Services for Students

Paying gas and electricity bills

Gas and Electricity bills tend to be the largest of all utility bills. When you move into your house you should do the following:

  • ask the landlord for details of the current supplier - if they don't know you can use the numbers below to find out:

Gas - 0870 608 1524                Electricity - 0845 601 5972

  • read the meter and tell the current supplier as soon as possible - you don't want to be paying for the previous tenants usage!
  • use comparison websites to find the right deal for your household
  • put everyones name on the bill so you are all liable


Tips to help reduce costs

As the cost of gas and electricity keeps on increasing you will need to try to keep the bills affordable.  Here are some tips:

  • Don't leave electrical appliances on standby
  • Switch off appliances at the plug socket
  • Use the washing machine on a low setting such as 30c or 40c
  • If you buy an electrical applicance look at its energy efficiency rating - A is the most efficient
  • When you boil a kettle boil only use the amount of water you actually need
  • Reduce the heating thermostat/temperature gauge and put on a jumper! - You can save about 3% on your heating bill for every degree  you turn down your thermostat.
  • Limit your time in the shower
  • Switch off the light when you leave a room


Moving out

When you move out of the house call your energy supplier to let them know you are leaving, and more importantly, give them the final meter readings.

Make sure you give them a forwarding address for the final bill. 

It is very important that you do this so you don't end up paying part of the new tenants bills!


Student Services

University Park

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