
Courses available for home students

Search the list below to see what courses are currently accepting Clearing applications.

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You can find detailed information about our 2024 courses and Clearing options on the official UCAS website.
You can also contact our Admissions team on 0330 041 5590 for immediate assistance.


The quickest way to submit a Clearing application is to apply online through our home students application form. You can also call our Clearing hotline on 0330 041 5590, which is open until 6pm today (Thursday 15 August). 


Home application form



Available courses



Course name Entry requirements UCAS Code
Accountancy AAB (or A*AC or A*BB or A*A*D) N410
Adult Nursing CCC (or ADD  or BCD  or BBE  or ACE ) B740
Aerospace Engineering (BEng) ABB (or AAC or A*BC or A*AD if taking Physics or Further Mathematics) H402
Aerospace Engineering (MEng) ABB (or AAC or A*BC or A*AD if taking Physics or Further Mathematics) H400
Aerospace Engineering including an Industrial Year (BEng) ABB (or AAC or A*BC or A*AD if taking Physics or Further Mathematics) H40A
Aerospace Engineering including an Industrial Year (MEng) ABB (or AAC or A*BC or A*AD if taking Physics or Further Mathematics) H40B
Agricultural and Crop Science CCC (or ADD or BCD or BBE or ACE) D409
Agricultural and Livestock Science CCC (or ADD or BCD or BBE or ACE) D420
Agricultural Business Management CCC (or ADD or BCD or BBE or ACE) D40A
Agriculture CCC (or ADD or BCD or BBE or ACE) D400
American and Canadian Studies (Study Abroad) with Foundation Year BA CCD (or BCE  or ADE  or A*EE  or BDD) T70F
American and Canadian Studies Study Abroad CCC (or ADD or BCD or BBE or ACE) T704
American and Latin American Studies CCC (or ADD or BCD or BBE or ACE) TR7K
American Studies and English CCC (or ADD or BCD or BBE or ACE) QT37
American Studies and History CCC (or ADD or BCD or BBE or ACE) TV71
Ancient History CCC (or ADD or BCD or BBE or ACE) V110
Ancient History and Archaeology CCC (or ADD or BCD or BBE or ACE) VVC4
Ancient History and History CCC (or ADD or BCD or BBE or ACE)
Ancient History with Foundation Year CCD (or BCE  or ADE  or A*EE  or BDD) V11F
Animal Science CCC (or ADD or BCD or BBE or ACE) D320
Animal Science CCC (or ADD or BCD or BBE or ACE) D322
Archaeology and Classical Civilisation CCC (or ADD or BCD or BBE or ACE) QV84
Archaeology and Geography CCC (or ADD or BCD or BBE or ACE) LV74
Archaeology and History CCC (or ADD or BCD or BBE or ACE) VV14
Archaeology with Foundation Year CCD (or BCE  or ADE  or A*EE  or BDD) V40F
Architectural Enviroment Engineering including an Industrial Year ABB (or A*BC or AAC) K24B
Architectural Environment Engineering BCC (or ACD  or BBD  or ABE  or A*CE ) K240
Architectural Environment Engineering BCC (or ACD  or BBD  or ABE  or A*CE ) K241
Architectural Environment Engineering including an Industrial Year (BEng) BCC (or ACD  or BBD  or ABE  or A*CE ) K24B
Architectural Environment Engineering including an Industrial Year BCC (or ACD  or BBD  or ABE  or A*CE ) K24A
Architecture AAB (or A*BB or A*AC or A*A*D) K100
Architecture and Environmental Design AAB (or A*BB or A*AC or A*A*D) K320





Course name Entry requirements UCAS Code
Biochemistry BSc BBC (or ACC or ABD or A*BE or A*CD) C700
Biochemistry MSci BBC (or ACC or ABD or A*BE or A*CD) C703
Biochemistry and Genetics BSc BBC (or ACC or ABD or A*BE or A*CD) CC47
Biochemistry and Genetics MSci BBC (or ACC or ABD or A*BE or A*CD) CC4R
Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine BSc BBC (or ACC or ABD or A*BE or A*CD) C741
Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine MSci BBC (or ACC or ABD or A*BE or A*CD) C742
Biology BBC (or ACC or ABD or A*BE or A*CD) C100
Biology BBC (or ACC or ABD or A*BE or A*CD) C101
Biotechnology CCC (or BCD or BBE or ACE) J700
Biotechnology CCC (or BCD or BBE or ACE) J703





