
Request a copy of our guide to leaving a gift in your Will

If you would like to know more about leaving a gift in your Will to the University of Nottingham why not download our enquirer guide? It contains all the information you need about how your amazing gift can transform futures, whether of students, the university's research or the campus itself.

Hear from alumni who have already pledged a gift, as well as those who have benefitted from their generosity. Just enter your details below to and we send you a copy of the guide.

Any questions? Contact us for help at  

  • Your details
  • Name
  • I would like to receive the Enquirer Guide by:
  • Address
  • Your reason for enquiring
    If there's anything you'd like to tell us about your interest in leaving a gift in your Will please do so below.


How we use your information

We are committed to protecting your personal information and being transparent about what we do with it. We use your data for purposes such as processing your gift (including Gift Aid), sending you relevant communications (including invites to events), undertaking due diligence in accordance with our Gift Acceptance Policy, ensuring you are thanked for your support, and identifying future opportunities for providing support which may be of interest to you. You can find out more in our privacy notice

We are happy to answer any questions about how we use your data. Please contact us by email: or in writing at: Campaign and Alumni Relations Office, Portland Building, The University of Nottingham, University Park, Nottingham, NG7 2RD.