Asia Expertise Guide



  • Dr Meili Feng

    Dr Meili Feng is a river scientist who has been working on freshwater ecology and river hydrology for many years.
    +86 (0) 574 8818 8510
    Belt and Road Initiative Environment Geography freshwater ecosystems climate change hydropower regulations water quality rivers Hydropower impacts Flooding Urban water quality Coastal Environmental Change
  • Dr Florian Wiedmann

    As an academic architect specialized in investigating emerging cities from an international and interdisciplinary perspective, I have been involved in research, practice and teaching in Western Asia since 2006. My main focus has been the rapid urban transformation due to international migration in the Persian Gulf region. From 2011 to 2018 my research was funded by Qatar Foundation and one of the main areas of my expertise is the space production of knowledge economies in the context of rapid urban growth. In recent years, I have also established new links to institutions in India, Nepal and Vietnam.
    Architecture and Built Environment Business and economy Cultures History Migration Cities Persian Gulf GCC urbanism Sustainable development goals governanace
  • Subarna Sivapalan

    Subarna is the recipient of WWF Malaysia's National Eco-Lecturer Award for her efforts in advocating for greater awareness amongst youth to champion sustainability. Her research interests include sustainability and Higher Education; Environmental Education/Education for Sustainable Development; and Community Development particularly with the context of Indigenous Communities.
    Education Environment Sustainability and Higher Education environmental education education for sustainable development Climate Change Education Social and Community dimensions of Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Community Development indigenous communities
  • Dr Tengwen Long

    Dr Long's research interests primarily revolve around environmental change and human-environment interactions over different timescales.
    Archaeology Belt and Road Initiative Environment History Science agriculture Sustainable development goals Water
  • Professor Faith Chan

    Professor Faith Ka Shun Chan is an Assistant Professor at the University of Nottingham, Ningbo campus, China. He currently conducts research on international water management practices, with a particularly focus on flood risk management in East Asian mega-deltas and coastal mega-cities.. He has a strong research and teaching interests on inter-disciplinary aspects on environmental management across physical and human geography, in particular on issues related to sustainable water and soil management and development.
    Energy Environment Science Governance Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) urban flood resilience coastal megacities; climate change urban water management sponge city green finance
  • Dr Lisa Yon

    Reproductive physiology in elephants, including physiology, endocrinology and studies of adipose tissue and links between nutrition and reproduction; and the physiology of stress. Captive and free-ranging wildlife, particularly infectious disease. Zoo animal welfare, specifically in captive elephant welfare and behaviour.
    +44 (0) 115 951 6358
    Animals Environment Health and Medicine Science Veterinary veterinary reproduction Physiology endocrinology wildlife Zoo animals
  • Dr Yu-Ting Tang

    Brownfield regeneration in China and Taiwan from an environmental perspective, especially related to human health risk assessment.
    +86 1886 785 9379
    Environment brownfield regeneration China Taiwan Environment human health risk assessment
  • Dr Novita Sakundarini

    Eco-design, sustainable manufacturing, material selection, recycling oriented design, design and development of environmental impact assessment tool in product design, and development of expert systems for green design. Has established many research collaborations and university linkages in the area of manufacturing and sustainable design, specifically with Asia-Pacific universities.
    +60 3892 435 52
    Engineering Environment Eco-design sustainable manufacturing material selection Recycling oriented design Environment impact assessment product design Manufacturing Sustainable design
  • Dr Simon Roberts

    PI on International Social Security Association study of gaps in social protection including Australia, India and Thailand. Senior EU Expert on EU-China Social Security Reform Co-operation Project, Senior EU Expert providing technical assistance for capacity building in social security for Turkey. Co-Investigator (Policy and Governance) on Leverhulme Trust Sustainable Urban Habitats programme with empirical data from Shanghai.
    0115 846 7767
    Environment Gender Law Migration social policy social security pensions healthcare EU law institutional capacity building Governance Evaluation China Thailand turkey India
  • Dr Odette Paramor

    Involved with several European projects supporting EU-China cooperation in research and innovation ('DragonSTAR', 'DragonSTAR Plus', 'ENRICH in China' and 'URBAN-EU-CHINA'), and have supported the development of EU-China R&I calls in the areas of sustainable urbanisation and food, agriculture and biotechnology. Current research interests are in marine biology and assessing the impacts of human activities on marine systems.
    +86 574 8818 8998
    Education Environment Geography International Relations Science EU China innovation sustainable urbanisation food agriculture biotechnology marine biology marine systems
  • Dr Gabriele Neher

