Quality Manual

Regulations for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) and Master of Philosophy (MPhil)

This page contains the regulations for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) and Master of Philosophy (MPhil). Its content is relevant to staff and students across all of the UK, China and Malaysia campuses.

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All teaching and assessment must be in English when students are registered for a University of Nottingham qualification. The only exception is where the subject of study is a language or literature other than English.

These regulations state the minimum requirements for students undertaking a PhD or MPhil. Where any other body, such as a sponsor or collaborative partner, is involved in a student’s study, additional requirements may be agreed and must be satisfied in order for the student to be considered for an award.


Admission requirements

1.   Requirements for admission to a research degree are set out in the University of Nottingham’s Quality Manual in the section entitled Admissions, which can be found here:



Course of study

Includes: frameworks; full-time students undertaking paid employment; counting same period of registration; staff submitting publications; submission by a staff candidate for a research degree document; part-time students

2.   Periods of registration for these degrees are as set out in the University of Nottingham Qualifications Framework (UNQF). For more information about the UNQF, please consult the following:

University of Nottingham Qualifications Framework

The student’s School may permit up to one year of registration at Nottingham (two years in the case of part-time students) to be replaced by prior study at another institution.

3.   Full-time students may only undertake paid employment with the permission of their School and in accordance with the requirements of any scholarship they hold. In approving a request to undertake such employment, a School must assure itself that such work will not interfere with the student’s programme of study.

4.   A student is not permitted to count the same period of registration for both the degree of MPhil and the degree of PhD. However, a student registered for an MPhil degree may, with the permission of their School, be allowed to transfer their registration to a PhD degree. The procedure for transferring registration is set out below in paragraphs 12 and 13 of the annual review and progression section. It is also possible to transfer from a Master’s degree by examination course to the degree of MPhil with the permission of the School.

5.   Members or former members of the University staff may submit publications for a research degree of the University but must do so in accordance with the published supplementary regulations for staff candidates.  The PhD by publication route is not available for candidates wishing to register at UNNC. 

6.   For part-time students registered on a standard research degree programme (i.e not a staff candidate route) and holding an appointment within the University, the minimum period of registration may be reduced to three years.


PGR Progression monitoring and formal Progression Review

Includes: confirmation review; minimum elements of a progression review; final progression review; possible outcomes

7.   All postgraduate researchers (PGRs) registered on research degrees lasting more than one year full-time or two years part-time (e.g. MPhil or Professional Doctorates but not MRes etc) are subject to progression monitoring throughout the year and formal assessment at Progression Review, usually annually. The purpose of progression monitoring and review is to ensure that the PGR is making satisfactory progress towards successfully completing their research and thesis examination (including any viva voce examination) to the required standard in the appropriate time. 

For more information on the maximum period from initial registration for completion of studies, please consult the following: 

Maximum period from initial registration for completion of studies

The basic principles of the formal Progression Review are common to all research candidates  and all years of their programme. There are specific requirements relating to PGRs registered for a PhD dependent on the length and stage of the candidate’s  programme of study.

For more information on the process and structure of PGR progression monitoring and review, please consult the following: 

8.   PGR progression monitoring occurs through regular meetings with the supervisory team beginning on first registration and continuing throughout the programme of study. The supervision records form part of the formal assessment in Progression Review at each Stage of study. 

If /when the supervisors feel that the PGR's progress during the year is unsatisfactory this must be discussed with the PGR and recorded in the supervison record.

All doctoral PGR's should aim to complete the thesis examination within a maximum of four years of first registration irrespective of programme duration, unless the PGR holds an award with terms and conditions that vary this maximum period and the School approves the arrangement.

For more detailed information about the informal and formal aspects of the Progression Review process for research students, please consult the following: 

Progression review of research students

9.   Stages of PGR Study and Progression, and timing of formal Progression Reviews 

Formal assessment of progression through the Progression Review will take place at a time appropriate for the PGR and/or aligned with a School annual process, but should normally be completed by the end of each completed year of study. It is strongly recommended that preparations for the formal Progression Review assessment (e.g. submission of the written report) should begin before the PGR has completed nine months of each year of study and that reviews are held around the nine-month period. This is to allow for any remedial actions on progress and required re-assessment to be completed within the year of study.

