A |
Adams, Gary | 0115 82 30901 | Associate Professor |  |
Adams, Emma | n/a | Assistant Professor in Health Promotion and Public Health |  |
Adamson, Sheila | 0115 82 31924 | Administrator |  |
Akhter, Kay | 0115 82 30796 | Senior School Administrator - Quality Assurance and Governance Compliance |  |
Alanazi, Ahmed | n/a | PhD Researcher |  |
Allsop, Mark | n/a | Digital Learning Support Administrator |  |
Alshahrani, Nouf | n/a | |  |
Al-Yahya, Emad | n/a | Assistant Professor |  |
Aminu, Habiba | n/a | Research Fellow |  |
ARMAOU, Maria | n/a | |  |
B |
Bacon, Rachel | 0115 82 30933 | Assistant Professor |  |
Baddeley, Charlotte | n/a | Teaching Associate |  |
Baker, Heidi | 0115 82 30930 | Assistant Professor Lead for Practice Learning (Nursing) |  |
Baker, Charley | n/a | Associate Professor of Mental Health / Academic Lead for Safeguarding |  |
Black, Sharon | n/a | Associate Professor of Nursing/Director of People and Culture |  |
Blake, Holly | n/a | Professor of Behavioural Medicine |  |
Blant, David | n/a | Assistant Professor in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy |  |
Blundell, Shaun | n/a | Digital Learning Officer |  |
Borges, Sophie | n/a | Teaching Associate |  |
Borrelli, Sara | n/a | Associate Professor |  |
Bousfield, Chrissie | 0115 82 30927 | Director of Postgraduate Taught Education & CPD |  |
Bower, Bill | n/a | Teaching Associate |  |
Bowskill, Dianne | 0115 82 30934 | Director of Education and Student Experience . Associate Professor of Prescribing Education |  |
Brett, Oliver | +44 (0)115 95 15559 | Assistant Professor |  |
Brindley, Allison | n/a | Assistant Professor |  |
Brown, Samantha | n/a | Executive Assistant |  |
Brown, Troy | 01158231924 | Business Administration and Facilities Apprentice |  |
Burns, Katie | n/a | Teaching Associate |  |
C |
Calvert, Melanie | n/a | Practice Support Teaching Assistant (Par |  |
Campbell, Gillian | n/a | SPCR Research Fellow |  |
Carlin, Alexandra | 0115 7485645 | Assistant Professor Adult Nursing |  |
Carter, Tim | 01157484098 | Assistant Professor in mental health |  |
Casingcasing, Ma. Lourdes | n/a | PhD student |  |
Chadborn, Lucinda | n/a | Practice Support Teaching Assistant |  |
Chaplin, Wendy | 01157485786 | Research Associate |  |
Charalambous, Liz | n/a | Assistant Professor |  |
Charles, Ashleigh | n/a | PhD Student |  |
Cheng, Kat | n/a | Teaching Associate |  |
Clancy, Georgia | n/a | Research Fellow |  |
Clark, Maria T. | n/a | Associate Professor |  |
Clarke, Louise | 0115 82 30912 | Assistant Professor |  |
Clinton, Pamela | n/a | |  |
Coad, Jane | n/a | Professor in Children and Family Nursing |  |
Coffey, Frank | 07742167575 | Associate Professor, Emergency Medicine Consultant and Honorary Professor (Nottingham Trent University) in Urgent and Emergency Care., Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences |  |
Collins, Ashley | n/a | Senior Project Manager - Rec Hurdle |  |
Cooper, Rebecca | 0115 82 30874 | Teaching Associate, GEN Advanced Clinical Learning Module Lead |  |
Corr, Alison | n/a | Teaching Associate |  |
Coughlan, James | n/a | Teaching Associate in Physiotherapy |  |
Crawford, Paul | 07378601824 | Professor of Health Humanities |  |
Crofts, Tyler | 0115 823 0572 | Senior School Administrator (Placement Quality) - Health Sciences |  |
Crossley, Samantha | 0115 82 31798 | Assistant Professor |  |
D |
