
The banner image with title, intro and CTA layout is best used on pages that don't generate an automatic Heading 1, so you can manually add it to the image template. It is only for our standard left side menu webpage design that the majority of our pages use. Please note, on these pages the button will have square edges.

boats on the lake in front of Trent building


Use this layout to display information and a single call to action (CTA).



You'll need the following:

  • Page title*
  • Image* (950px wide by 300px high)
  • Introductory text*
  • CTA text/label*
  • CTA link destination* 

* Required field


  1. In edit mode of your page, place your cursor at the top of your page
  2. Find SharedResources/MiniTemplates/PresetLayouts/Title-page-thumbnail-intro-CTA in the project explorer
  3. Drag and drop Title-page-thumbnail-intro-CTA.tpl into your page
  4. Right click on the manual-page-thumbnail control and select webcontrol properties
  5. Browse for an image - save
  6. Input your page title
  7. Type a short, relevant and clear introduction
  8. Create your CTA link (it will automatically be styled)
  9. Save and preview your page - how does it look?