Asia Expertise Guide



  • Dr Lisa Yon

    Reproductive physiology in elephants, including physiology, endocrinology and studies of adipose tissue and links between nutrition and reproduction; and the physiology of stress. Captive and free-ranging wildlife, particularly infectious disease. Zoo animal welfare, specifically in captive elephant welfare and behaviour.
    +44 (0) 115 951 6358
    Animals Environment Health and Medicine Science Veterinary veterinary reproduction Physiology endocrinology wildlife Zoo animals
  • Dr Odette Paramor

    Involved with several European projects supporting EU-China cooperation in research and innovation ('DragonSTAR', 'DragonSTAR Plus', 'ENRICH in China' and 'URBAN-EU-CHINA'), and have supported the development of EU-China R&I calls in the areas of sustainable urbanisation and food, agriculture and biotechnology. Current research interests are in marine biology and assessing the impacts of human activities on marine systems.
    +86 574 8818 8998
    Education Environment Geography International Relations Science EU China innovation sustainable urbanisation food agriculture biotechnology marine biology marine systems
  • Dr Alex Lechner

    Landscape ecologist with experience applying socio-ecological approaches along with spatial modelling (i.e. GIS) to conservation and natural resource management. Current research focuses on the social and environmental dimensions of urban planning in Asian cities and biodiversity conservation in Malaysia and Southeast Asia such as the impact of the Belt and Road Initiative.
    +60 38725 3613
    Belt and Road Initiative Environment Science southeast asia East Asia Belt and Road Initiative conservation planning GIS remote sensing Malaysia
  • Dr Richard Lea

    Environmental effects on fertility and reproduction. General male and female fertility issues. Reproduction. Environmental chemicals in food.Dr Lea can talk on any topics relating to fertility, chemicals in food, pregnancy, pregnancy failure/miscarriage, environmental effects on populations.Previous media experience includes: Interviews on ITV Central, BBC East Midlands, Swedish TV News channel, radio interviews including BBC World Service, Radio Nottingham, Radio Scotland, NewsTalk 770 (Calgary), interviews with print journalists from various Newspapers - The New York Times, The Guardian, The Telegraph, The Times, Nottingham Post.Dr Lea is Interested in external consultancy and research collaboration opportunities.
    +44 (0)115 951 6426
    Animals Environment Health and Medicine Science Veterinary reproduction fertility environmental chemicals Human Animal sheep dogs nottingham Vet School
  • Professor Christopher Gibbins

    Developing sustainable water management strategies to help conserve aquatic organisms, working primarily on invertebrates and fish (Malaysia)
    +60 38924 8733
    Engineering Environment Science Sustainability water management aquatic organisms conservation Malaysia Asia fish
  • Dr Margaret Gillon Dowens

    Psycho/neurolinguistics, bi/multilingualism and the effects of ageing on language, using both behavioural and online techniques (EEG/ERPs). Direct the Cognitive Neuroscience of Language Laboratory at UNNC. Among current projects are studies with children, adults and older adults looking at morphosyntax and visual word and character processing in Chinese, English and Spanish.
    +86 574 8818 0515
  • Professor Miguel Camara

    Antimicrobial drug discovery, biofilms, novel bacterial target identification, gene regulation, antimicrobial resistance, bacterial cell-cell signalling (quorum sensing)
    0115 951 5036
    Health and Medicine Science Antimicrobial drug discovery gene regulation antimicrobial resistance Quorum Sensing Asia
  • Dr Nicholas Hamm

    Participated in two projects in China: (1) mapping the environmental determinants of echinococcosis in the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region (NHAR) and (2) mapping air pollution in China for input into environmental epidemiology studies. Also coordinated a joint MSc between the Univeristy of Twente (NL) and the Indian Institute of Remote Sensing.
    +86 574 8818 8980
  • Dr Jasmeet Kaler

    Precision technologies. Smart farming. Precision agriculture. Sheep. Lameness. Cattle. Lameness. Sensors for livestock. Stakeholder decision making. Farmer behaviour.
    +44 (0)115 951 6564
    Animals Food Science Veterinary Precision technologies Smart farming Precision agriculture sheep lameness cattle Sensors for livestock Stakeholder decision making Farmer behaviour farming
  • Professor Michèle Clarke

