In people who are neurodivergent, the brain functions, learns and processes information differently. Some forms of neurodivergence, such as dyslexia, dyscalculia and dyspraxia are sometimes referred to as specific learning differences or SpLDs, but neurodivergence also includes attention deficit disorders, Tourette’s syndrome and autism.
Approximately one in seven people are neurodivergent, and most forms of neurodivergence are experienced on a spectrum where characteristics vary from person to person. View the links below to see how we support students and staff that are neurodivergent.
If you have dyslexia, dyspraxia, dyscalculia, ADHD or any other neurodivergent condition you may need support to help you with your studies. We can also support you if you might be neurodivergent but have not yet received a formal diagnosis.
You may also wish to take advantage of the dedicated gym quiet times that take place the David Ross Sports Village and Jubilee Sports Centre.
The Autism Social Network gives students with autistic spectrum conditions a fun way to meet other students and obtain support.
Supporting neurodivergent staff is also key to the university’s inclusive values, and we appreciate the rounded perspective of a neurodiverse workforce. We are committed to providing more dedicated support to you over the coming months.
If you are a neurodivergent member of staff and need support, speak to your line manager or contact the HR team for further advice.
You may also wish to take advantage of the dedicated gym quiet times that take place the David Ross Sports Village and Jubilee Sports Centre.
You can find information about our informal Neurodiversity Staff Network here.
Guidance on Neurodiversity Inclusion
We have produced a set of guidelines in consultation with neurodivergent staff and students as part of a STEMM-CHANGE grant. The guidance provides people with points to consider if they are thinking of running a virtual session that may include neurodivergent staff or students. The guidlines also provide points to consider for staff or students who maybe participating in a virtual session that includes neurodivergent people.
View the guidelines here