

Learning to live in a changing world

Some changes are already unavoidable, and we must find ways to adapt. The research below explores the knowledge and skills required to make that possible.  

Spotlight on... 

Dr Emily O'Donnell, Assistant Professor in Climate Change and the Environment, explains the value of multifunctional blue-green infrastructure to manage climate change impacts, and how it can be incorporated into policy and practice. 

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Emily O'Donnell 720x315


Find more articles related to climate change adaptation:

  1. PROJECT: Fixing the Future: The Right to Repair and Equal-IoT
    An interdisciplinary project investigating how the lack of repairability in the consumer Internet of Things (IoT) will adversely impact equity, inclusion, and sustainability in the digital economy.
  2. PODCAST: Why is there an adaptation gap?
    Dr Megan Alexander discusses adaptation on the Tyndall Talks podcast, exploring some of the reasons why policy and practice are lagging behind where we need them to be to adapt to the consequences of climate change.
  3. PODCAST: Sustainability in Business
    Ben is joined by super-special-guest-host Gabrielle Bunn to talk sustainability, bringing the social sciences into big projects for everyone's benefit and more with Judy Muthuri and Hannah Noke from the University of Nottingham and Daniela Salite from Aston University.
  4. PODCAST: Sustainability in Business
    Ben is joined by guest host Gabrielle Bunn to talk sustainability, bringing the social sciences into big projects for everyone's benefit and more with Judy Muthuri and Hannah Noke from the University of Nottingham and Daniela Salite from Aston University.
  5. Video: Children, future generations and climate change law
    Professor Aoife Nolan explains why the rights of children are essential to developing effective laws, policies, and programmes to counteract climate change.
  6. Short article: Blue-greening cities for climate change adaptation
    The risk of flooding is becoming ever more serious, both in the UK and across the globe, and the challenge of protecting our homes and cities is becoming increasingly important. Emily's research explores how cities, neighbourhoods and communities might increase their resilience to the impacts of climate change (particularly flooding) and what role blue-green infrastructure can play in mitigating flood risk while providing wider benefits to the environment and society.
  7. BLOG: A university determined to make a difference
    Vice-Chancellor Professor Shearer West reflects on COP27 and says to tackle the greatest challenge of our time we must accelerate the delivery of sustainable technologies and solutions.
  8. Podcast: Ethnic Minorities and Disproportionate Environmental Impacts
    Race and Climate Change are inextricably linked, as our guest Dr Charles Ogunbode discusses with Chris Sims. In this episode, we look at why the conversation about the environment is missing out on a vital demographic, when that same demographic tends to shoulder most of the impacts.
  9. SHORT ARTICLE: Exploring the Rights of Children and Future Generations
    This short article examines the importance of the relationship between children's rights and future generations' rights for International Human Rights Law.
  10. POLICY BRIEF: Sustainable Gemstone Mining in Kenya
    This Policy Brief aims to build public awareness on the policies and measures that are planned to be put in place to develop a sustainable artisanal and small-scale mining sector in Taita Taveta.
Displaying 1 to 10 of 13
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