4. Volunteering in volume!
Our Alumni Volunteering managers have been keeping you occupied over the last couple of months, with the events coming thick and fast during February and March.
By our rough estimates we have supported our faculty staff in hosting no less than 50 events, fielding over 150 alumni to talk to over 2,000 students! A couple of highlights include:
- Inspiring Women in Engineering - groups of female undergraduate engineering students were mentored by female alumni to create an outreach activity around the theme of carbon neutrality to deliver to secondary school students. Around 75 students from four schools visited campus to take part and get a tour of some of the amazing engineering facilities at the Advanced Manufacturing Building.
- In partnership with Nottingham Trent University's Black Leadership Programme, students taking part in BICEP were invited to an evening of talks and networking focusing on student mental health at the institute of mental health.
All of our volunteers help to inspire current students to consider their future career options by sharing their own experiences and insights - we know how well regarded all of our alumni speakers are by the students who attend, and how grateful our faculty teams are too, so a big thank you as always to those of you who take part.
Inspired? Register your interest in our volunteering programme.