
The University of Nottingham invites visitors worldwide for various academic activities, including research, giving lectures, and acting as examiners.

Non-British/Irish nationals must obtain immigration permission to enter the UK.

Prospective international visitors should contact the relevant academic school/department to determine the appropriate visa route.

Schools/departments should consult the below SharePoint guidance when inviting international visitors.

Inviting international visitors to the University

Right to work checks for visitors

The Home Office ‘online right to work’ service is not available for visitor visa holders.

If a right to work check is required, please retain a verified copy of the photo page of the visitor's passport, along with the visitor visa/visitor stamp if available, as proof of status along with a copy of the visa invitation letter.

The Home Office ‘online right to work’ service is available for Government Authorised Exchange (temporary work) (GAE) visa holders. The standard right to work process will apply for these visa holders as found here.
Visas and Immigration

Small group of cartoon people

Contact the HR International Employment Services Team

Quick links to immigration support areas



Last edited Sep 18, 2024