On this webpage, you’ll find details of the support funds available. Make sure you read through the information carefully, including the evidence required to support your application. We want to process applications as quickly as possible – a full picture of your financial situation helps us get funds where they are needed most.
Applications for 2024/25 will open on 1 October 2024
If you have already commenced your 2024/25 academic year (eg Medics, Vets) and are struggling financially please contact the team by raising an enquiry through the Student Enquiry Centre as you may be able to make an early application. Please read the guidance notes first as they advise the full eligiblity criteria.
For further information on the application process – including eligibility criteria, deadlines, available payments, outcome of decisions. Please carefully read our guidance notes before making an application.
Due to the number of applications received we aim to carry out assesements within three working weeks, once all supporting documents have been received.
Submitting an application without all supporting documents delays the assessment process for everyone, so please ensure you submit everything needed at the point of application - see the video and documents needed.
Applications without all required evidence may be marked as unsuccessful, and closed.