
Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement

We are looking for new members, with lived experience of rehabilitation or family carers for those with lived experience, to join our University of Nottingham NRC PPI-E group to discuss our research and education offerings, contribute ideas and provide feedback.

We especially welcome members whose experience aligns to the anticipated NRC patient population which includes those suffering from major trauma, musculoskeletal (MSK) complex fractures, neurological (including long-term conditions), deconditioning post ITU/surgery, and traumatic amputees.

Prior experience of PPI-E work is desirable.

Our group meets 4 to 6 times per year with additional opportunities to contribute outside of these meeting. We offer reimbursement for your time and expenses.

If you are interested in joining our group please contact NRC.

For information on how your data will be managed please view our privacy notice.PDF format