Contact an Immigration Adviser

Immigration advisers

Our visa and immigration team has dedicated immigration advisers with a wealth of knowledge and experience.

Immigration advice is regulated by the Office of the Immigration Services Commissioner (OISC) and under the OISC code of ethics, the Visa and Immigration team are the only team at the University permitted to provide specialist immigration advice to applicants and students.

How to access support

You can connect with our team in different ways:



The UK is transitioning to a fully digital visa system. Visas longer than six months' duration are now issued as a digital status (eVisa). Biometric Residence Permits (BRPs) are no longer issued. Read more about how your visa will be issued and how to view and prove your immigration status. 

Your visa documents

Visa responsibilities

As a student visa holder, you have certain visa conditions and responsibilities while you are in the UK, under the UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) regulations. The University also has certain responsibilities as your immigration sponsor. 

Visa responsibilities


Visa application checking service

We offer a free, professional checking service for student visa applications for current students applying in the UK as well as their dependants. We strongly recommend that students extending their visa in the UK seek guidance from an adviser to check your application before submitting it online, so that it has the best possible chance of succeeding. Please follow the instructions on the checking service page prior to booking an appointment. 

We endeavour to answer specific questions you may have about other categories of visa (such as Skilled Worker), but we can only offer a full checking service for applications falling within our Student visa area of expertise. If you book an appointment to discuss working after studies, please be advised that while we can answer your questions on routes such as Graduate and Skilled Worker, we will be unable to give careers advice and will refer you to the specialist Careers and Employability Service for this. 

Offer holders should refer to our 10 steps guidance and visa application form guidance

Visa application checking service

Visa and Immigration Team

Book an appointment to meet with
an immigration adviser via video call

t: +44 (0)115 84 66125