Department of Philosophy

Creating A Dynamic Archive of Responsible AI Ecosystems In The Context of Creative AI Applications

This is a 6-month interdisciplinary scoping project focusing on the responsible use of AI in the Creative industries led by the Department of Philosophy in collaboration with Computer Science, Music and English involving researchers from the University of Nottingham, the University of Exeter and The National Archives and industry partner Blueskeye AI. The project provides a scoping study of what might constitute responsible AI practice in the context of Creative AI applications by using bottom-up evidence from selected research projects. The project was awarded funding from AHRC via the BRAID (Bridging Responsible AI Divides) programme.  Activities include 3 workshops and a public/networking event and the project received funding for 2 Research Associates/Fellows (total funding awarded 267K).


 A person holding a cell phone amidst a pile of miscellaneous items.anne-fehres_luke-conroy_ai4media_ai-models-built-from-fossils

Upcoming Events

BRAID/ AHRC funded project 'Creating a Dynamic Archive of Responsible Ecosystems in the Context of Creative AI' public event!


  • Workshop 1: Focusing on Jess+ A digiscore- 12 February 2024, UoN
  • Workshop 2: Focusing on Cat Royale: 25 March 2024, UoN
  • Workshop 3: Focusing on 5 additional case studies: 8 July, The National Archives, London
  • Public/networking event: 22 July, Cobot Maker Space, University of Nottingham

Outputs - PDF documents


Department of Philosophy

University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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