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2005 Robert H. Ebert Memorial Lecture Emerging and Re-emerging Infectious Diseases: The Perpetual Challenge

I now would like to discuss some of the lessons we have learned as we combat infectious diseases and how the next generation of physicians and researchers might build on our experience as they face the challenge of outwitting the microbes that will continue to plague mankind.

What do I mean by a newly emerging disease? A newly emerging disease is a disease that has never been recognized before. HIV/AIDS is a newly emerging disease, as is severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), Nipah virus encephalitis, and variant Creutzfeld-Jakob disease (vCJD).

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Author Anthony S. Fauci
Type Website
Subject New and emerging infectious diseases   
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5th Birthday Campaign

Learn more about how we can work together to end preventable child deaths. This animated line drawing uses video to depict the aspirational goal of helping all children to reach age 5 of the June 13-14 Global Child Survival Summit at Georgetown University. Learn more at

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Type Website
Subject Child health   Global health issues   Poverty and inequality   Global citizenship   
Tags 5th birthday   fifth birthday campaign   June 13-14 Global Child Survival Summit at Georgetown University   Global Child Survival Summit   Georgetown University   Child health   infant mortality   child mortality   preventable deaths   
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A revealing of Nursing Informatics

Introduction to content of this document:

The theme, Antithesis refers to ideas presented in the literature that purport that the use of computers and other information technologies in health care is a threat: in fact it is the antithesis or opposite of providing compassionate, caring and client-centered nursing care. The Artifact view refers to the notion that technology of all kinds, including the contemporary inclusion of information technologies in nursing is an inherent, almost seamless cultural phenomenon, one that is long-standing and can be taken for granted as part of nursing evolution. Utility literature presents information technologies as simple, benign, and useful tools that nurses control and apply to their practice, research, studying, and management activities. The concept of Technique focuses on the application of information technologies in nursing aimed to boost productivity and efficiency, promote best practices and evidenced-based practice, and concretely record nursing activities electronically.


A focus on Agency incorporates actor-network theory, technological agency in its' own right, and how nurses interact with ICTs in an interactive and intense, almost reciprocal way. The notion of Networks entails an examination of the application of information technologies in a collaborative way: in interactions with other people, such as colleagues, interdisciplinary team members, clients, and communities of practice and inquiry, sometimes on a global scale. Finally, the theme of Power will be investigated from a disciplinary perspective, including the consequences of prestige, influence, legitimacy, governmentality, and social access. Together, these seven themes provide a rich, sometimes discordant yet crucial analysis of the varied philosophical and active ways that information technology and informatics are enacted and applied in the nursing arena.

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Subject Technology   
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Act4Africa organises trips to Uganda and Tanzania, for those wishing to do their medical elective or teaching placement in Africa.

Act4Africa is a health and education charity aiming to promote gender justice for women and girls, equip them with life skills to be free from poverty, and combat HIV using Theatre for Development techniques.

Set up in 2000 by husband and wife team Martin and Kathy Smedley, Act4Africa has a small UK support team based in Manchester and works in partnership with Act4Africa NGO Partners in Uganda, Tanzania and community based organisation, Act4Africa, in Malawi.

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Subject Planning a clinical placement overseas   
Tags Uganda   Tanzania   charity   medical elective   elective placement   africa   
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Action for Global Health (AfGH) is a broad European network of NGOs advocating for Europe to play a more proactive role in enabling developing countries to meet the Right to health for all and the Health Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).

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Subject Millennium Development Goals   
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Adventure Alternative

Elective medical placements in Kenya and Nepal can be organised through this site.

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Type Website
Subject Planning a clinical placement overseas   
Tags Kenya   nepal   medical elective   elective placement   sabbatical   
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Alameda County Public Health Department: Communicable Disease

Alameda County Public Health Department has an array of programs and services designed to protect the health and safety of County residents. The backbone of Public Health includes assessments of the health status of residents, disease prevention and control, community mobilization and outreach, policy development, education, and assurance of access to quality medical and health care services..

This section o the ACPHD website is devoted to communicable diseases. It provides information on communicable diseases for the general public, which may also be of interest to healthcare professionals.