    Northern Italian Renaissance painting, especially in Venice, Brescia, Moretto and Romanino. The Italian courts in the Renaissance. Renaissance women. Altar pieces 1500-1600. Caravaggio. Tudor and Elizabethan courts; prodigy houses, especially Hardwick, Wollaton and Burghley. Also Thoresby Hall and Estate. The use of social media for teaching and peer mentoring.
    + 44 (0)115 9513184, +44 (0)115 942 1507
    Architecture and Built Environment Arts and Culture Education Gender Technology Art Italy renaissance painting Venice Brescia Moretto Romanino women Altar pieces Caravaggio Tudor Elizabethan Hardwick Hall wollaton hall Burghley Thoresby Estate social media Mentoring Peer mentoring
  • Professor Suzanne McGowan

    Freshwater ecosystems, focusing on tropical floodplains including lakes, deltas and rivers. Work includes water quality investigations in the Red River Delta of Vietnam and mid-Yangtzse Delta of China, tracking recent environmental degradation in a lowland flood pulse wetland in Malaysia, aquatic biodiversity and water quality monitoring of Malaysian rivers, assessing sustainability of aquaculture in freshwater lakes of the Philippines.
    0115 951 5451
    Environment Water palaeolimnology biomonitoring freshwater ecosystems tropical floodplains lakes deltas and rivers water quality investigations Red River Delta Vietnam mid-Yangtzse Delta China environmental degradation Malaysia aquatic biodiversity water quality monitoring Sustainability aquaculture Philippines
  • Dr Alex Lechner

    Landscape ecologist with experience applying socio-ecological approaches along with spatial modelling (i.e. GIS) to conservation and natural resource management. Current research focuses on the social and environmental dimensions of urban planning in Asian cities and biodiversity conservation in Malaysia and Southeast Asia such as the impact of the Belt and Road Initiative.
    +60 38725 3613
    Belt and Road Initiative Environment Science southeast asia East Asia Belt and Road Initiative conservation planning GIS remote sensing Malaysia
  • Dr Richard Lea

    Environmental effects on fertility and reproduction. General male and female fertility issues. Reproduction. Environmental chemicals in food.Dr Lea can talk on any topics relating to fertility, chemicals in food, pregnancy, pregnancy failure/miscarriage, environmental effects on populations.Previous media experience includes: Interviews on ITV Central, BBC East Midlands, Swedish TV News channel, radio interviews including BBC World Service, Radio Nottingham, Radio Scotland, NewsTalk 770 (Calgary), interviews with print journalists from various Newspapers - The New York Times, The Guardian, The Telegraph, The Times, Nottingham Post.Dr Lea is Interested in external consultancy and research collaboration opportunities.
    +44 (0)115 951 6426
    Animals Environment Health and Medicine Science Veterinary reproduction fertility environmental chemicals Human Animal sheep dogs nottingham Vet School
  • Dr Chris Ives

    Expertise in urban ecology and the social dimensions of environmental planning. Currently undertaking research on how residents of Kuala Lumpur value and use green space and how connecting with nature can promote sustainability.
    0115 82 32536
    Environment Geography urban ecology Environment planning Kuala Lumpur Green space nature Sustainability Malaysia
  • Professor Julian Henderson

    Science and archaeology. Ancient technologies, particularly glass, ceramics, metals and stone. Islamic archaeology in Syria. Scientific techniques used in archaeology. Silk Road
    +44 (0) 115 951 4840
    Archaeology Arts and Culture Belt and Road Initiative Cultures Environment History Science archaeology Ancient technology Islamic syria silk road Asia China Japan Indonesia turkey Kazakhstan Tajikistan Hong Kong history
  • Professor Christopher Gibbins

    Developing sustainable water management strategies to help conserve aquatic organisms, working primarily on invertebrates and fish (Malaysia)
    +60 38924 8733
    Engineering Environment Science Sustainability water management aquatic organisms conservation Malaysia Asia fish
  • Dr Richard Field

    Conducted ecological research on the Krakatoa islands (more properly Krakatau); assembly of tropical ecosystems after 1883 eruptions.
    0115 846 6146
    Environment biogeography ecosystems ecology tropical Krakatoa Islands Asia
  • Dr Pauline Eadie