Course name Entry requirements UCAS Code
Cancer Sciences BBC (or ABD or A*BE) B131
Cancer Sciences BBC (or ABD or A*BE) B130
Chemical Engineering  BBB (or ABC or AAD or A*BD or A*AE)  H800
Chemical Engineering BBB (or ABC or AAD or A*BD or A*AE) H810
Chemical Engineering including an Industrial Year  BBB (or ABC or AAD or A*BD or A*AE) H81D
Chemical Engineering including an Industrial Year  BBB (or ABC or AAD or A*BD or A*AE) H81B
Chemical Engineering with Environmental Engineering  BBB (or ABC or AAD or A*BD or A*AE) H8H2 
Chemical Engineering with Environmental Engineering  BBB (or ABC or AAD or A*BD or A*AE) H8HF
Chemical with Environmental Engineering including an Industrial Year  BBB (or ABC or AAD or A*BD or A*AE) H8HD
Chemical with Environmental Engineering including an Industrial Year  BBB (or ABC or AAD or A*BD or A*AE)  HVH2
Chemistry  CCC (or ADD or BCD or BBE or ACE)  F100
Chemistry  CCC (or ADD or BCD or BBE or ACE)  F101
Chemistry and Molecular Physics  CCC  FF31
Chemistry and Molecular Physics  CCC  FFH1
Chemistry with a Year in Industry  CCC (or ADD or BCD or BBE or ACE)  F105
Chemistry with an International Study Year  CCC (or ADD or BCD or BBE or ACE) F103 
Child Nursing CCC (or ADD  or BCD  or BBE  or ACE ) B730
Civil Engineering  BBB (or ABC or AAD or A*BD or A*AE)  H201
Civil Engineering  BBB (or ABC or AAD or A*BD or A*AE)  H200
Civil Engineering Including an Industrial Year  BBB (or ABC or AAD or A*BD or A*AE)  H20A
Civil Engineering Including an Industrial Year  BBB (or ABC or AAD or A*BD or A*AE)  H20B
Classical Civilisation CCC (or ADD or BCD or BBE or ACE) Q820
Classical Civilisation and Philosophy CCC (or ADD or BCD or BBE or ACE) QV85
Classical Civilisation with Foundation Year CCD (or BCE  or ADE  or A*EE  or BDD) Q82F
Classics CCC (or ADD or BCD or BBE or ACE) Q800
Classics and English  CCC (or ADD or BCD or BBE or ACE)  QQ38
Computer Science BSc AAB (or A*AC or A*A*D or A*BB)  G400
Computer Science MSci AAB (or A*AC or A*A*D or A*BB)  G404
Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence with a Year in Industry AAB (or A*AC or A*A*D or A*BB)  G4GB
Computer Science Cyberphysical Systems BSc AAB (or A*AC or A*A*D or A*BB)  G408
Computer Science with Cyberphysical Systems MSci AAB (or A*AC or A*A*D or A*BB)  G409
Computer Science including International Year AAB (or A*AC or A*A*D or A*BB)  G406
Computer Science with a Year in Industry AAB (or A*AC or A*A*D or A*BB)  G407
Computer Science with Artificial Intelligence MSci AAB (or A*AC or A*A*D or A*BB)  G4G1
Computer Science with Artificial Intelligence BSc AAB (or A*AC or A*A*D or A*BB)  G4G7
Computer Science with Artificial Intelligence including International Year AAB (or A*AC or A*A*D or A*BB)  G4GA
Criminology CCC (or ADD or BCD or BBE or ACE) L316
Criminology and Sociology CCC (or ADD or BCD or BBE or ACE) 1L22