For PGRs registered for non-doctoral degrees (e.g. MPhil), progression from Stage 1 usually occurs after the first year of full-time study (with equivalent pro rata timing for part-time PGRs). For these PGRs Stage 2 can be omitted, and Stage 3 represents confirmation of satisfactory progression towards thesis completion and submission. This is determined by assessment of the PGR’s progress towards the level 7 QAA and UNQF outcomes at Stage 3 Progression review. 

For more information about the UNQF, please consult the following:

University of Nottingham Qualifications Framework

For doctoral PGRs on 3 and 3.5 year programmes:

In Stage 1, the status of doctoral PGRs as doctoral candidates is probationary. Progression Review to Stage 2 includes confirmation that 1) the PGR is meeting the appropriate published criteria  and 2) their status as doctoral candidates. 

For more information about Assessment criteria for Progression Reviews, please consult the following:

Stage 2 Progression Review confirms the PGR has demonstrated sufficient progress to achieve the doctoral outcomes within the next 12-18 months with reference to the published criteria. Stage 3 Progression Review confirms the achievement of progress sufficient to meet the doctoral outcomes at thesis examination within 6 months. Progression to Stage 3 will therefore normally occur approximately 6 months before the end of the period of registered study.


For doctoral PGRs on 4 year programmes containing a large component of mandatory elements in the first year of registered study, such as substantial training and development requirements, taught modules, or laboratory / research project rotations, Stage 1 Progression Review should take place at the most appropriate time for the PGR depending on the programme, but prior to the end of the second year (and the review processes thereafter on an annual basis). Subsequent Progression Reviews are scheduled at the same intervals/times as for 36 and 42 month programmes as above.

The formal assessment at Stage 3 Progression Review is expected to be held at least 6 months before the end of the period of registered study with a view to thesis examination within this period. If progress is insufficient for thesis submission within the period of registered study, a further Stage 3 Progression Review may take place during the Thesis-pending period. 

For more information about the Thesis-pending period, please consult the following:

Thesis-pending period

The Stage 3 Progression Review can be conducted by the supervisory team but should not be conducted by a single supervisor. It is strongly recommended that where possible the Internal Assessor is also involved in the Stage 3 Progression Review for continuity and quality assurance purposes.

For more information on required timelines for Progression Review and timings, please consult the following:

Progression review of research students

10.   Minimum elements of the formal assessment at Progression Review

Progression Reviews at Stages 1 and 2 must involve an Internal Assessor. Continued involvement of the Internal Assessor is recommended at Stage 3 Progression Review. The appointment of the Internal Assessor should be confirmed to the PGR and School at least 3 months prior to the start of the Stage 1 formal Progression Review process. More than one Internal Assessor may be appointed if required for specific reasons.

For more information on role, responsibilities and appointment of the Internal Assessor, please consult the following:

Role and responsibilities of the Internal Assessor

Progression Reviews at Stages 1 and 2 should use the core Review elements below, and may include additional methods of assessment deemed necessary by Schools, to assess progress to date against the Stage appropriate published criteria. When including additional elements Schools must pay due regard to PGR and Assessor assessment load.  

For more information about Assessment criteria for Progression Reviews, please consult the following:

The following elements should be included in the formal Progression Review process:

  • A meeting between the PGR and Internal Assessor for assessment of the written report and plans for the research. 
  • Formative verbal feedback on performance from the Internal Assessor at the end of the meeting, whether performance was good or poor; 
  • Independent written assessments from the Internal Assessor and supervisory team on the PGR’s performance to date, and a response from the PGR. 
  • Confirmation that the required minimum number of supervision sessions has taken place, that supervision records are available, and that these record the progress made to date highlighting any problems encountered.
  • Where required for the programme, provision of evidence to the Internal Assessor that the PGR has attended any modules and passed any assessments that form a compulsory part of their research programme.
  • Where the PGR is sponsored and reports have been submitted to the sponsor during the year, the content of those reports should form part of the consideration.

