Headshot of a black man in a coat smiling in a field

Charles Ogunbode 

Assistant Professor in Applied Psychology, School of Psychology


Bio: Dr Charles Ogunbode's research is focused on generating evidence that can be used to simultaneously facilitate large scale climate action and enhance people's health and wellbeing. 

Charles' full profile



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Below is a selection of articles and resources from the Hub featuring Charles' research.

SHORT ARTICLE: Health and wellbeing in Nottingham during the 2022 heatwave

In this article Dr Charles Ogunbode, Assistant Professor in the School of Psychology at University of Nottingham, explains the impacts of the 2022 heatwave on Nottingham communities and recommends effective coping strategies for similar future scenarios.

ARTICLE: Climate justice is social justice in the Global South

To achieve climate justice, it is necessary to clarify what it means in specific contexts. The problem of climate (in)justice in the Global South arises from a broader story of social injustices. In this context, Charles argues that climate justice means social justice.

Podcast: Ethnic Minorities and Disproportionate Environmental Impacts

Race and Climate Change are inextricably linked, as our guest Dr Charles Ogunbode discusses with Chris Sims. In this episode, we look at why the conversation about the environment is missing out on a vital demographic, when that same demographic tends to shoulder most of the impacts.
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