Course name Entry requirements UCAS Code
Economics AAB (or A*AC or A*BB or A*A*D) L100
Economics and Econometrics AAB (or A*AC or A*BB or A*A*D) L140
Economics and International Economics AAB (or A*AC or A*BB or A*A*D) L160
Economics and Philosophy AAB (or A*AC or A*BB or A*A*D) LV15
Economics with French AAB (or A*AC or A*BB or A*A*D) L1R1
Economics with German AAB (or A*AC or A*BB or A*A*D) L1R2
Economics with Hispanic Studies AAB (or A*AC or A*BB or A*A*D) L1R4
Education CCC (or ADD or BCD or BBE or ACE) X3BA
Electrical and Electronic Engineering BEng BBB (or ABC or AAD or A*BD or A*AE) H603
Electrical and Electronic Engineering MEng BBB (or ABC or AAD or A*BD or A*AE) H600
Electrical and Electronic Engineering including an Industrial Year BBB (or ABC or AAD or A*BD or A*AE) H60A
Electrical and Electronic Engineering including an Industrial Year BBB (or ABC or AAD or A*BD or A*AE) H60B
Electrical and Electronic Engineering including an Industrial Year BBB (or ABC or AAD or A*BD or A*AE) H60C
Electrical and Electronic Engineering with a Year Abroad BBB (or ABC or AAD or A*BD or A*AE) H606
Electrical and Electronic Engineering with a Year Abroad BBB (or ABC or AAD or A*BD or A*AE) H605
Electrical Engineering BEng BBB (or ABC or AAD or A*BD or A*AE) H622
Electrical Engineering MEng BBB (or ABC or AAD or A*BD or A*AE) H601
Electrical Engineering with a Year Abroad BBB (or ABC or AAD or A*BD or A*AE) H62W
Electrical Engineering with a Year Abroad BBB (or ABC or AAD or A*BD or A*AE) H62U
Electrical Engineering with a Year Abroad BBB (or ABC or AAD or A*BD or A*AE) H62V
Electrical Engineering with a Year in Industry BBB (or ABC or AAD or A*BD or A*AE) H62A
Electrical Engineering with a Year in Industry BBB (or ABC or AAD or A*BD or A*AE) H62B
Electrical Engineering with a Year in Industry BBB (or ABC or AAD or A*BD or A*AE) H62C
Electronic and Computer Engineering BBB (or ABC or AAD or A*BD or A*AE) H613
Electronic and Computer Engineering BBB (or ABC or AAD or A*BD or A*AE) H611
Electronic and Computer Engineering with a Year Abroad BBB (or ABC or AAD or A*BD or A*AE) H61Z
Electronic and Computer Engineering with a Year Abroad (Year 2)  BBB (or ABC or AAD or A*BD or A*AE) H61X
Electronic and Computer Engineering with a Year Abroad (Year 3) BBB (or ABC or AAD or A*BD or A*AE) H61Y
Electronic and Computer Engineering with an Industrial Year BBB (or ABC or AAD or A*BD or A*AE) H61G
Electronic and Computer Engineering with an Industrial Year BBB (or ABC or AAD or A*BD or A*AE) H61H
Electronic and Computer Engineering with an Industrial Year (Year 4) BBB (or ABC or AAD or A*BD or A*AE) H61I
Electronic Engineering BEng BBB (or ABC or AAD or A*BD or A*AE) H612
Electronic Engineering MEng BBB (or ABC or AAD or A*BD or A*AE) H610
Electronic Engineering with a Year Abroad  BBB (or ABC or AAD or A*BD or A*AE) H61W
Electronic Engineering with an Industrial Year BEng BBB (or ABC or AAD or A*BD or A*AE) H61A
Electronic Engineering with an Industrial Year MEng BBB (or ABC or AAD or A*BD or A*AE) H61C
Electronic Engineering with an Industrial Year (Year 3) BBB (or ABC or AAD or A*BD or A*AE) H61B
Electronic Engineering with Study Abroad Year (Year 2) BBB (or ABC or AAD or A*BD or A*AE) H61U
Electronic Engineering with Study Abroad Year (Year 3) BBB (or ABC or AAD or A*BD or A*AE) H61V
English  CCC (or ADD or BCD or BBE or ACE)  Q300
English and French  CCC (or ADD or BCD or BBE or ACE)  QR31
English with Foundation Year CCD (or BCE  or ADE  or A*EE  or BDD) Q30F
English and Hispanic Studies  CCC (or ADD or BCD or BBE or ACE)  QRH4
English and History  CCC (or BCD or BBE or ACE)  QV31
English Language and Literature  CCC (or ADD or BCD or BBE or ACE)  Q392
English Language and Literature with Foundation Year CCD (or BCE  or ADE  or A*EE  or BDD) Q39F
English and Philosophy CCC (or ADD or BCD or BBE or ACE) QV35
English with Creative Writing  CCC (or ADD or BCD or BBE or ACE)  Q3W8
Environmental Biology  CCC (or ADD or BCD or BBE or ACE)  C150
Environmental Biology  CCC (or ADD or BCD or BBE or ACE)  C152
Environmental Engineering  BBB (or ABC or AAD or A*BD or A*AE)  H806
Environmental Engineering  BBB (or ABC or AAD or A*BD or A*AE)  H805
Environmental Engineering including an Industrial Year  BBB (or ABC or AAD or A*BD or A*AE)  H808
Environmental Engineering including an Industrial Year  BBB (or ABC or AAD or A*BD or A*AE)  H80X
Environmental Science  CCC (or ADD or BCD or BBE or ACE)  F750
Environmental Science  CCC (or ADD or BCD or BBE or ACE)  F900