For more detail on the requirements on the different aspects of the Progression Review, please consult the following:

Progression review of research students

The Stage 3 Progression Review can be conducted by the supervisory team but should not be conducted by a single supervisor. It is however strongly recommended that where possible the Internal Assessor is involved in the Stage 3 Progression Review. 

Progression Review at Stage 3 (progression to thesis examination) must include all the elements above with the following additions and adjustments to assess progress towards achievement of doctoral outcomes:

  • a detailed consideration of progress, including the progress already made on writing the thesis, and a detailed plan for thesis completion and submission within the period of registered study. 
  • If submission within the registered period of study for the programme (for 36 or 42 month programmes) is not deemed possible based on progress to date, then plans should address how the PGR will ensure final thesis examination within a maximum of 4 years (for doctoral PGRs) from first registration. This should include discussion of any exceptional circumstances, unforeseen problems and mitigations that have been necessary to ensure progression and timely completion. 

If a PGR has extenuating circumstances which may affect their attendance at or performance in the Progression Review, they should refer to the policy and procedure for extenuating circumstances to request an extension to the date set for the Progression Review.

For more information on circumstances affecting the ability to complete the Progression Review assessment, please consult the following: 

Policy on circumstances affecting students' ability to study and complete assessments 

11.   Formal Progression Review recommendations 

For PGRs undergoing Progression Review at all Stages:

  • In light of the review at Stages 1 and 2, the internal assessor and the supervisory team should first provide independent reports on the PGR's progress. The PGR should be invited to respond to these reports. The reports and response should be discussed and a joint recommendation on progress made to the PGR’s Head of School on the outcome.
  • If the Internal Assessor and supervisory team cannot agree on the recommendation, the supervisory team and Internal Assessor should discuss the review with the Head of School in order to reach an agreement. The PGR should also be aware of such discussions, and where appropriate be included in them.  

For more information on resolution of Progression Review outcomes please consult the following:

Progression review of research students

For probationary doctoral PGRs at Stage 1 review:

  • As above, including whether the joint recommendation includes confirmation of PhD registration to the PGR’s Head of School.

For doctoral PGRs at Stage 3 review: 

  • As above, including an additional statement on whether plans for thesis completion are sufficiently robust to result in completion of a thesis of the required quality and examination within the period of registered study, OR if not, completion of a thesis of the required quality and examination within a maximum of 4 years from initial registration. 

All reports on the outcome of the Review, and all supervision records should be available to the assessing staff and the PGR. 

12.   The possible outcomes of formal Progression Review

Where the Supervisory team and Internal Assessor recommendations agree, the joint recommendation to the University can be either:

That the PGR progresses to the next stage:

    • For Stage 1 PhD PGRs, this includes confirmation of PhD status. 
    • For all Stages, this means re-registration in the following academic session on the same degree (unless the PGR has reached the end of the registered length of the programme).
    • For PGRs in Stage 3 who have reached the end of their period of registered study and who have satisfied the minimum period of registration and completed their research, the recommendation will be entry to the thesis completion and submission period.  
    • For PGRs at all Stages: With the agreement of the PGR, the recommendation in the joint report can be to transfer registration to another, usually higher, degree (e.g. from MPhil to PhD). 