Degge, Hannah | n/a | Assistant Professor in Health Promotion and Public Health |  |
Dent, Hannah | n/a | Teaching Associate in Sport Rehabilitation |  |
Dhodapkar, Asavari | 0115 9691169 Ext 34851 | Teaching Associate |  |
Diver, Claire | 0115 82 31786 | Associate Professor |  |
Doran, Dan | n/a | Assistant Professor |  |
Drummond, Avril | 0115 82 30493 | Professor of Healthcare Research, Lead for Rehabilitation Research Group, REF Co-ordinator |  |
E |
Edgington, Megan | n/a | Teaching Associate |  |
Edgley, Alison | 0115 82 30913 | Associate Professor of Social Sciences in Health Researcher in Residence Researcher Academy |  |
Evans, Catrin | 0115 82 30894 | Professor of Evidence Based Healthcare & Director of Knowledge Exchange |  |
Evans, Kerry | n/a | Associate Professor |  |
Evans, Julie | 0115 823 0821 | Head of Operations School of Health Sciences |  |
Evans, Hayley | n/a | School Communications Officer |  |
Evans, Susan | n/a | Executive Assistant to the Head of School/Members of the Senior Management Team |  |
F |
Fallon, Holly | n/a | Research Project Administrator |  |
Fecowycz, Aaron | +44 (0)115 82 30794 | Learning Technologist |  |
Field-Richards, Sarah | n/a | Assistant Professor |  |
Foster, Joanne | 31925 | Assistant Professor in Midwifery |  |
Frulli, Silvia | n/a | Teaching Associate |  |
G |
Gadd, George | n/a | Learning Technologist |  |
Garratt, Kerry | n/a | Teaching Associate in Midwifery |  |
Giura, Di | n/a | Teaching Associate |  |
Gordon, Sarah | n/a | Post Graduate Researcher |  |
Guerin, Ella | n/a | Nursing lecturer |  |
H |
Halliday, Lesley | +44 (0) 115 8230954 | Associate Professor & Director of Under-Graduate Education |  |
Hall, Michelle | 0115 82 31794 | Associate Professor |  |
Harwood, Rowan | 0115 823 0873 | Clinical Consultant (Professor) |  |
Hashem, Istapraq Wasen | n/a | Doctoral Research | Dental Surgeon |  |
Hemingway, Pippa | Teams | Associate Professor Children's Nursing |  |
Hendrick, Paul | n/a | Assistant Professor |  |
Hewett, Becca | n/a | Practice Support Teaching Assistant |  |
Hill, Amanda | n/a | Digital Development Officer |  |
Holden (Nee Beard), Maria | 0115 82 30988 | Teaching Associate |  |
Holliday, Laura | 01158230931 | Assistant Professor, Child Health |  |
Hollowell, Jackie | 0115 82 31804 | Assistant Professor, Physiotherapy and Sport Rehabilitation, Admissions Tutor - Sport Rehabilitation |  |
Holmes, David | 01158230888 | School Administrator - Operations |  |
Horrocks, Matthew | 0115 7585674 | Assistant Professor |  |
Howard, Penny | 0115 82 30949 | Associate Professor |  |
Hudson, Traci | 0115 8230979 | Assistant Professor in Midwifery |  |
I |
Ingall, Benjamin-Rose | n/a | Research Admininstrator |  |
J |
Jackson, Jessica | n/a | Associate Professor (Research & Teaching) |  |
James, Miriam | n/a | School Administrator |  |
Januszewicz, Kamila | 0115 82 30823 | Learning Technologist |  |
John, Catherine | n/a | ESRC DTP PhD Student |  |
Johnson, Stacy | 0115 82 30877 | Associate Professor |  |
Jones, Holly | n/a | PGR Student |  |
Jones, Lydia | 0115 82 30793 | Digital Learning Development Manager |  |
K |
Keir, Victoria | n/a | Practice Support Teaching Assistant |  |
Kemevor, Taicy | n/a | School Administrator |  |
Kerry, Roger | 0115 82 31790 | Professor of Physiotherapy Education |  |
Kinsella, Philip | n/a | Associate Professor in CBT |  |