Course name Entry requirements UCAS Code
Film and Television Studies CCC (or ADD or BCD or BBE or ACE) W630
Film and Television Studies and American Studies CCC (or ADD or BCD or BBE or ACE) TW76
Film and Television Studies with Foundation Year CCD (or BCE  or ADE  or A*EE  or BDD) W63F
Finance Accounting and Management BBC (or ACC or ABD or A*BE or A*CD) NN34
Finance Accounting and Management with a Placement Year BBC (or ACC or ABD or A*BE or A*CD) NN3D
Financial Mathematics ADD (or ACE) G120
Food Science CCC (or BCD or BBE or ACE) D610
Food Science and Nutrition CCC (or BCD or BBE or ACE) D6B4
Foundation in Engineering and Physical Sciences CCD (or BCE  or ADE  or A*EE  or BDD)  H100
French Studies with Foundation Year CCD (or BCE  or ADE  or A*EE  or BDD) R12F
French and History CCC (or ADD or BCD or BBE or ACE) RV11
French and International Media and Communications Studies CCC (or ADD or BCD or BBE or ACE) RP19
French and Philosophy CCC (or ADD or BCD or BBE or ACE) RV15
French Studies CCC (or ADD or BCD or BBE or ACE) R120





Course name Entry requirements UCAS Code
Genetics BBC (or ACC or ABD or A*BE or A*CD) C400
Geography BSc CCC (or ADD or BCD or BBE or ACE) F800
Geography BA CCC (or ADD or BCD or BBE or ACE) L700
Geography with Business CCC (or ADD or BCD or BBE or ACE) L7N1
German CCC (or ADD or BCD or BBE or ACE) R220
German and Contemporary Chinese Studies BBC (or ACC or ABD or A*CD or A*BE) RT21
German and History CCC (or ADD or BCD or BBE or ACE) RV21
German with Foundation Year CCD (or BCE  or ADE  or A*EE  or BDD) R22F
Graduate Entry Medicine 2:2 A101





Course name Entry requirements UCAS Code
Health Promotion and Public Health CCC (or ADD  or BCD  or BBE  or ACE) B901
Health Sciences with Foundation Year CCD (or BCE  or ADE  or A*EE  or BDD) A30A
Hispanic Studies CCC (or ADD or BCD or BBE or ACE) R410
Hispanic Studies and History CCC (or ADD or BCD or BBE or ACE) VR14
Hispanic Studies with Foundation Year CCD (or BCE  or ADE  or A*EE  or BDD) R41F
History CCC (or ADD or BCD or BBE or ACE) V100
History and Contemporary Chinese Studies CCC (or ADD or BCD or BBE or ACE) VT11
History and East European Cultural Studies CCC (or ADD or BCD or BBE or ACE) VRD7
History and History of Art CCC (or ADD or BCD or BBE or ACE) VV31
History and Philosophy CCC (or ADD or BCD or BBE or ACE) VV51
History and Politics CCC (or ADD or BCD or BBE or ACE) VL12
History of Art CCC (or ADD or BCD or BBE or ACE) V350
History of Art and English CCC (or ADD or BCD or BBE or ACE) QV33
History of Art with Foundation Year CCD (or BCE  or ADE  or A*EE  or BDD) V35F
History with Foundation Year CCD (or BCE  or ADE  or A*EE  or BDD)  





Course name Entry requirements UCAS Code
Industrial Economics  BBC (or ACC or ABD or A*BE or A*CD) L1N1
Industrial Economics with Insurance BBC (or ACC or ABD or A*BE or A*CD) L1N3
International Management BBC (or ACC or ABD or A*BE or A*CD) N20A
International Media and Communications Studies CCC (or ADD or BCD or BBE or ACE) P900
International Media and Communications Studies with Foundation Year CCD (or BCE  or ADE  or A*EE  or BDD) P90F
International Relations and Asian Studies BCC (or ACD or BBD or ABE or A*CE) LT24
International Security Studies BCC (or ACD or BBD or ABE or A*CE)