For more information on the necessary process required before transfer, please consult the following:

Progression review of research students


That the PGR does not progress to the next stage and has an opportunity for reassessment:

  • At all Stages, this recommendation includes a referral for reassessment. The PGR is registered/re-registered for PhD in the following academic session. Stage 1 PGR's remain on probationary status until successful re-assessment and confirmation of Stage 1 progression. 
  • For Stage 3 PGRs who have made insufficient progress to allow them to meet the doctoral outcomes within the following 6 months, the assessors may recommend a reassessment of the PGR's ability to meet the doctoral outcomes after 3 months, with a plan of supportive or corrective action. 
  • For Stage 3 PGR's who have made insufficient progress in the research to allow them  to meet the doctoral outcomes and submit the thesis for examination within the following 6 months, the assessors may recommend an exceptional extension to the PGR’s period of registration for up to one further year. Reassessment for progression to Stage 3 should be done after no more than 6 months. Thesis completion and examination are still expected within the 4 year maximum period.
  • The maximum number of Progression Reviews at any stage is limited to two unless extenuating circumstances are accepted, in which case a further First Sit Progression Review may be conducted.

In these cases, supervisory records must be kept, and should be available for the re-assessment. 


That the PGR does not progress to the next stage, and:

  • At all Stages, and with the agreement of the PGR, the PGR transfers to registration for another degree (e.g. from PhD to MPhil, or MPhil to MRes) without the need for re-assessment. In this case formal transfer of degree must be done. 

The reasons for a recommendation for reassessment or registration on another degree must be explained to the PGR as soon as possible. When reassessment is required, the specific requirements for improvement must be made clear. Where the Internal Assessor is likely to make this recommendation, this should be fed back verbally at the Progression Review meeting.

The supervisory team can be invited to attend the Progression Review for the informal feedback from the Internal Assessor.

If the independent recommendations from the Supervisory team and Internal Assessor disagree, this should be resolved by discussion, which may involve the Head of School or delegate. Once resolved, the processes for ‘Progression recommended’ or ‘Progression not recommended’ should be followed. 

For further details on the resolution process in the event of such a disagreement, please consult the following.

Progression review of research students

13.   Reassessment of progression

When reassessment is required before progression can be confirmed, PGRs must be given the requirements for improved performance with SMART objectives/goals, and agree with the assessors an appropriate and defined timeframe in which to meet these. The PGR must be aware of the possible outcomes of the reassessment process (Section 14) and must receive support in achieving the required improvements.

Reassessment of progression has the same format as the Progression Review. 

For further information on the requirements and processes for PGRs recommended for remedial support and reassessment, please consult the following:

Progression review of research students

14.   The possible outcomes of re-assessment Progression Reviews are:

If performance in the re-assessment meets the stated criteria, and the required improvement has been made as agreed by the assessors, the recommendation by the School to the University should be that:

  • For Stage 1 PhD, PGRs receive confirmation of doctoral status. 
  • At all Stages, the PGR is re-registered on the same degree.
  • PGRs in Stage 3 who have reached the end of their period of registered study and who have satisfied the minimum period of registration and completed their research enter the thesis completion and submission period.  

If performance in the re-assessment does not meet the criteria and the required improvement has not been achieved as agreed by the supervisory team, Internal Assessor and PGR, the recommendation by the School to the University should be that, for all PGRs at all stages:

  • the PGR is required to re-register on another, usually lower degree (e.g. PhD to MPhil, MPhil to MRes). 


  • the PGR’s registration be terminated. 

Termination of registration can only be recommended when supported by evidence that the PGR has received written warnings on lack of progress during the period of study, and the period of supported improvement. In all such cases, all records of supervisory meetings and the Progression Review process must be submitted to QSC for scrutiny and approval before termination of registration.


Thesis-pending period

Includes: exceptional circumstances; Application for an Extension to the Thesis-pending Period document; examples that would/not warrant an extension

15.   Students whose programme of study lasts for less than 4 years (8 years in the case of part-time students) and who have completed their research and the period of registered study as required by regulations may enter the thesis-pending period. In all cases the thesis must be submitted within 4 years (full-time) or 8 years (part-time) of the start of study or within 12 months (full-time) or 24 months (part-time) of the end of registration, whichever is the lesser unless the terms and conditions of a studentship held by an individual vary this.

In the Thesis-pending period the student will be entitled to the use of library facilities and University computing facilities but not to facilities for research. The PGR and supervisors must continue to meet regularly, in line with minimum requirements. Supervisors must read and comment on one draft of the candidate’s thesis prior to each submission (as appropriate), when submitted within the required timeframes for feedback to be given.

