
Information about exam results and course progression details, including degree classifications, borderlines and resit information.



Assessment results

Results on Blue Castle

Results are shared with you online through Blue Castle unless your school or department has advised you differently. You will need to log in using your university username and password to see your information.

We will email you when results are released to let you know Blue Castle is open.

If you have any questions about your results, you should contact Student Services as soon as you're able to.

We've put together some examples of what you might see in Blue Castle to help you prepare.


When are results available?

Autumn semester module marks: Tuesday 20 February 2024

Spring semester module marks and award details for finalists: Tuesday 9 July 2024

Spring semester progression information: Tuesday 16 July 2024

Late summer resits: Tuesday 24 September 2024

PGT award outcomes: TBC


Progression and award information (including degree classification and borderlines)

To progress from one year of your course to the next, you need to meet the university academic progression regulations plus any additional supplementary regulations on your course. Please read our Academic Regulations.

Please select your type of degree, category,  and the year you started your course to see the regulations that apply to you.

Progression information can be found under the ‘completion of stage’ heading.

Academic regulations


Resit and first sit exams                                                                                                             

Resit exams

If on your first attempt, you do not satisfactorily complete a stage (other than the final stage) of your degree, you have the right for one reassessment in each failed module to satisfy the progression requirements of your course. The form of reassessment will usually be the same as the first attempt and will normally be taken in the August resit period.

The resit mark is used for progression purposes only; it is the original mark that will be used for degree classification purposes. For example, an undergraduate student may achieve 38 at the first attempt, but 63 on re-assessment. It is the original mark of 38 that will be used when calculating the weighted average to determine the final award classification.

Further information about this can be found in our university regulations. You will need to choose your type of degree and your year of entry onto the course. The resit information can then be found under the ‘Reassessment’ heading.

There is a charge to take a resit. It is a one-off charge no matter how many resits you take  in the reassessment period. The fee is currently £80 for undergraduates and £130 for  postgraduates.

Resit exams explained

First sit exams

One of the possible outcomes from an extenuating circumstances claim is a ’first sit’. That means you can take another attempt at your assessment. This is a new first attempt (and is different from a resit).

If a first sit is granted, the extenuating circumstance outcome awarded will not be optional.

If you are granted another attempt at your assessment, you will need to take it because the original (affected) assessment will not be marked and the mark will not be released to you.

First sits will usually be offered in the reassessment period in August.