Course name Entry requirements UCAS Code
Law A*AA (or A*A*B) M100
Law with French and French Law A*AA (or A*A*B) M1R1
Law with Spanish and Spanish Law A*AA (or A*A*B) M1R4
Liberal Arts CCC (or ADD or BCD or BBE or ACE)
Liberal Arts with Foundation Year CCD (or BCE  or ADE  or A*EE  or BDD) Y02F





Course name Entry requirements UCAS Code
Management  BBC (or ACC or ABD or A*BE or A*CD) N200
Mathematical Physics BCC (or ACD  or BBD  or ABE  or A*CE) F325
Mathematical Physics BCC (or ACD  or BBD  or ABE  or A*CE)
Mathematics ADD (or ACE) G100
Mathematics ADD (or ACE) G103
Mathematics and Economics ADD (or ACE) GL11
Mathematics International Study ADD (or ACE) G104
Mathematics with a Year in Industry ADD (or ACE) G106
Mathematics with a Year in Industry ADD (or ACE) G105
Medical Physiology and Therapeutics BCC (or ACD or BBD or ABE or A*CE)
Medicinal and Biological Chemistry CCC (or ADD or BCD or BBE or ACE)
Medicinal and Biological Chemistry CCC (or ADD or BCD or BBE or ACE) FC1R
Medicinal and Biological Chemistry with an Assessed Year in Industry ABB (or A*BC or AAC or A*AD) CF71
Microbiology CCC (or BCD or BBE or ACE)
Midwifery CCC (or ADD  or BCD  or BBE  or ACE ) B723
Modern European Studies CCC (or ADD or BCD or BBE or ACE)
Modern Language Studies CCC (or ADD or BCD or BBE or ACE)
Modern Language Studies with Foundation Year CCD (or BCE  or ADE  or A*EE  or BDD) T90F
Modern Languages CCC (or ADD or BCD or BBE or ACE)
Modern Languages (three Year) CCC (or ADD or BCD or BBE or ACE)
Modern Languages with Business CCC (or ADD or BCD or BBE or ACE) R9N1
Modern Languages with Foundation Year CCD (or BCE  or ADE  or A*EE  or BDD) R90F
Modern Languages with Translation CCC (or ADD or BCD or BBE or ACE)
Modern Languages with Translation with Foundation Year CCD (or BCE  or ADE  or A*EE  or BDD) 74QF
Music BA CCC (or ADD or BCD or BBE or ACE)
Music and Music Technology CCC (or ADD or BCD or BBE or ACE)
Music and Philosophy CCC (or ADD or BCD or BBE or ACE)
Music with Foundation Year CCD (or BCE  or ADE  or A*EE  or BDD) W30F





Course name Entry requirements UCAS Code
Natural Sciences  ABB (or A*AD or AAC or A*BC) FGC0
Natural Sciences ABB (or A*AD or AAC or A*BC) GFC0
Natural Sciences with International Study ABB (or A*AD or AAC or A*BC) FGY0
Natural Sciences with International Study ABB (or A*AD or AAC or A*BC) GFY0
Nutrition CCC (or BCD or BBE or ACE) B400
Nutrition and Dietics CCC (or BCD or BBE or ACE) B403