More information on the Thesis-pending period can be found here:

Thesis-pending period (including Policy on extension)

16.   In exceptional circumstances an extension to the Thesis-pending period may be granted subject to the following conditions.  Requests for extensions will only be considered as a result of circumstances affecting the Thesis-pending period, and not for the period of registered study. If an extension request is granted, the fee listed in the University's Fees Schedule will be payable.

More information on tuition fees and the University's fees schedule can be found here:

Student fees and finance

(a)   Applications for an extension to the Thesis-pending period should be submitted to a Student Service Centre or equivalent for consideration on behalf of the University, using the application form available from here.

Thesis-pending period (including Policy on extension)

(b)   Other than in exceptional circumstances applications will only be considered if received by a Student Service Centre no less than 3 months in advance of the Thesis-pending period.

(c)   All applications require the support of the student's School.

All applications should include a plan detailing:

  • which thesis chapters are complete
  • what work remains to be done on incomplete chapters
  • a time-line for the completion of outstanding work and a date for submission of the completed thesis.

17.   Acceptable and unacceptable circumstances:

The following circumstances may result in an extension being granted:

  • Exceptional personal circumstances (e.g. illness, hospitalisation, accident) if significantly impacting on the writing-up process (or resubmission/minor corrections process relating to paragraph 37 below)
  • Maternity
  • Paternity
  • Death of a close relative, or illness of a close relative where the student is the carer
  • Illness or death of a partner
  • Prolonged jury service
  • Expeditions for sport of national significance (providing the extension is acceptable to the student’s funding body)
  • Requirement for a student to undertake military service.

The following are examples of circumstances which would not normally warrant an extension:

  • Taking up employment during the Thesis-pending period or resubmission/minor corrections process relating to paragraph 37 (of the Extension to a resubmission period or of time allowed for minor corrections section below)
  • voluntary service overseas.

Submission of thesis

Includes: after registered study and before conclusion of Thesis-pending period; notification of submission; soft bound copies and electronic versions of thesis; role of proof readers; alternative formats for thesis submission; key documents

18.   Students are required to submit a thesis for examination after their period of registered study and before the conclusion of the Thesis-pending period. A student must give formal notice to their School of their intention to submit their thesis. The School should ensure that a Student Service Centre or equivalent office is informed so that the procedure for appointing examiners can be initiated.

19.   An electronic version saved as a searchable PDF, should be submitted to a Student Services or equivalent in a form prescribed by the University, which will forward the thesis to the Examiners. Soft bound copies may be required. PGRs are encouraged to publish papers in advance of submission of their thesis and prior publication of papers arising from the research being undertaken should not prejudice the assessment of the thesis.

20.   The thesis must be written by the student and be the result of the student’s own work. It must be the result of work done mainly while the student is registered as a student of this University. This requirement does not preclude a student obtaining limited assistance with proof-reading and with the routine collection and/or processing of data under guidelines and instructions clearly devised by the student. When such help is obtained it should be with the prior approval of the supervisor who must be satisfied that the spirit of the 'own work' requirement is not breached.

The Role of Proofreaders

A proofreader may only ensure that the meaning of the author is not misrepresented due to the quality and standard of the English used. This can include correcting spelling and basic grammar errors. Inaccuracies in academic content should not be corrected nor should the structure of the piece of work be changed; doing so may result in a charge of plagiarism. 


At UNM, generally, a thesis should have a minimum of 10,000 words. The Senate or the equivalent authority in the University can use its discretion in cases where a thesis does not comply with the word limit but meets all other requirements.  Flag of Malaysia


21.   The thesis should not be more than 100,000 words in the case of PhD or 60,000 words in the case of MPhil (in both cases inclusive of appendices, footnotes, tables, and bibliography); the University may withhold from examination a thesis that exceeds these word limits.

