Resits / first sits not in attendance - Undergraduates (inc GEM, GEN, PGCE)
- If your status is ‘resit-not in attendance’ you do not complete online registration for the relevant academic session with the University. It is similar to being ‘suspended’ or ‘interrupted’ for a period of time.
- During this period you are not entitled to receive any statutory support from the Government via the Student Loans Company (SLC). There is no tuition fee loan for the period, but you will also not be charged any standard tuition fee by the University, although there may be a re-sit fee to pay. There is no financial help from the University towards the resit fee.
- If you are ‘resit–not in attendance’ for the full year and do not register at all, it does not count as a year of study for student finance purposes.
- If you are registered at the University for part of the year, then you may be eligible for funding for that period of time, and be liable for any tuition fee charged by the University. This will count as a full year’s funding when Student Finance calculates your years of entitlement.
- The University will not pay any Bursary and/or Scholarship while your status is ‘resit–not in attendance’.
- You will need to find a source of income for the period you are not in attendance at University. The majority of students find work; some return home to live and manage with family support.
Students are NOT usually entitled to any state benefits - eg Universal Credit - unless they have dependants or a long term medical condition during a period of non attendance. If you do have dependents, a disability or long term medical condition, you may want to contact the Student Advice Centre +44 (0)115 8468730 or email SUAdvice as your individual circumstances may make you eligible for benefits.