    The Philippines, including politics, corruption, elections and 'People Power'; poverty ie. urban housing, population growth land reform; security including the Mindanao situation and terrorism, counter-terrorism and the Abu Sayyaf group; religion; the United States/Philippines relationship; migrant workers ie. overseas foreign workers. Disaster relief and rehabilitation.
    +44 (0) 7759544100
    Environment International Relations Migration Politics politics Philippines Corruption election population terroism overseas disaster relief
  • Dr Nicholas Hamm

    Participated in two projects in China: (1) mapping the environmental determinants of echinococcosis in the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region (NHAR) and (2) mapping air pollution in China for input into environmental epidemiology studies. Also coordinated a joint MSc between the Univeristy of Twente (NL) and the Indian Institute of Remote Sensing.
    +86 574 8818 8980
  • Dr Sarah Jewitt

    Gender and environmental management. Forest use and management in India during the colonial and post-colonial period. Socio-cultural importance of forests and their role in community-based resource management. Technology transfers and the displacement of indigenous agro-ecological knowledge. The impact of 30 years of Green Revolution in India. Political ecology of natural resource management in Eastern India, intra- and inter- community variations in environmental knowledge possession and management capacity in Jharkhand, India.
    +44 (0) 115 951 5450
    Environment Gender Geography Rights Lab Geography Environment Gender Forest India Colonial post-colonial Community technology political Indian IAPS
  • Professor Michèle Clarke

    The environment, climate and ecology of the Asia-Pacific region for the last 30 years, including the complexity of their interactions with society, heritage and cultures. Recent themes have included agriculture and rural development; cultural and built heritage; low carbon and clean energy; rapid urbanisation and sustainable cities; and the energy-water-food nexus.
    0115 951 5446
    Archaeology Architecture and Built Environment Cultures Education Energy Engineering Environment Gender History Migration Science Veterinary climate society sustainable development energy ecosystems Cities Water agriculture heritage Asia
  • Professor Colin Thorne

    Professor Colin Thorne is one of the UK's leading expert in flooding. His expertise covers flood management, rivers and river management, including rehabilitation and restoration for environmental enhancement and rivers and development issues in South America, Africa and Asia.
    0115 951 5431
    Architecture and Built Environment Engineering Environment International Relations Science Sociology Africa America (South) Asia civil engineering Flooding Geography rivers Water weather IAPS
  • Dr Lucy Roberts

    I am working on the water quality and biodiversity of coastal deltas in India, Bangladesh, and Vietnam.
    0115 84 68137
    Environment water quality flood management Vietnam India Bangladesh biodiversity coastline delta
  • Professor Eugene Ch'ng

    Developing Virtual Reality technology for the production, storage and sharing of cultural heritage spanning large spatial-temporal scales. Develop technology for retrieving, processing, and tools for visual analytics for large social media datasets for understanding phenomena within connected societies.
    +86 574 8818 3049
    Archaeology Architecture and Built Environment Art Belt and Road Initiative Business and economy Cultures Environment History Science virtual reality augmented reality social media big data Digital heritage virtual heritage computational archaeology
  • Dr Bagus Muljadi

    Director of the newly-established Indonesia Doctoral Training Partnership (IDTP). IDTP provides a platform for research and knowledge exchange with the Indonesian government, higher education institutions, and industries. IDTP was established in partnership with the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia (RISTEKDIKTI). Recent research focuses on includes publications on rarefied quantum gas dynamics, multiscale method developments, direct pore-scale simulations and reactive transport modelling.
    Education Engineering Environment International Relations Science Engineering Environment Indonesia Doctoral Training Partnership transport modelling chemical engineering quantum gas
  • Dr Eun Hee Lee

    My research focuses on sustainability (e.g. liveability and communication behaviour in new media) of Asian society such as South Korea and Singapore.
    Communications Cultures Environment Psychology Governance Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
  • Dr Christina Supramaniam

    Certification and best practices for sustainable palm oil estate management in smallholders. Molecular plant pathologist for soilborne diseases of tropical plants. Soil microbiome for disease suppression and preservation of natural biodiversity. Microbial biotechnology for agricultural waste management and green technologies.
    Environment Plant Science Science Sustainable Palm Oil tropical plants soilborne diseases biodiversity Indonesia Malaysia
  • Dr Ni Yang

    Active collaboration on food science, specialised in flavour research, such as coffee and tea, and current interest focus on chilli and its active ingredient capsaicin. I am collaborating with Chinese academics and companies at various levels.
    Education Engineering Environment Science Sustainable development goals food flavour chilli capsaicin agriculture
  • Dr Sean Mayes