22.   Alternative formats for submission may apply. For certain doctorates (Music, Creative Writing, Drama and Performance Practice as Research, Translation Studies) an appendix detailing submission requirements is available. For more information, please consult the following:

Alternative formats for thesis submission

Submission by Published Works may also be permitted.

23.   Students may offer performance work for assessment alongside the thesis as supplementary evidence for the ideas and arguments put forward in written form. Where such evidence is submitted, a permanent record of that evidence should be included with the version of the thesis that is lodged in the University Library.

24.   If a thesis includes work which is politically, commercially or industrially sensitive, the student’s School may apply to the University for access to the thesis in the University libraries to be restricted. The restriction may be for a period not exceeding two years in the first instance with the possibility of an extension of that period up to a maximum of five years.

More information on the assessment of research students can be found here:


25.   In circumstances where it is appropriate to the student’s discipline, students are required to submit all data collected during the period of study as a research student of this University to their School prior to arrangement of the viva voce examination. Failure to do so may mean that the thesis is withheld from examination.



Includes: examiner submission of independent report; viva voce examination; alternative forms of examination; attendance

26.   The Examiners should submit independent reports on the thesis to a Student Service Centre or equivalent or the Head of School before the viva voce examination takes place. The reports should contain a full and frank assessment of the merits and weaknesses of the thesis. In the case of MPhil students, the reports should indicate whether a viva voce examination is necessary. If it is found not to be necessary, the Examiners should provide a recommendation as set out in Regulation 35 of the Outcomes of Examinations section on a Joint Report Form.

More information on Examiners can be found here:

Role and appointment of Examiners

27.   The School should seek to ensure that the viva voce examination takes place within 3 months of the submission of the thesis. The viva voce examination will normally take place at the University and in person. However, the Head of School or delegate may give permission in appropriate circumstances for the viva voce examination to be held in another location or through digital means, provided agreement of the Examiners and the student is obtained and the proposed location/format is one that is deemed by them all to be suitable for the purpose. The Head of School or delegate will confirm that the necessary conditions for a remote or online viva have been met when signing the Nomination of PGR Examiners form.

28.   If circumstances allow or demand it, a viva voce examination may be organised in another form (e.g. by video conference/other online platform). Before agreeing such an arrangement the School must check that appropriate facilities for an online viva voce examination are available to all participants, and shall ensure they have written confirmation that the student and the Examiners have agreed to the proposal. 

Hybrid viva conditions, with some participants together and some remotely situated, should be avoided where possible. If this format is required, if and where possible, the candidate should be co-located with either the Internal Examiner or Independent Chair. Vivas with only the candidate located remotely are not permitted. If an online format of the viva voce is agreed by all parties, this cannot subsequently be used as grounds for a appeal. No evidence based on recordings of the viva will be permissible in any appeal process.

29.   An Independent Chair is not a requirement for a viva voce examination unless specific circumstances apply, such as conducting the viva online. The candidate or Head of School may request the appointment of an Independent Chair. An independent, non-examining chair must be appointed to preside over proceedings when specific circumstances apply, including at the request of the PGR.

If the PGR requests an Independent Chair on grounds of equality and diversity, they may also request that the appointment takes the diversity of the examining team into consideration.  

When appointed, the Independent Chair will lead the viva, be present throughout and will provide a short report on the conduct of the viva. They will not take an active role in the examination or decision making other than supporting examiners to reach a decision with reference to the University of Nottingham Qualifications Framework/ QAA Framework for Higher Education Qualifications Award Descriptors.

Where the appointment of an Independent Chair is not required or requested, Schools should find alternative ways of assuring fairness and consistency which are acceptable to the student.

30.   The Head of School has a right to attend the viva voce examination of any research student in their School, as an observer, unless they are the student's supervisor when a deputy may be appointed to attend in their place. Before the viva voce examination takes place the Head of School should first inform the Examiners, the Independent Chair (if appointed) and the PGR that they wish to attend. The Examiners may request that the Head of School attend a viva voce examination. 

Supervisors may not attend the viva voce examination. If concerns about process or PGR support or performance are raised, an Independent Chair or the Head of School should attend.  

