Number | Author |
Do Cultures Clash? Evidence from Cross-National Ultimatum Game Experiments (now published in Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 64(1), 35-48, 2007) by Swee-Hoon Chuah, Robert Hoffmann, Martin Jones and Geoffrey Williams. December 2004.
Coordination and incomplete information: an experimental study ( updated version available here) by Swee-Hoon Chuah, Robert Hoffmann and Chew-Ging Lee. March 2004.
Conformity and Reciprocity in Public Good Provision (now published in Journal of Economic Psychology, 26(5), 664-681, 2005) by Nicholas Bardsley and Rupert Sausgruber. November 2004.
Mixed Pricing in Oligopoly: An Experiment (now published as "An experiment on spatial price competition" in International Journal of Industrial Organization, 26(3), 716-729, 2008) by Henrik Orzen and Martin Sefton. November 2004.
Preference anomalies, preference elicitation and the discovered preference hypothesis (now published in Environmental and Resource Economics, 32, 55-89, 2005) by Jacinto Braga and Chris Starmer. October 2004.
Friedman’s Risky Methodology (now forthcoming In The Methodology of Positive Economics: Milton Friedman's Essay After Half a Century , edited by U. Maki, Cambridge University Press), by Chris Starmer. May 2004.
The Donor Problem by Klaus Abbink and Matthew Ellman. October 2004.
An experimental test of generalized ambiguity aversion using lottery pricing tasks (now published in Theory and Decision, 60, 257-282, 2006) by Michael Bleaney and Steven J. Humphrey. October 2004.
Evolutionary Stability of Constant Consistent Conjectures (now forthcoming in Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization) by Alex Possajennikov. February 2004.
Evolution in Symmetric Incomplete Information Games (now published in Mathematical Social Sciences, 58, 310-321, 2009) by Erwin Amann and Alex Possajennikov. May 2004.
Do Forward Markets Enhance Competition? Experimental Evidence (now published in Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 61(3), 415-431, 2006) by Chloé Le Coq and Henrik Orzen. September 2004.
Perverse Committee Appointments May Foster Divide and Rule (revised version available, see 2006-08) by Daniel J. Seidmann. September 2004.
Shy Senders and the Value of Evidence (now published in Games and Economic Behavior, 59(2), 296-315, 2007) by Francesco Giovannoni and Daniel J. Seidmann. July 2004.
A Laboratory Study of Advertising and Price Competition (now published in European Economic Review, 50(2) 380-397, 2006) by John Morgan, Henrik Orzen and Martin Sefton. June 2004.
Endogenous Contract Structure and Monetary Policy (now published in European Economic Review, 50(4), 1043-1060, 2006) by Avner Bar-Ilan and Daniel J. Seidmann. June 2004.
After You - Endogenous Sequencing in Voluntary Contribution Games (now published in Journal of Public Economics,89, 1399-1419, 2005) by Jan Potters, Martin Sefton and Lise Vesterlund. April 2004.
The Formateurs' Role in Government Formation (now published in Economic Theory, 31(3), 427-445, 2007) by Daniel J. Seidmann, Eyal Winter and Elan Pavlov. March 2004.
A Theory of Voting Patterns and Performance in Private and Public Committees (revised version available, see 2006-07) by Daniel J. Seidmann. March 2004.
Experimental Economics and the "Artificiality of Alteration" (now published in Journal of Economic Methodology, 12(2), 239-251, 2005) by Nicholas Bardsley. March 2004.
Price Rigidity in Customer Markets (now published in Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 55, 575-593, 2004) by Elke Renner and Jean-Robert Tyran. January 2004.
Leading-by-Example in Voluntary Contribution Games: An Experimental Study (now published in Economic Theory, 33(1) , 169-182, 2007 ) by Jan Potters, Martin Sefton and Lise Vesterlund. 2004.