Course name Entry requirements UCAS Code
Pharmaceutical Sciences BBC (or ACC or ABD or A*BE or A*CD) B313
Pharmaceutical Sciences with a Year in Industry BBB (or A*AE or AAD or ABC or A*BD) B23B 
Pharmacy AAB (or A*AC or A*BB or A*A*D) B230 
Pharmacy with Integrated Foundation Training AAB (or A*AC or A*BB or A*A*D) B236
Philosophy CCC (or ADD or BCD or BBE or ACE) V500
Philosophy and Psychology CCC (or ADD or BCD or BBE or ACE) V505 
Philosophy and Theology CCC (or ADD or BCD or BBE or ACE) VV56 
Philosophy with Foundation Year CCD (or BCE  or ADE  or A*EE  or BDD) V50F 
Philosophy, Politics and Economics ABB (or A*AD or AAC or A*BC) VLL5 
Physics BCC (or ACD  or BBD  or ABE  or A*CE) F300
Physics CCC (or BCD or BBE or ACE) F303
Physics and Philosophy CCC (or BCD or BBE or ACE) FV35
Physics with a European Language CCC (or BCD or BBE or ACE) F3R9
Physics with a European Language CCC (or BCD or BBE or ACE) F3RX
Physics with a Year in Industry CCC (or BCD or BBE or ACE) F305
Physics with a Year in Industry CCC (or BCD or BBE or ACE) F306
Physics with Astronomy CCC (or BCD or BBE or ACE) F3F5
Physics with Astronomy CCC (or BCD or BBE or ACE) F3FM
Physics with Medical Physics CCC (or BCD or BBE or ACE) F350
Physics with Medical Physics CCC (or BCD or BBE or ACE) F371
Physics with Theoretical Astrophysics CCC (or BCD or BBE or ACE) F345
Physics with Theoretical Astrophysics CCC (or BCD or BBE or ACE) F346
Physics with Theoretical Physics CCC (or BCD or BBE or ACE) F340
Physics with Theoretical Physics CCC (or BCD or BBE or ACE) F344
Physics with Year in Computer Science  CCC (or BCD or BBE or ACE) F3G4 
Physics with Year in Computer Science  CCC (or BCD or BBE or ACE) F4G4 
Plant Biology CCC (or BCD or BBE or ACE) C202
Plant Biology CCC (or BCD or BBE or ACE) C204
Politics and American Studies CCC (or BCD or BBE or ACE) TL72
Politics and Economics BCC (or ACD or BBD or ABE or A*CE)  LL21
Politics and International Relations BCC (or ACD or BBD or ABE or A*CE) L290
Politics and Philosophy BCC (or ACD or BBD or ABE or A*CE) VL52 
Product Design and Manufacture BBC (or ACC or ABD or A*BE or A*CD) H700
Product Design and Manufacture BBC (or ACC or ABD or A*BE or A*CD) H715
Product Design and Manufacture including an Industrial Year BBC (or ACC or ABD or A*BE or A*CD) H71A
Product Design and Manufacture including an Industrial Year BBC (or ACC or ABD or A*BE or A*CD)
Product Design and Manufacture including an Integrated Study Abroad Year BBC (or ACC or ABD or A*BE or A*CD)
Product Design and Manufacture including an Integrated Study Abroad Year BBC (or ACC or ABD or A*BE or A*CD)
Psychology BBB (or A*CC  or ABC  or A*BD or A*AE  or AAD) C800 
Psychology BBB (or A*CC  or ABC  or A*BD or A*AE  or AAD) C803
Psychology and Cognitive Neuroscience BBB (or A*CC  or ABC  or A*BD or A*AE  or AAD) C850 





Course name Entry requirements UCAS Code
Religion, Culture and Ethics CCC (or ADD or BCD or BBE or ACE) 13V6 
Religion, Philosophy and Ethics CCC (or ADD or BCD or BBE or ACE) 86V4 
Religion, Philosophy and Ethics with Foundation Year CCD (or BCE  or ADE  or A*EE  or BDD) 86VF 
Russian and Contemporary Chinese Studies CCC (or ADD or BCD or BBE or ACE) RT71
Russian Studies CCC (or ADD or BCD or BBE or ACE) VRB7
Russian Studies with Foundation Year  CCD (or BCE  or ADE  or A*EE  or BDD) R700





Course name Entry requirements UCAS Code
Social Work  BBB (or ABC or A*CC or AAD or A*BD or A*AE) L509
Social Work  2:1 in an Honours degree L508
Sociology  CCC (or ADD or BCD or BBE or ACE) L300
Spanish and International Media and Communications Studies  CCC (or ADD or BCD or BBE or ACE) RP4X
Sport and Exercise Science  BBC (or ACC or ABD or A*BE or A*CD)
Statistics ADD (or ACE) G300 





Course name  Entry requirements  UCAS Code
Theology and Religious Studies CCC (or ADD or BCD or BBE or ACE) V610
Theology and Religious Studies with Foundation Year CCD (or BCE  or ADE  or A*EE  or BDD) V61F





Course name Entry requirements UCAS Code
 Veterinary Medicine and Surgery (April 2025 start)  BBB (or A*AE or AAD or A*CC or ABC or A*BD) D100 



Course name Entry requirements UCAS Code
Zoology BBC (or ACC or ABD or A*BE or A*CD) C300
Zoology BBC (or ACC or ABD or A*BE or A*CD)