Nottingham University Business School
Participants from the Executive Programme in Strategic Technical Leadership listen to Dr Jeannie Holstein deliver a session. Jeannie stands at the front of the room and the participants sit in groups at tables with notepads, folders and cups.

The Executive Programme in Strategic Technical Leadership

This programme offers current strategic technical leaders the opportunity to develop key skills for the critical roles they hold in their organisations.


Participants will learn from guest speakers from across the UK higher education and research sector. Through cohort-based learning, individual reflection, and peer networking, participants will be equipped with skills to develop themselves as effective strategic technical leaders.

Through this programme you will:

  • gain an understanding of the UK higher education sector, its current affairs and the evolving landscape for technical staff
  • establish your ‘personal brand’ and professional identity to your networks
  • develop skills to influence key stakeholders within institutional structures

The video gives an introduction to what the programme offers, with images of technical staff at work.



The programme is delivered in partnership with:

Technician Commitment
ITSS logo - dark blue text stating 'UK Institute for Technical Skills & Strategy' with a stylised yellow and blue 'T' logo on the left hand side.




Who is it for?

This programme is for current and aspiring strategic technical leads from any UK higher education or research institution.

Programme fees for the 2025 cohort will be confirmed at a later date. These can be invoiced to your organisation.

A limited number of scholarships may be available and awarded upon acceptance to the programme.





Applications for our next cohort, which will begin in July 2025, will open from March 2025.

Applications require a supporting statement from a line manager and are assessed on the following criteria:

  • Potential for positive impact on career development
  • Enthusiasm for, and commitment to, personal development
  • Potential for positive impact on home institution or organisation
All participants from cohort 1 sitting around tables in a meeting room listening to a presentation during a residential


To register your interest in joining the next cohort or to find out more about the programme, please express your interest using our form:




KellyVere profile photo
This course presents a fantastic opportunity for current and aspiring technical leaders who operate at an institutional level in higher education and research. The course covers a range of key topics and includes insight and guest lectures from experts from across the sector. Participants have the opportunity to expand their knowledge, grow their skillset and network with sector professionals. 
Kelly Vere, University Director of Technical Strategy




Programme format

The next cohort of this programme will began in July 2025 and will include a break for the summer holidays. It will include:

  • two residentials - each lasts for three days and two nights and accommodation, meals and evening speaker sessions are all covered by the course fee
  • online interactive workshops between the two residentials


Participant stories

Find out more about the experiences of participants from our previous cohorts.

Participants from the first EPSTL cohort with members of the programme delivery team. They stand in a group on the shore of Jubilee lake with the side of a building and trees in the background.








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Executive Education

Nottingham University Business School
Jubilee Campus