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Subject Communicable diseases   
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The AMECA Medical Elective Bursary Awards:

It is our belief that students who have the opportunity to undertake medical electives in Third World countries, emerge as better doctors and nurses with improved clinical skills. The range and scope of clinical practice undertaken on such electives is normally way beyond anything they might hope to experience in the UK, resulting in improved patient communication, diagnostics and overall confidence.

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Subject Planning a clinical placement overseas   
Tags africa   Elective Placemetn   Funding   Bursary   
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American Nurses Association: Health IT Initiatives

Resources for nurses related to health IT initiatives can be found on this website.

ANA has launched and participated in several Health IT initiatives:

  • Developing standardized nursing languages
  • Nominating nurse leaders to federal Health IT committees and workgroups
  • Developing position statements on Health IT initiatives, policy, and standards
  • Participating in Health IT alliances, including the Alliance for Nursing Informatics, American Medical Informatics Association, and Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society
  • Developing educational products that support the consumer eHealth campaign of the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology
  • Coordinating expert panel summit meetings to establish quality measurement models for inclusion in electronic health records


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Subject Technology   
Tags online learning   
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AMSA Global Health (AGH)

AMSA Global Health (AGH) is a committee of the Australian Medical Students' Association (AMSA) serving the global health interests of Australia's medical students. AGH seeks to connect, inspire and empower students of health to effect change towards the realisation of global health equity through unified, responsible and sustainable action.

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Type Website
Subject Poverty and inequality   Climate change and sustainability   
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Annual Conference: Health & Gender Equity in a Period of Global Crisis - Presentations now Available

You can access the presentations from the annual Health & Gender Equity in a Period of Global Crisis Conference November 2013 on this website.

The titles of the session that took place at the conference are listed below:

  • Opening Plenary Round Table: Development 2.0?
  • Parallel Session 1: Development 2.0
  • Plenary Session 1 - Gender Equity and Global Crisis
  • Parallel Session 1: Gender - Violence, Vulnerability and HIV
  • Parallel Session 2: Gender - Power, Participation and Voice
  • Parallel Session 3: Gender - Poverty, Empowerment and Conflict
  • Plenary Session 2 - Health Equity and Global Crisis
  • Parallel Session 1: Health - HIV, policy and mental health
  • Parallel Session 2: Health - Health Systems

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Type Website
Subject Gender and health   Poverty and inequality   
Tags conference   
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Are Men Drawing the Short Straw in Global Health Initiatives?

The opening sentence of this article in HealthlineNews is (Published on May 20, 2013):

Experts take a critical look at global health policies and say that the issue of gender should be addressed, particularly norms and behaviors that drive up men’s health risks.

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Author Brian Krans
Type Website
Subject Gender and health   
Tags news   
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BBC News: Millennium Development Goals

This is a special report by the BBC on the Mellennium Development Goals.

The Millennium Development Goals are a set of targets to reduce global poverty and improve living standards by 2015. You can click on the tabs on this page to find out about the targets.

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Subject Millennium Development Goals   
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Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

Our Global Health Division aims to harness advances in science and technology to save lives in developing countries. We work with partners to deliver proven tools—including vaccines, drugs, and diagnostics—as well as discover pathbreaking new solutions that are affordable and reliable. Equally important is innovation in how we bring health interventions to those who need them most. We invest heavily in vaccines to prevent infectious diseases—including HIV, polio, and malaria—and support the development of integrated health solutions for family planning, nutrition, and maternal and child health.