Konstantinidis, Stathis | +44 (0)115 82 30481 | Associate Professor in e-Learning and Health Informatics & Deputy Digital Learning Director of FMHS |  |
Kotera, Yasuhiro | n/a | Associate Professor |  |
L |
Langmack, Gill | 0115 82 30902 | Assistant Professor |  |
Laverty, Helen | 011582 30950 | Professional Lead Learning Disability Nursing |  |
Lee, Rosie | n/a | Teaching Associate |  |
Lewandowska-Smith, Alexandra | 0115 82 30963 | Assistant Professor |  |
Long, Louisa | n/a | Assistant Professor Mental Health Nursing |  |
Lymn, Joanne | 0115 82 30805 | Head of School |  |
M |
MacDonald, Abigail | n/a | Student Support Administrator |  |
Majid, Madiha | n/a | Clinical Research Fellow |  |
Majid, Madiha | n/a | |  |
Mamphey, Martha | n/a | Teaching Associate |  |
Man, Karen | n/a | School Administrator |  |
Manning, Stephanie Adele | n/a | Teaching Associate |  |
Mayo, Becky | n/a | Teaching Associate |  |
McCandlish-Boyd, Chloe | n/a | Mental Health Nursing |  |
McCormick, Damion | 0115 8230857 | Assistant Professor |  |
McLuskey, John | 0115 82 30936 | Associate Professor/ Director of Professions |  |
Mee, Christopher | n/a | Associate Deputy Head of School For Education & Student Experience |  |
Mehta, Ketan | 0115 8230800 | Executive Administration Manager |  |
Middleton, Jodie | 01158230832 | Student Services Administrator |  |
Midgley, Katherine | 0115 8230896 | Assistant Professor |  |
Moffatt, Fiona | n/a | Associate Professor |  |
Mordi, Diana | n/a | Research Team Administrator |  |
Morris, Kate | n/a | Assistant Professor |  |
Moss, Richard | 01157485696 | Associate Professor, Programme Lead BSc (Hons) Sport Rehabilitation |  |
Mostyn, Alison | 0115 8230327 | Professor of Pharmacology Education for Health, Director of Teaching and Learning |  |
Muslihi, Abdulrahman | n/a | |  |
N |
Nachmias, Lianne | 0115 82 30763 | Executive Assistant |  |
Narayanasamy, Melanie | 0115 82 30940 | Research Assistant |  |
Ng, Fiona | 01157484310 | NIHR Advanced Fellow and Anne McLaren Fellow |  |
Nosakhere, Zakiya | n/a | Assistant Professor |  |
O |
O'Brien, Rebecca | n/a | Senior Research Fellow |  |
O'Connor, Dominic | 07721880765 | Assistant Professor |  |
O'Connor, Rebecca | n/a | Teaching Associate |  |
Orme, Sheridan | n/a | Teaching Associate - Clinical Skills Nursing |  |
Orton, Eleanor | 30981 | Assistant Professor |  |
Osborne, Ann-Marie | 0115 9515216 | School Hr Officer |  |
P |
Parnham, Alison | 0115 82 31911 | Teaching Associate |  |
Payne, Gary | n/a | Assistant Professor Mental Health Nursing |  |
Pazandeh, Farzaneh | n/a | Assistant Professor in Maternal Health |  |
Pearson, Mark | n/a | Assistant Professor in Mental Health |  |
Pearson, Maria | N/A | Associate Professor |  |
Pollock, Kristian | n/a | |  |
Porter, Lucy | 0115 7485813 | Research Assistant/Associate |  |
Portman, Simone | n/a | Teaching Associate |  |
Poussa, Cherry | 0115 82 30795 | Head of Digital Learning Support Services |  |
R |
Ravenall, Samantha | n/a | Assistant Professor |  |
Reddy, Helen | 01332 724930 | Assistant Professor |  |
Redsell, Sarah | n/a | Professor of Children's Community and Public Health |  |
Rennick-Egglestone, Stefan | N/A | Principal Research Fellow |  |
Revell, Ro | n/a | Teaching Associate |  |
Riley, Simon | 0115 8230989 | Learning Technologist |  |
Rimmer, Kara | 01157484318 | Recovery Research Team Administrator |  |