    Crops, plants, seeds, crop genetics, marker assisted selection, development of minor crops, resilient agriculture, oil palm, bambara groundnut, wheat, tea, biotechnology, breeding, seed systems
    Environment Science World Crops plants seeds crop genetics marker assisted selection development of minor crops resilient agriculture oil palm bambara groundnut wheat tea biotechnology breeding seed systems
  • Dr Sofie Sjogersten

    Expertise relates to the functioning and management of tropical peat swamp forests, land degradation, greenhouse gas emissions and sustainable agriculture. Involved in a UK Space Agency project using space borne platforms to monitor and manage tropical peatlands and a Global Challenges Research Fund project to develop less damaging agriculture on tropical peatlands in Malaysia and Indonesia.
    0115 951 6239
    Environment Science tropical peatlands swamp forests land degradation greenhouse gas emissions sustainable agriculture Malaysia Indonesia China
  • Professor David Salt

    Plant science, agriculture, global food security, minerals, nutrients, food, diet, cadmium, arsenic
    +44 (0) 115 9516332
    Environment Food Plant Science plant science global food security Minerals nutrients food diet agriculture cadmium arsenic
  • Professor Melanie Leng

    Use of isotopes in environmental research, in particular with climate change and human-landscape interactions, with increasing importance on the Anthropocene. Use stable isotopes as tracers of modern pollution and understanding the hydrological cycle especially in areas suffering human impact.
    0115 936 3515
    Environment Science isotopes climate change Environment Human Anthropocene pollution Malaysia australia turkey Vietnam
  • Dr Alexander Trautrims

    Logistics and supply chains ie. the operations that are run behind every business, with a focus on the retail sector. How products get to the supermarket shelf, collaboration between retailers and suppliers, sustainability issues ie. food miles, and the impact of online shopping on the retail sector. Vulnerability of supply chains and logistics networks.
    +44 (0) 115 823 1414
    Belt and Road Initiative Business and economy Environment International Relations Rights Lab Logistics supply chains business retail supermarkets retailers Sustainability modern slavery human rights sustainability scandals
  • Dr Steven Zhou

    Focus on bridging world and management practices in academia and exploring the root of Chinese management and innovation from Chinese traditional culture.
    +86 574 8818 8803
    Architecture and Built Environment Belt and Road Initiative Business and economy Cultures China Management business culture innovation traditions
  • Professor Hing Kai Chan

    Focuses on intelligent manufacturing and supply chain management, digital innovation, and sustainable operations and supply chain. Employs modelling, simulation and soft computing techniques. Had been working in the electronic manufacturing sector over 10 years prior to joining the academia.
  • Dr Angus Davison

    Biology and genetics of Japanese snails.
    Environment Science genetics molluscs genomics
  • Dr Gaik Cheng Khoo

    Independent filmmaking in Southeast Asia (with a focus on Malaysia), Southeast Asian cinema studies; political economy of the Malaysian durian focusing on the supply chain and its ecological and economic sustainability; cosmopolitanism and food identity; multiculturalism and race relations in Malaysia; S. Korean migrants in Malaysia.
    +60 38725 3572
    Communications Cultures Environment Identity and Rights
  • Dr Subhan Ullah

    I am interested in China's One belt one road passing through Pakistan. In addition i am also interested in firm level and country level governance issues, including issues relating to corruption, unethical business practices in Pakistan.
    Business and economy Environment climate change Corporate fraud unethical business activities Excessive executive compensation Survival of businesses in the Covid crisis accounting
  • Dr Ahmed Barakat

    I am working in several research grants on Asian SMEs, fintech, financial inclusion, and climate risks. I am also supervising several PhD students working on these areas in Asian countries.
    Business and economy Environment Operational Risk Cyber Risk Insurance Disclosures Financial Reporting
  • Professor Festo Massawe

    Our research focuses on improving productivity, quality and value of food crops. We develop sustainable crop production practices and build resilient food systems. We also research food environments in transitioning economies and how these could be shaped to deliver sustainable and healthy diets.
    Environment Science agriculture biosciences
  • Ibtisam Ahmed

    I work on decolonial politics and utopias - how we envision futures that are equitable based on our experiences of the past. I give specific focus to queer identities, religious and spiritual minorities, literature and language, and cultural politics.
    Architecture and Built Environment Art Cultures Gender History Politics Sociology human rights Identity and Rights theology
  • Professor May-Tan Mullins

