujie Yao
Research interests: Relationship between economic development and environmental degradation, impact of FDI on China's industrial pollution
Title: A critical perspective on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in China
Supervisors: Professor Lina Song, Professor Shujie Yao and Dr Jinmin Wang
Research interests: CSR in China, international comparison of CSR
Title: Housing in Urban China: Ownership, Investment, and Regional Disparity
Supervisors: Professor Lina Song and Dr Jing Zhang
Research interests: Applied microeconomics with particular interests in household behaviour, the determinants of decision-making, and intra-household resource distribution
Title: Capital Structure Dynamics of Chinese Listed Companies
Supervisors: Dr Jian Chen and Dr Hong Li
Research interests: Corporate finance, capital structure, financial markets
Title: Institutional change of rural water conservancy supplying in rural China
Supervisors: Dr Lai Hongyi and Professor Cao Cong
Research interests: Public policy, urban affairs, environment and energy, institutional change
Jubilee CampusNottingham NG8 1BB
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