

Funding and Financial Support Appeals

How to appeal

All applications to funds administered by the Funding and Financial Support team are assessed according to agreed guidelines. If you are unsatisfied with the outcome of an application to a fund administered by the Funding and Financial Support team* you should initially contact the assessor to discuss your concerns.

If after an explanation of the assessment you believe there has been an error or procedural inconsistency you can ask for the outcome to be reviewed by emailing the Funding Manager (copying in Financial Support) detailing the basis of your appeal. Appeals must be lodged within 2 weeks of the date of the email notifying you of the initial outcome. You will be contacted within 7 working days of receipt of the appeal with confirmation of the outcome.

Please note that this appeals process specifically relates to the outcome of a particular funding application. It provides a process by which to question that outcome in the context of the relevant criteria and assessment guidelines. The Funding and Financial Support Management’s decision on such appeals is final. Where wider issues or questions are raised, these will be dealt with in accordance with the appropriate University procedure or policy.

Stages of appeal

1. Informal query to the assessment team

2. Written appeal to Funding Manager     

Further information

Students may be referred to the Funding Manager or Senior Manager - Funding for further clarification at any point without effecting their right to appeal.  In the event that the Funding Manager made the initial assessment the appeal will be reviewed by the Senior Manager – Funding.

If you require further information about the assessment criteria and guidelines for the University Support Funds or Scholarships please contact the team.

*This appeals process does not apply to International Scholarships. We do not provide individual feedback about the outcome of International Scholarship applications in relation to the quality of applications. Please refer to the International Recruitment Scholarships pages for more information about these funds.