Department of Theology and Religious Studies

Taught masters degrees (MA) - Theology and Religious Studies

  • High quality results in the 2021 Research Excellence Framework:
    • top 10 by grade point average
    • 100% of research outputs internationally recognised


With high-quality teaching and in-depth mentoring, the University of Nottingham provides a wonderful learning experience that I'd be happy to recommend to anyone. It's a brilliant course that has really helped me to hone my skills and extend my interests.

Tim Boniface, Systematic and Philosophical Theology MA (Distance Learning)

Headshot of Dr Michael Burdett with trees and grey sky in the background

Our MA offers an ideal combination of intellectual richness, rigour, and flexibility.

The result is that we attract fantastic students with a wide range of goals and backgrounds. Some are aiming for PhD programmes, and others simply want to expand their knowledge of Christianity.


Dr Michael Burdett
Director of Postgraduate Distance Learning



Department of Theology and Religious Studies

University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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