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Type Website
Subject Child health   Communicable diseases   Global health issues   Health systems and models of service delivery   Maternal health   Non-communicable diseases   Poverty and inequality   
Tags hiv   change   Bill Gates   malaria   polio   grants   global health grants   Funding   pneumonia   
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Blog: The Nerdy Nurse

About the authour of 'The nerdy nurse' blog:

Brittney Wilson, RN, BSN, also known as The Nerdy Nurse, is a Clinical Informatics Nurse practicing in the Atlanta, Georgia area. In her day job she gets to do what she loves every day: Combine technology and healthcare to improve patient outcomes. She can best be described as a patient, nurse and technology advocate, and has a passion for using technology to innovate, improve and simplify lives, especially in healthcare. Brittney is the author of The Nerdy Nurse’s Guide to Technology. She is a social media influencer and blogs about nursing, technology, healthcare, parenting and various lifestyle topics at 

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Subject Technology   
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Blog: UK nurse against climate change SKIP TO CONTENT

The blogger's introduction to their blog:

'So I have committed to writing a blog (there is a first time for everything!). My own private journey into a year, and hopefully much longer, of trying to raise awareness of climate change and its devastating effects on human health. And how we as nurses can help, both in our professional and private lives. I’m not an academic writer. Its not my strong point. But I’m passionate about what I do, I love nursing and I want to do something which will make a difference.'

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Subject Climate change and sustainability   
Tags blog   UK   informal   
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Boston University Medical Campus: National Emerging Infectious Diseases Laboratories

The National Emerging Infectious Diseases Laboratories (NEIDL) is part of a national network of secure facilities studying infectious diseases that are—or have the potential to become—major public health concerns. The laboratories are dedicated to the development of diagnostics, vaccines, and treatments to combat emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases. In addition to BSL-2 and BSL-3 laboratories, the NEIDL houses a BSL-4 laboratory. The NEIDL adds to the growing life sciences industry in the region, throughout the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and across the country.

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Subject New and emerging infectious diseases   
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Building of the global movement for health equity: from Santiago to Rio and beyond

Reports on developments subsequent to the publication of the Commission on social determinants of health, specifically emerging findings from WHO European Region.  Free registation necessary for access to this article. 

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Author Waage et al
Type Website
Subject Social justice, human rights and health   Poverty and inequality   
Tags WHO   Inequality   social determinants of health   marmot   
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Can Global Wealth Lead To Global Health?

Global Health or International Health has become a trendy term and many academic centres have evolved around this ‘Global’ theme. Is it the emergence of new infectious diseases such as SARS, or the re-emergence of old infectious diseases such as Avian Flu (H5N1) and Swine Flu (H1N1) that drives this global action on health? Should global health focus on the provision of medical aid to low-income countries? And finally, is the training of health care workers in low-income countries a priority area, as it helps to build the capacity of health care systems to respond to various health challenges more effectively and efficiently?

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Author Prof. Albert Lee
Type Website
Subject Global economy and health   Urbanisation   
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Can Healthcare Save the Global Economy?

An article published on the St Joseph's University website.

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Author Carolyn Steigleman
Type Website
Subject Global economy and health   
Tags US   USA   Economic crisis   
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Capital Health: Determinants of Health

There are several factors which affect health, collectively they are known as the 12 determinants of health, which are described on this webpage.

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Subject Determinants of health   
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CARE is a leading humanitarian organization fighting global poverty. 

We place special focus on working alongside poor women because, equipped with the proper resources, women have the power to help whole families and entire communities escape poverty.

Our Mission

Our mission is to serve individuals and families in the poorest communities in the world.

About this resource
Type Website
Subject Child health   Gender and health   Global health issues   Maternal health   Poverty and inequality   Climate change and sustainability   Global economy and health   New and emerging infectious diseases   Social justice, human rights and health   
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CDC: Social Determinants of Health

This section of the CDC (centres for disease control and prevention) website is devoted to the social determinants of health. It includes the following: resources, publications, definitions and a frequently asked questions page.

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Center for Health and Gender Equity (CHANGE)

Since 1994, CHANGE has advocated for the sexual and reproductive health and rights of women and girls worldwide.

Our Mission:


The Center for Health and Gender Equity (CHANGE) is a U.S.-based non-governmental organization whose mission is to promote the sexual and reproductive health and human rights of women and girls globally by shaping the development and implementation of U.S. policies. We envision a world where sexual and reproductive health and rights are universally recognized, and where comprehensive, integrated sexual and reproductive health services are accessible and available to all, free from coercion, violence, and discrimination.