If the viva voce is held online, the candidate may request that they have a supporter/observer present with them either for the entire viva or for the communication of the decision. This individual must not contribute to or participate in the viva in any way and must be introduced to all participants on camera at the start.

31.   The viva will include questions and discussions that determine whether the candidate has achieved the required doctoral outcomes.

For more information about the UNQF, please consult the following:

University of Nottingham Qualifications Framework

This will normally include questions and discussion designed to ascertain that the thesis embodies the candidate’s own research; clarify aspects of the research presented in the thesis to ensure understanding; test the candidate’s general comprehension of the field of study within which the subject of the thesis falls; test the candidate’s acquaintance with the general literature of the subject, and knowledge of the relation of the work to the wider field of which it is a part; and determine the respects in which the work advances, modifies, or otherwise affects the wider field of scholarship.


Outcomes of Examination

Includes: completion of joint report form; frameworks; possible outcomes; resubmission; successful candidates

32.   Following the viva voce examination the Examiners should complete and sign the joint report form and come to agreement of the recommendation on the award (or not) of the degree. The student should be given immediate informal feedback on the recommended outcome of the examination and should be advised that more formal details will be transmitted later in writing. If the Examiners recommend that the degree should not be awarded and/or that the student should also be required to resubmit for the same or a different degree, the student should be provided with copies of the Examiners' reports. The Internal Examiner should also write to the student formally conveying the joint views of the Examiners on the submission, describing in detail the academic and presentational reasons for their recommendation, and (if appropriate) providing clear advice about what matters should be addressed in any resubmission. 

33.   Research degrees will be awarded at Masters or Doctoral level to students who have demonstrated that they satisfy the relevant qualification descriptors contained in the University of Nottingham Qualifications Framework (UNQF). For more information about the UNQF, please consult the following:

University of Nottingham Qualifications Framework

34. The Examiners may recommend to the University the following outcomes of examination:

  • Award of degree for which the student is registered, or
  • Award of the degree subject to correction of typographical errors within one month
  • Award of the degree subject to minor amendments to be completed within 3 months*, or
  • Require the candidate to attend a second viva voce examination and resubmit the same thesis (which may be subject to minor amendments to be completed within 3 months*), or
  • Resubmit the thesis in a revised form within 12 months with/without attending a second viva voce examination, or
  • That no degree be awarded and that the candidate is not allowed to present themself again for examination for the degree for which the thesis was submitted.

35.   Where a thesis has been resubmitted and/or a second viva voce examination has occurred, the Examiners may recommend to the University the following outcomes of examination:

  • Award of degree for which the student is registered, or
  • Award of the degree subject to correction of typographical errors within one month, or
  • Award of the degree with minor amendments to be completed within 3 months to the satisfaction of the internal examiner*, or
  • (in the case of PhD students) Award of degree of MPhil without further conditions, or
  • (in the case of PhD students) Award of the degree of MPhil with minor amendments to be completed within 3 months*
  • No degree awarded and no further examination opportunity.

* Exceptionally, where a student has been previously registered as a part-time student and it has been demonstrated that circumstances exist such that it would be in the best interests of that student, the examiners may recommend that the degree be awarded subject to minor amendments being completed within 6 months. 

36.   The joint report form is forwarded by the Examiners to the Head of School and they shall forward the independent and joint report forms to a Student Service Centre for approval by the University. The Student Service Centre or equivalent will inform the student of the University's decision.

37.   Successful candidates will be eligible to graduate once their thesis has been uploaded to the University’s etheses service and approved by the Internal Examiner or, in cases where there are two External Examiners, the lead External Examiner.


Extension to a resubmission period or of time allowed for minor corrections

38.   In exceptional circumstances an extension to the resubmission period or of time allowed for minor corrections may be granted using the procedure in paragraphs 15-16 in the Thesis-pending period section above. Regular supervisory meeting should continue to take place as outlined in paragraph 15 of these regulations.
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This content was last modified on 25 June 2024

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