
INFINITY exists to catalyse the next generation of university-inspired financial technology commercialisation ventures. The INFINITY Hub is a partnership between the Universities of Birmingham, Nottingham and Warwick, located on campus at the University of Nottingham.

The Hub will:

  • create an agile pathway for commercialisation of financial technology research, taking early-stage research-inspired commercial propositions on a journey to being realised as live commercial prospects
  • provide training and support for academics at an early stage in the commercialisation journey, overcoming the barriers to engagement in this activity
  • address the challenges faced by start-up and scale-up ventures in UK universities to realise the full potential of financial technology research
  • provide a platform for university academics and researchers to meet and collaborate with businesses in the financial services sector

We are funded by Research England’s Connecting Capability Fund.

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University of Birmingham logo
Warwick Business School logo
Research England





Inclusive Financial Technology Hub

Castle Meadow Campus
University of Nottingham