Services for Students


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If you graduated before 2002, we will only confirm the title and level of your final qualification and the date of your graduation. If you graduated in or after 2002, we can provide a transcript of the marks you obtained while you were at University. Please request your document by selecting the relevant transcript in the Student Documents and Letters section of the Online Store.

Please note that there may be occasions when we do not have a comprehensive set of marks for each stage of your course. If we are unable to produce a full transcript for you, we will confirm your degree title, degree class and the date that you were officially awarded a degree and give you a full refund.

If you are a former International Mobility Student (Study Abroad, Universitas 21, International Exchange or Socrates Erasmus) you should order your transcript from the International Office.


You are disabled under the Equality Act 2010 if you have a physical or mental impairment that has a ‘substantial’ and ‘long term’ negative effect on your ability to do normal daily activity.

Many people who don’t think of themselves as disabled can access support from our office/service – unseen medical or mental health conditions are included, and so are Specific Learning Differences like dyslexia, dyspraxia and ADHD.



The Counselling Service is available, free of charge, to all registered undergraduate and postgraduate students and to all University staff.


When you are experiencing problems it can be helpful to talk about them with someone else. You might turn to a friend or family member, but there are times when it can also be useful to talk to an impartial person such as a counsellor who is experienced in helping you to think about your difficulties when you are feeling stressed or distressed.

Your counsellor will help you to reflect on your situation and to think about your needs and possible choices.

A Counselling Consultation offers you the opportunity to talk about concerns in a way that's different to talking to someone you are close to. A counsellor can help you get perspective on the situation, and it can feel easier to express yourself.

Making an appointment to see a counsellor is a decision only you can make, even when someone has recommended it to you.


The counselling service is based at The Orchards on University Park and Main Building on Sutton Bonington.  We are a Sutton Bonington three times a week.

Your initial session can be conducted in-person, over the phone or MS Teams depending on availability and your preference.


If you want to book a counselling consultation, visit the the University Counselling Service webpages.



The Counselling Service takes confidentiality very seriously. All client information is treated in confidence. This means that we do not disclose verbal or written information without your permission or consent.

Where you have given consent to a third party (non-UoN) body i.e. police etc to have access to your notes, you will be invited in prior to their release to review them and to be advised of the potential emotional implications.

The only exceptions are where there is a legal obligation to disclose information (which is very rare) or when a member of the service believes the client or other people are at serious risk. In these circumstances we will seek your consent to pass on concerns before information is disclosed.

Once you have graduated from the University of Nottingham, you may be required to provide evidence of your degree. We can produce a degree confirmation letter that will prove that you have studied here and verify your degree result. To request this document select Confirmation of Degree Letter in the Online Store
You can apply for a duplicate certificate and/or diploma supplement. Please visit the Online Store and select the relevant option from the Student Documents and Letters section.
The student's name on the degree certificate should match the student's official record as held by the University. This is the definitive record of the student and their achievement. This information is used for the production of graduation proceedings and degree certificates and names are not normally changed after Graduation unless a spelling or administrative error has been made.

However, the University is aware of its responsibilities under the Gender Recognition Act 2004 and Equality Act 2010. In circumstances where an individual has corrected their name as a result of gender reassignment, and the individual asks the University to reissue a degree certificate showing this name, this request will be granted upon production of proof of name.

Individuals will also be asked how they want their official University record to be reflected for the future and the record will be updated accordingly. Individuals will be required to return their original degree certificate before a new degree certificate will be issued. Changes of name on a degree certificate post-graduation in other circumstances will not be permitted.

Contact the Student Service Centre team to request a change of name.

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