Research Summary
Current funded projects: 1. EPSRC (EP/S021434/1): High resolution, cryogenic analytical & transfer scanning electron microscope (HR-CAT-SEM). Khlobystov, Alexander, Scurr, Brown, Grant, Snape,… read more
Current Research
- The NCMH (National Centre for Macromolecular Hydrodynamics): Developing and using hydrodynamic methods to study the sizes, shapes and interactions of macromolecules in solution
- Glycans and their uses in biomedicine
- Development of new bioinspired polymer consolidants for archaeological wood (Oseberg artefacts) and fabric (Oseberg tapestries)
- Stable isotope analysis for provenancing archaeological iron objects
- The Meols Boat project
Current funded projects: 1. EPSRC (EP/S021434/1): High resolution, cryogenic analytical & transfer scanning electron microscope (HR-CAT-SEM). Khlobystov, Alexander, Scurr, Brown, Grant, Snape, Wright, Amabilino, Howdle, Parmenter, Rawson, Vandeginste, Harding & Arkill (1/2019 - 8/2025). 2. NFR (Norway): Virtual reconstruction, interpretation & preservation of the textile artefacts from the Oseberg find (TEXREC) Kutzke, Vedeler, Hardeberg, George, Harding, Herrmann & Geiger (9/2021 - 8/2025); 3. NERC/NEIF: Assessing isotopes as a means for the provenancing of ancient iron artefacts, Harding, Pearce, Jones & Evans (6/2022-8/2025); 5. BBSRC: Nanoscale Characterisation of Biological and Bioinspired Materials using an Integrated Fluidic Force - High-Resolution Confocal Microscopy. Yakubov, Chabarria, Sayers, Aylott, Jardie, Bennett, Pound, Camara Garcia, Alexander, Williams, Allen, Harding, Self (7/2022 - 12/2024)
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