University and Alumni Challenge - 1280

University & Alumni Challenge

Last year, we joined together to make our first Giving Day a success. On 1-2 November, Nottingham Ambition Giving Day returns, with a new theme based on the university's motto: Sapientia urbs conditur, "A city is built on wisdom". So, we're holding a quiz!

With a variety of general knowledge and special rounds, buffet food, a cash bar and some fun prizes, you're guaranteed a good time! And we'll be celebrating all that we've achieved as we close the 2023 Nottingham Ambition Giving Day.

There's no fee to register – but as the quiz is in celebration of Giving Day we will ask if you would like to make a donation at the event.

You can register a team of up to six players, or register yourself to join one of our assembled-on-the-night teams. Or, if you can't join us in person you can join us for our online quiz. We hope to see you there!

Register your team