    My research interests are political ecology of rising China, environmental and energy justice, poverty alleviation and building resilience for the poorest and most vulnerable. One research strand is the rise of the smart eco city and a second strand of my work is to help communities alleviate poverty, particularly in a post-disaster context.
    Belt and Road Initiative Cultures Education Environment Gender History International Relations Politics Governance human rights Identity and Rights Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
  • Dr Neil Mennie

    Neil is a cognitive neuroscientist, and has worked in the UK, the US and Germany prior to Malaysia. He is interested in the use of vision and how we use it in everyday life. His interests include face recognition, attention, stress and anxiety, AI, machine learning and psychology. He is also very interested in sensory devices to assist the blind.
    Environment Health and Medicine Psychology Science neuroscience vision Psychology Cognition Animal applied biosciences life sciences pharmaceutical Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
  • Dr Racheal Tarlinton

    I work on infectious diseases of animals, including wildlife, domestic and livestock species. Current collaborations in Australia (koala retrovirus) and India (coronaviruses in horseshoe bats and small carnivores) are focussed around cross species transmission of viruses in wildlife species. Past projects in this region have included rabies and tick born diseases in roaming street dogs in India.
    Animals Environment Veterinary agriculture bioscience
  • Professor Stephen Legg

    Historical research on late-colonial, 20th century India Urban geography and politics Intersections of imperialism and internationalism.
    0115 846 8402
    Architecture and Built Environment Geography History Interwar colonial India Imperial Britain Indian policy the League of Nations colonialism Indian Anti-colonial Nationalism Internationalism India
  • Dr Ian James Kidd

    Asian philosophies and religions Buddhism, Confucianism, Daoism ethics of the environment.
    Arts and Culture Environment Philosophy Ancient Chinese philosophy Confucian philosophy Daoist philosophy Buddhist philosophy theology
  • Dr Lonán Ó Briain

    My research is largely focused on mainland Southeast Asia, especially Vietnam. In that region, I study cultural history, intangible cultural heritage, musical infrastructures and audio technologies, cultures of ethnic minority communities and the environment.
    Arts and Culture Communications Education Environment History Music musical cultures southeast asia ethnomusicology cultural anthropology media studies cultural heritage
  • Dr Alison K.S. Wee

    My research focuses on the evolution and conservation of coastal ecosystems. My primary goal is to understand their historical and future response to global change using molecular approaches, and to formulate sustainable development strategies. I work primarily on mangroves, with 12 years of field and lab experience in the Asia Pacific region, including in Japan, China and Thailand.
    Belt and Road Initiative Business and economy Environment Science bioscience Governance life science Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Water
  • Dr Cedric Tan

    I have a particular interest in carnivore ecology and conservation as well as environmental education. My passion for effective evidence-based applied ecology and education drives me to pursue both disciplines in innovative ways, in turn contributing to raising awareness about conservation issues and nurturing our future leaders in conservation.
    Engineering Environment Science life sciences Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
  • Dr Matthew Ashfold

    Atmospheric sciences in Southeast Asia, trans-boundary air pollution, haze, air quality in cities, connections between climate change, climate variability and air pollution.
    +60 38725 3434
    Environment Air Pollution atmospheric sciences air quality haze climate change
  • Dr Virginia Panizzo

    Ginnie is a freshwater ecologist and stable isotope geochemist whose work focuses on environmental change and biogeochemical cycling in aquatic ecosystems. In tandem with my research on algal proxies, I am interested in reconstructing the impact that humans and climate change have had on freshwater systems over the past 2000 years.
    Environment Geography Science Sustainable development goals Water climate change water quality pollution algae Deltas rivers lakes
  • Dr Georgios Kapogiannis

    Georgios is recognized as a world leading expert and researcher in Digital Innovation and Project Management in Architecture, Engineering and Construction sector. He held roles in Greece, United Kingdom, China and Middle East and United States of America. He is a BRE BIM Certified ISO19650 Trainer, a Certified Project Manager and currently is working as an Assistant Professor in Building Information Modelling (BIM) at The University of Nottingham Ningbo China and a V.Professor in Management Information Systems in the College of Business Administration at the University of Northern Iowa, USA.. He is also an Associate Member of the Center for Structural Engineering and Informatics at The University of Nottingham UK campus. In addition, He is the Acting Deputy Director of the Geospatial and Hazard Research Group at the same university.
    +86 574 8818 8806
  • Dr Jie Zhu

