Once you have developed resilience, it is great to articulate it to employers. Demonstrating that you can adapt to change, be calm in a crisis, and problem-solve effectively under pressure will serve you well.
Employers appreciate self-awareness, adaptability, and emotional intelligence, often asking interview questions about when things have gone wrong to get real-life examples of how you managed.
Think of some anecdotes which best demonstrate these skills and use the STAR technique to explain the Situation, Task, Action, and Result of a problem that you faced. Employers may also assess your resilience in role plays at assessment centres, in situational judgement tests or even using gamification.
Your career journey may be a rollercoaster ride of highs and lows and will be affected by external changes such as those brought about by Brexit, Covid-19 and technological advancements.
Building your resilience will help you to navigate future change with confidence and success!