Undergraduate student in a tutorial with an academic

Your Liberal Arts staff

Meet Uditi Sen


Dr Uditi Sen - Associate Professor

My teaching is informed by my research and scholarship in history, South Asian politics, transnational migration, gender, queer studies, memory and identity.

Meet Heike Bartel


Professor Heike Bartel - Professor

I equip students with skills to critically evaluate the role of culture and associated political and historical contexts in developing good or poor health.

Meet Chris Thornhill


Dr Chris Thornhill – Teaching Associate

My teaching enables students to understand how the beliefs people hold, how we organise human societies, our relationship to the natural world, and the things we make and use, are all related.

Dr Edward Clough – Teaching Associate

My teaching and research are informed by interests in power and space, and their representation in film and literature, visual art and music, and everyday material culture. 

Academic links

All of our optional subject areas have an academic link to the liberal arts programme. They'll be able to help you with subject queries and modules in that area.

Personal tutor 

All liberal arts students have a personal tutor. They will support you on your:

  • general academic performance
  • personal professional development, for example, volunteering and study abroad opportunities
  • general emotional and welfare issues. As well as regular scheduled meetings they'll also be available anytime outside of these sessions if you want extra support. 

Across the university

The university has high-quality, dedicated student support services. They cover issues such as:

  • physical disabilities
  • learning needs such as dyslexia
  • finances
  • health
  • documentation.



Open Day June 2022