    The environment, climate and ecology of the Asia-Pacific region for the last 30 years, including the complexity of their interactions with society, heritage and cultures. Recent themes have included agriculture and rural development; cultural and built heritage; low carbon and clean energy; rapid urbanisation and sustainable cities; and the energy-water-food nexus.
    0115 951 5446
    Archaeology Architecture and Built Environment Cultures Education Energy Engineering Environment Gender History Migration Science Veterinary climate society sustainable development energy ecosystems Cities Water agriculture heritage Asia
  • Professor Colin Thorne

    Professor Colin Thorne is one of the UK's leading expert in flooding. His expertise covers flood management, rivers and river management, including rehabilitation and restoration for environmental enhancement and rivers and development issues in South America, Africa and Asia.
    0115 951 5431
    Architecture and Built Environment Engineering Environment International Relations Science Sociology Africa America (South) Asia civil engineering Flooding Geography rivers Water weather IAPS
  • Professor Eugene Ch'ng

    Developing Virtual Reality technology for the production, storage and sharing of cultural heritage spanning large spatial-temporal scales. Develop technology for retrieving, processing, and tools for visual analytics for large social media datasets for understanding phenomena within connected societies.
    +86 574 8818 3049
    Archaeology Architecture and Built Environment Art Belt and Road Initiative Business and economy Cultures Environment History Science virtual reality augmented reality social media big data Digital heritage virtual heritage computational archaeology
  • Dr Bagus Muljadi

    Director of the newly-established Indonesia Doctoral Training Partnership (IDTP). IDTP provides a platform for research and knowledge exchange with the Indonesian government, higher education institutions, and industries. IDTP was established in partnership with the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia (RISTEKDIKTI). Recent research focuses on includes publications on rarefied quantum gas dynamics, multiscale method developments, direct pore-scale simulations and reactive transport modelling.
    Education Engineering Environment International Relations Science Engineering Environment Indonesia Doctoral Training Partnership transport modelling chemical engineering quantum gas
  • Dr Chee-Mun Fang

    Identification and characterisation of antibiotic resistance bugs commercial poultry farms in Malaysia; Characterise bioactive compounds isolated from medicinal plant native to the tropical Asian region that could regulate immune response.
    +60 38924 8722
    Health and Medicine Science antibiotic resistance bugs medicinal plants Native tropical Malaysia Asia immune response
  • Dr Yan Pan

    Liver drug metabolising enzymes among the Asian population.
    +60 38725 3444
    Science liver drug enzyme metabolism Asia
  • Professor Kang-Nee Ting

    Natural product pharmacology with a focus on drug discovery. Working on various derivatives obtained from natural products local to Malaysia, as well as edible mushrooms used in traditional medicine. This includes studying the vascular and smooth muscle effects of these isolates for application in respiratory conditions, vascular diseases and overactive bladder.
    +60 38924 8209
    Health and Medicine Science drug discovery edible mushrooms Malaysia Hong Kong China traditional medicine isolates respiratory conditions vascular diseases overactive bladder
  • Dr Christina Supramaniam

    Certification and best practices for sustainable palm oil estate management in smallholders. Molecular plant pathologist for soilborne diseases of tropical plants. Soil microbiome for disease suppression and preservation of natural biodiversity. Microbial biotechnology for agricultural waste management and green technologies.
    Environment Plant Science Science Sustainable Palm Oil tropical plants soilborne diseases biodiversity Indonesia Malaysia
  • Dr Ni Yang

    Active collaboration on food science, specialised in flavour research, such as coffee and tea, and current interest focus on chilli and its active ingredient capsaicin. I am collaborating with Chinese academics and companies at various levels.
    Education Engineering Environment Science Sustainable development goals food flavour chilli capsaicin agriculture
  • Dr Sean Mayes

    Crops, plants, seeds, crop genetics, marker assisted selection, development of minor crops, resilient agriculture, oil palm, bambara groundnut, wheat, tea, biotechnology, breeding, seed systems
    Environment Science World Crops plants seeds crop genetics marker assisted selection development of minor crops resilient agriculture oil palm bambara groundnut wheat tea biotechnology breeding seed systems
  • Dr Sofie Sjogersten