    1) Chinese energy policy study 2) Chinese building regulation assessment
  • Dr John Calautit

    Sustainable design of building and urban environment.
    Architecture and Built Environment Energy Engineering Environment energy modelling comfort air quality
  • Dr Khai Ching Ng

    My expertise is in developing novel simulation techniques for solving computational fluid and solid multi-physics problems (e.g. CFD, FEA). Main applications include free surface flow, energy harvesting, Fluid Structure Interaction (FSI) etc.
    Energy Engineering Environment Science Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD); Fluid Structure Interaction (FSI); Free surface flow; Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) meshless method particle method Software Development parallel computing
  • Dr Yue Tang

    Used to work as a Urban Designer and consultant for city planning, urban design, architecture design project in China, also have collaboration with staff in Chinese HE institutes and companies for teaching, research and also practical work.
    0115 95 13110
    Architecture and Built Environment Waterfront regeneration
  • Professor Lucelia Rodrigues

    My expertise is in sustainability and resilience in buildings and communities, and I have worked across the globe including China, India, Bangladesh, Vietnam, Malaysia, Myanmar, Saudi Arabia and Singapore.
    Architecture and Built Environment Energy Environment Governance Sustainable development goals
  • Professor Pau Loke Show

    Microalgae have recently attracted considerable interest worldwide, due to their extensive application potential in the renewable energy, biopharmaceutical, and nutraceutical industries. Microalgae are renewable, sustainable, and economical sources of biofuels, bioactive medicinal products, and food ingredients.
    Belt and Road Initiative Energy Engineering Environment Science agriculture biosciences life sciences pharmaceutical Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Water
  • Professor Tim Heath

    Extensive research and professional expertise in urban design, city planning, and heritage conservation especially in China for over 15 years. Some limited experience in Indonesia and Malaysia.
    Architecture and Built Environment Engineering Engineering architecture design urban built enviroment
  • Dr Chien Hwa Chong

    I am an innovation practitioner. I integrated innovation in teaching pedagogy and research projects. I worked on research related to drying of biomaterials, wastewater treatment process improvement, fluoride removal from wastewater and integrating phase change materials in concretes.
    Education Engineering Environment agriculture biosciences Water
  • Dr Christina Chin

    I have a wide range multi and interdisciplinary knowledge in project engineering management for sustainability & environmental impact industries, methodologies and energy management related aspect including green technology, security, and storage.
    Belt and Road Initiative Energy Environment Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
  • Dr Fang Yenn Teo

    Fang Yenn does research on Hydro-Environmental Engineering, Flood Risk Modelling, and Water Resources Management.
  • Dr Uditi Sen

    I am a historian of modern India who works on migration, gender, refugee memory and politics of nation-building. My book, Citizen Refugee, explores how refugees from Eastern Pakistan struggled to rebuild lives in India. I have also researched and published on Indian women's participation in nation-building, and the conflict between tribal and settler communities in the Andaman Islands.
    Environment Gender History War and security human rights Identity and Rights Sustainable development goals India South Asia refugee Bengal memory oral history Diaspora Feminism
  • Dr Luke Emeka Okafor

    Economic issues that relate to international trade, regional connectivity, digital transformation, tourism economics, development process, and industrial organization with a specific focus on how firms, industries, and countries respond to globalization and shocks. This includes investigating the interplay between digitalization, economic resilience, and performance as well as COVID-19 effects on firms, industries, and economies.
    +6 (03) 8725 3716
    Belt and Road Initiative Business and economy Cultures Education Energy Environment Gender Migration Trade Corruption Governance human rights Identity and Rights Sustainable development goals
  • Professor Michele Geraci

    15 years experience in China/Asia policy research, first as head of China at Global Policy Institute London, then head of China Economic Research af Nottingham Uni, Ningbo. Advised western Governments on China policy, trade policy, international relations, china-Eu, China-US relations, China-EU investment agreement.
    +86 139 6712 1554
  • Dr Punita Bhatt

    Entrepreneurship Education in Developing and Emerging Markets; Social Entrepreneurship/innovation in Asia; Empowerment of marginalised communities through entrepreneurship programmes; Women's Entrepreneurship; Community based entrepreneurship in cooperatives and social enterprises.
    Business and economy Environment Sustainable development goals agriculture

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