Ritchie, Dawn | 0115 82 30980 | Director of Healthcare Education in Practice, Associate Professor in Nursing Children & Young People |  |
Roberts, Sam | n/a | Teaching Associate - Clinical Skills In Physiotherapy and Sports Rehabilitation |  |
Royer, Rachel | 0115 8231358 | Teaching Associate |  |
S |
Sackley, Catherine | 07739657646 | Professor of Physiotherapy Research |  |
Sands, Gina | 0115 82 30584 | Senior Research Fellow |  |
Sapargaliyev, Daniyar | n/a | Research Assistant |  |
Simpson, Kate | 0115 8230465 | Assistant Professor |  |
Slade, Mike | n/a | Professor of Mental Health Recovery and Social Inclusion |  |
Solodujin, Megan | n/a | School Communications Officer |  |
Southorn, Nick | n/a | Assistant Professor of ACP |  |
Spendlove, Zoey | 0115 823 0921 | Associate Professor of Midwifery, Director of Postgraduate Taught Education & Continuing Professional Development/WDF, Senior Tutor for PGT and PGR, Deputy Lead for Fitness to Practise, Deputy Lead for Fitness to Study |  |
Spiby, Helen | 0115 82 30820 | Professor of Midwifery |  |
Sprengel-Smith, Mara | n/a | Continuing Education Manager |  |
Stackpoole, Thomas | 0115 8230958 | Assistant Professor |  |
Staley, Naomi | n/a | EM.INSIGHT Coordinator |  |
Stone, Liz | n/a | Teacing Associate in Nursing |  |
Stone, Sonya | n/a | Associate Professor of Advanced Clinical Practice. Director of Postgraduate Taught Education and CPD (School of Health Sciences). Faculty Director of Higher Degree Apprenticeships for the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences |  |
Stone, Tamsin | n/a | Teaching Associate |  |
Such, Elizabeth | n/a | Anne Mclaren Research Fellow |  |
Sykorova, Martina | n/a | ESRC-funded 1+3 student |  |
T |
Tailor, Nim | n/a | Teaching Associate in Midwifery |  |
Takhi, Simran | n/a | Research Assistant |  |
Tanner, Judith | 0115 8230379 | Professor in Adult Nursing |  |
Taylor, Alan | 0115 8230116 | Assistant Professor Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation |  |
Theodosopoulou, Danai | 01158231229 | Research Associate |  |
Tilley, Zoe | 0115 8231803 | Assistant Professor |  |
Tolley, Emma | n/a | Assistant Professor Advanced Clinical Practice |  |
Tomlinson, Susan | n/a | Research Fellow |  |
Towey, Daniel | n/a | Teaching Associate |  |
Turner, Nicola | 0115 8230537 | Senior Research Fellow |  |
U |
Usherwood, Sue | 0115 82 31456 | Placement Quality |  |
V |
Verhoeven, Corine | n/a | Professor of Midwifery |  |
W |
Wain, Amanda | 0115 8230984 | Assistant Professor in Midwifery |  |
Walker, Louise | 30925 | Associate Professor Midwifery/ Professional Lead |  |
Wallis, Katie | n/a | Teaching Associate in Adult Nursing |  |
Wang, Jiecong | n/a | Continuing Education Officer |  |
Watson, Beth | 0115 7485673 | Senior Operations Manager (Teaching and Facilities) |  |
Wharrad, Heather | 0115 82 30909 | Professor of e-Learning and Health Informatics |  |
Whittingham, Katharine | 0115 82 30924 | Assistant Professor |  |
Williams, Elizabeth | 0115 82 30050 | Assistant Professor |  |
Wilson, Eleanor | 0115 8231201 | Senior Research Fellow |  |
Wilson, Verity | n/a | Assistant Professor |  |
Windle, Richard | 0115 82 30866 / 01522 848 168 | Professor of Digital Learning |  |
Wright, Nicola | 0115 8230956 | Associate Professor in Mental Health |  |
Y |
Yrrazábal Barreda, Romina | 011582 30036 | Operations - Front of House |  |
k |
kuakarn, supatcha | n/a | |  |