    Expertise relates to the functioning and management of tropical peat swamp forests, land degradation, greenhouse gas emissions and sustainable agriculture. Involved in a UK Space Agency project using space borne platforms to monitor and manage tropical peatlands and a Global Challenges Research Fund project to develop less damaging agriculture on tropical peatlands in Malaysia and Indonesia.
    0115 951 6239
    Environment Science tropical peatlands swamp forests land degradation greenhouse gas emissions sustainable agriculture Malaysia Indonesia China
  • Professor David Salt

    Plant science, agriculture, global food security, minerals, nutrients, food, diet, cadmium, arsenic
    +44 (0) 115 9516332
    Environment Food Plant Science plant science global food security Minerals nutrients food diet agriculture cadmium arsenic
  • Professor Melanie Leng

    Use of isotopes in environmental research, in particular with climate change and human-landscape interactions, with increasing importance on the Anthropocene. Use stable isotopes as tracers of modern pollution and understanding the hydrological cycle especially in areas suffering human impact.
    0115 936 3515
    Environment Science isotopes climate change Environment Human Anthropocene pollution Malaysia australia turkey Vietnam
  • Professor Eugene Ch'ng

    I'm an expert in digital technologies, but in hardcore technical developments (hardware-software integration - VR, AR, MR, XR), applied to culture, and cultural heritage.
    Archaeology Art Belt and Road Initiative Communications Cultures Education Science digital cultural heritage virtual reality augmented reality mixed reality
  • Dr Angus Davison

    Biology and genetics of Japanese snails.
    Environment Science genetics molluscs genomics
  • Dr Edward Bolt

    Molecular Biology in human cells. In Asia: Research collaborations, editorial board, expert reviewer for grant applications.
    0115 823 0194
    Education Science biosciences life sciences CRISPR molecular biology drug development cancer
  • Dr Zhi Xiang Ng

    Dr Ng is attached to the School of Biosciences, Faculty of Science and Engineering, University of Nottingham Malaysia. He obtained his PhD in Molecular Biochemistry from the University of Malaya and PGCHE from the University of Nottingham. He is also a Fellow of UK Advanced Higher Education (FHEA) and a member of Malaysian Scientific Association (MSA). Currently he serves as an academic editor for twelve scientific journals and has involved in the peer review of more than 40 international science indexed journals. The significance of his works has been recognized in a number of research grant capture, scholarly publications, conferences and symposia.
    Health and Medicine Science agriculture biosciences life sciences pharmaceutical
  • Professor Festo Massawe

    Our research focuses on improving productivity, quality and value of food crops. We develop sustainable crop production practices and build resilient food systems. We also research food environments in transitioning economies and how these could be shaped to deliver sustainable and healthy diets.
    Environment Science agriculture biosciences
  • Professor Ian Fisk

    As Professor of Flavour Chemistry, Professor Fisk runs the Food Flavour group at the University of Nottingham. His research interests lie in flavour management (plant biology, agricultural techniques, food production through to consumption) and fundamental food chemistry to support novel processing technologies and commercial products.
    Science Agriculture and Food Science agriculture Food Chemistry food processing Flavour Chemistry Flavour Chem Aroma Chemistry
  • Dr Marieke de Vries

    My research focuses on autism and the link to culture. Several factors that are linked to autism might be influenced by culture, such as Executive Functioning, Language (e.g., multilingualism), Imagination, and Music.
    +60 387 253 605
  • Dr Catrin Rutland

    Understanding genetics and gene therapy in humans/animals. Understanding anatomy in humans/animals.
    0115 9516573, 07780701710
    Animals Health and Medicine Science Veterinary anatomy genetics gene therapy
  • Dr Neil Mennie

    Neil is a cognitive neuroscientist, and has worked in the UK, the US and Germany prior to Malaysia. He is interested in the use of vision and how we use it in everyday life. His interests include face recognition, attention, stress and anxiety, AI, machine learning and psychology. He is also very interested in sensory devices to assist the blind.
    Environment Health and Medicine Psychology Science neuroscience vision Psychology Cognition Animal applied biosciences life sciences pharmaceutical Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
  • Professor Alan Smyth

    Cystic fibrosis. Clinical trials in children. Chest disease in childhood. Professor Smyth is Director of the Medicines for Children Research Network in the East of England (MCRN-East).
    +44 (0)115 823 0612
    Cultures Health and Medicine Science cystic fibrosis clinical trials chest disease children
  • Dr Weibin Li

