
Learning how to manage your money is a crucial part of university life and this may be the first time you’re experiencing financial independence. This webpage includes suggestions as to how you might manage your finances whilst studying.

If you are worried about your finances, please contact the Funding and Financial Support team.

Please note, if you are an international student, some of the suggestions below may not be relevant to you. 

Understanding your Budget modules

Work through the Understanding your Budget module in Moodle to learn about how different situations may impact your budget while you are a student. 

Fraud and scams

Learn about the most common types of scams and fraud and find out what you can do to stay safe by reading our Fraud and Scams webpage.

Living costs in Nottingham

Take a look at the possible expenses you may face when studying in Nottingham along with other considerations when planning your budget on our Living Costs in Nottingham webpage.

Food on a student budget

Food can be a of large part of your essential spend. Have a look at our page on food on a student budget .


Short of cash?

Have you claimed all possible student support?                            
Check you are in receipt of all possible financial support both from the Government and the university or the NHS where relevant.

Additional support is available to students with dependents including help with the cost of childcare.
Consider part-time work                                                                  

While studying must be a priority, many students find they can successfully hold down a part-time job alongside their studies.

Unitemps, the Careers and Employability Service (CES) recruitment agency for temporary work, offers opportunities to find work on campus and around Nottingham. The CES can also help you to prepare the perfect CV and give tips on job searching.

The CES is situated in the Portland Building, University Park.

Apply for additional support from the university                             
The university has several funds to help eligible students who find themselves struggling financially. Go to the Support funds webpage for more information.
Arrange an interest free overdraft on your bank account                  

High street banks are keen to get your custom - they expect students will become the high earners of the future and stick with them for life. To entice you in they offer students interest free overdrafts. Many students make use of the interest free overdraft to get them through term time and then work during the holidays to repay the debt.

If you haven't already got a student account with an interest free overdraft you could consider contacting your bank to talk about your options.

Are you eligible for state benefits?                                                

Most full time higher education students are not entitled to income related benefits, however certain groups may be able to make a claim. 

You may be eligible for Child Tax Credits if you are a student and have responsibility for a child.

Students' Union Advice team can help you work out if you qualify for any benefits. Students' Union Advice are situated in the Portland Building on University Park Campus.

Email: Student Union advice 




Are you a student with a child/children?

Childcare support fund                                                              
The university has a small fund to help with the cost of essential childcare whilst you are studying.  Visit the Support funds webpage for more information. All students can apply to this fund - Home, EU and International
Nottingham potential bursary                                                             
The university offers a bursary for home students with child or adult dependents. For more information go to the Bursaries and Scholarships webpage.
Additional allowances from the Government or NHS                         

Both the Government via Student Finance and the NHS offer additional funding depending on your personal circumstances. 

From Student Finance there is the:

  • Childcare grant
  • Parents Learning Allowance

From 2020 entry the NHS offers (in addition to student finance):

  • Training Grant
  • Parental Support
  • Regional Incentive
  • Specialist subject payment
  • Help with dual travel and accommodation costs
  • Exceptional Hardship Fund
State benefits                                                                                       

Students with children may be eligible for state benefits including Child Benefit and Child Tax Credits. 

Check the 'Are you eligible for state benefits' dropdown above.




Problems with student finance/Student Loans Company/NHS

Student Finance enquiry line/NHS student helpline                         

If you need to phone Student Finance England (SFE) then you can call them on +44 (0)300 100 0607. Calls will be free from a landline and also count towards free minutes packages on mobiles. If you have no free minutes, they will cost no more than a standard geographical call.

For Student Finance Wales, Northern Ireland or Student Awards Agency for Scotland (SAAS) please check their web pages for helpline numbers.

You can call the NHS Student Helpline on
+44 (0)300 330 1345

Talk to the financial support team                                                             

If you are finding it difficult to resolve a problem with Student Finance or the NHS please get in touch with the Funding and Financial Support team.

The Team are experienced in helping students resolve funding problems. During term-time we offer appointment sessions to support with more complex issues or queries.

You can find more information on our Talk to Us pages.

Is there any help while my funding is sorted?                                             

If your student funding is delayed through no fault of your own, then we may be able to offer a short term, interest-free loan from the Student Crisis Fund until your funding is through. 

Please note we will not lend money to cover accommodation costs or tuition fees. Please contact the Accommodation Office or your accommodation provider, or the Student Account Services team for fees to let them know your funding is delayed and to sort out a payment plan.


Worried about debt?

If you are worried about debt contact the Student Advice Centre, Portland Building, University Park for help and advice. Staff are trained debt advisors, experienced in helping students resolve debt problems.

Telephone SAC: 0115 84 68730

Email: Students' Union Advice

Need help with budgeting or sorting out your house bills?