    Dr. Weibin Li has worked on a number of topics in atomic, molecular and optical physics, including light-matter interactions, Rydberg atoms and ions, ultralong range Rydberg molecules, and quantum information and simulation with cold atoms. Currently, his research focuses on creation and manipulation of strongly correlated states of light and cold matter. Visit for more details.
  • Dr Siu Yee New

    Expert on developing new methods to simplify or accelerate the diagnosis or detection process, including cancer biomarker, drug screening, metal ion contamination, or toxic compound in food.
    +60 38924 8762
  • Dr Alison K.S. Wee

    My research focuses on the evolution and conservation of coastal ecosystems. My primary goal is to understand their historical and future response to global change using molecular approaches, and to formulate sustainable development strategies. I work primarily on mangroves, with 12 years of field and lab experience in the Asia Pacific region, including in Japan, China and Thailand.
    Belt and Road Initiative Business and economy Environment Science bioscience Governance life science Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Water
  • Dr Cedric Tan

    I have a particular interest in carnivore ecology and conservation as well as environmental education. My passion for effective evidence-based applied ecology and education drives me to pursue both disciplines in innovative ways, in turn contributing to raising awareness about conservation issues and nurturing our future leaders in conservation.
    Engineering Environment Science life sciences Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
  • Dr Virginia Panizzo

    Ginnie is a freshwater ecologist and stable isotope geochemist whose work focuses on environmental change and biogeochemical cycling in aquatic ecosystems. In tandem with my research on algal proxies, I am interested in reconstructing the impact that humans and climate change have had on freshwater systems over the past 2000 years.
    Environment Geography Science Sustainable development goals Water climate change water quality pollution algae Deltas rivers lakes
  • Dr Khai Ching Ng

    My expertise is in developing novel simulation techniques for solving computational fluid and solid multi-physics problems (e.g. CFD, FEA). Main applications include free surface flow, energy harvesting, Fluid Structure Interaction (FSI) etc.
    Energy Engineering Environment Science Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD); Fluid Structure Interaction (FSI); Free surface flow; Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) meshless method particle method Software Development parallel computing
  • Dr Kim Yeow Tshai

    Characterization and processing of polymers/composites; materials modeling and finite element analysis of highly nonlinear polymeric systems.
    Engineering Science polymer processing Injection moulding Blow moulding Thermoforming Fibre reinforced composites nanocomposites Biocomposites aerospace automotive
  • Dr Marwan Nafea

    My research areas include MEMS, micro/nanofabrication technologies, wireless microfluidic devices, microactuators, 4D printing, PSO, optimal control, and biosignals.
    +60 38924 8168
    Energy Engineering Science MEMS 4D printing Wireless drug delivery Microfluidics Microactuators Microfabrication Optimization EEG ECG
  • Dr Michelle Tan

    Development of point of care diagnostic tools for detection of infectious diseases and non-communicable diseases. Research involves the modification of nanomaterials for improve selectivity of sensor electrode platform to the development of electronic transducer coupled with smartphone and artificial intelligence technology for improved sensitivity and portability.
  • Professor Pau Loke Show

    Microalgae have recently attracted considerable interest worldwide, due to their extensive application potential in the renewable energy, biopharmaceutical, and nutraceutical industries. Microalgae are renewable, sustainable, and economical sources of biofuels, bioactive medicinal products, and food ingredients.
    Belt and Road Initiative Energy Engineering Environment Science agriculture biosciences life sciences pharmaceutical Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Water
  • Professor Jon Garibaldi

    Have spend a lot of time in China with research colleagues in my field.
    +44 115 95 14216
    Science computer science
  • Professor Cong Cao

    Science and technology policy; innovation and entrepreneurship; talent; biotechnology; nanotechnology.
  • Dr Tengwen Long

    Dr Long's research interests primarily revolve around environmental change and human-environment interactions over different timescales.
    Archaeology Belt and Road Initiative Environment History Science agriculture Sustainable development goals Water
  • Professor Faith Chan

    Professor Faith Ka Shun Chan is an Assistant Professor at the University of Nottingham, Ningbo campus, China. He currently conducts research on international water management practices, with a particularly focus on flood risk management in East Asian mega-deltas and coastal mega-cities.. He has a strong research and teaching interests on inter-disciplinary aspects on environmental management across physical and human geography, in particular on issues related to sustainable water and soil management and development.
    Energy Environment Science Governance Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) urban flood resilience coastal megacities; climate change urban water management sponge city green finance

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