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Subject Gender and health   Maternal health   
Tags hiv   aids   
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Center on Gender Equity and Health

Our Mission

The mission of the Center on Gender Equity and Health is to improve population health and development by improving the status, opportunities and safety of women and girls, globally. The Center focuses on conducting innovative global public health research, medical and academic training, and development and evaluation of evidence-based policies and practices related to:

gender inequities (girl child marriage, son preference and daughter aversion)

gender-based violence (partner violence, sexual assault & exploitation, sex trafficking)

The overarching goal of the Center is reducing gender inequities and gender-based violence, as such reductions are key to improving sexual, reproductive, and maternal and child health. To achieve this mission of creating sustainable and large-scale change, the Center seeks and maintains partnerships with governmental and non-governmental agencies around the globe. A social justice framework is utilized by the Center across these efforts, and innovative technologies are employed to facilitate and accelerate change at individual, community and national levels.

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Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

This site has information on a wide rang of health conditions, travel health and outbreaks.

CDC leverages its core strengths to advance four overarching global health goals:
1) improving the health and well-being of people around the world 
2) improving capabilities for preparing for and responding to infectious diseases and emerging health threats
3) building country public health capacity
4) maximizing organizational capacity.

For more than 60 years, CDC has used its scientific expertise to help people throughout the world live healthier, safer, longer lives. CDC's Center for Global Health coordinates and manages the agency's resources and expertise to address global challenges such as HIV/AIDS, malaria, emergency and refugee health, non-communicable diseases, injuries, and more.


About this resource
Type Website
Subject Planning a clinical placement overseas   Child health   Communicable diseases   Global health issues   Health systems and models of service delivery   Non-communicable diseases   Poverty and inequality   
Tags travel health   vaccinations   medicine   travel advice   outbreaks   health conditions   maximising capacity   service delivery   
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Certificate in Maternal and Child Health

The Certificate in Maternal and Child Health is designed for those interested in learning about the complexities of global health and the unique barriers to healthcare that face women and children. Participants gain a comprehensive understanding about issues in maternal and child survival, and also learn about innovations in healthcare for women and children.

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Subject Child health   Maternal health   
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Chapter 50. Patient Care Technology and SafetyChapter 50. Patient Care Technology and Safety

The purpose of this chapter is to provide a conceptual model for technologies that nurses are likely to encounter and to delineate strategies for promoting their effective and safe use. 


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Author Gail Powell-Cope, Audrey L. Nelson, Emily S. Patterson
Type Website
Subject Technology   
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Child Health and inequality the role of Citizens Advice Bureau, Nurses and Health Visitors

This is a post in the blog 'Local Democracy anf Health: Taking control of our own health and well being'.

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Subject Child health   
Tags Child health   Early Years   integration pioneers   marmot   social determinants of health   Welfare Rights   wolverhampton CAB   blog   
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Climate Change and Health: A Resource Guide

A resource guide provided on the Environmental Healh Nursing Eductaion website, giving links to website, lists of useful articles and other resources related to climate change.

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Subject Climate change and sustainability   
Tags Environmental health nursing education   resource   resources   
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Clinical record keeping

Welcome to the Nursing Times Learning online training unit on Clinical record keeping.

The unit will teach you:

  • How to document clearly and safely
  • The role of record-keeping in ensuring clear measureable outcomes for patient care
  • The role of records in undertaking a root-cause analysis of an incident in healthcare and the importance of a clear “audit trail”
  • Nurses' accountability and duty of care in relation to patient care and record-keeping
  • The role of records in complaints and civil court cases
  • How to use the SOAP framework to record episodes of care

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Subject Technology   
Tags online learning   
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Clinton Foundation: Global Health

Working closely with governments and other partners, we aim to strengthen in-country health systems and improve global markets for medicines and diagnostics – ensuring lifesaving treatments and care can reach the people who need them the most. Our goal is to transform these systems and ensure they develop into self-sustaining methods of providing low-cost, high-quality care.

About this resource
Type Website
Subject Communicable diseases   Gender and health   Global health issues   Health systems and models of service delivery   Poverty and inequality   Social justice, human rights and health   
Tags hiv   malaria   aids   clinton foundation   foundation   
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Commission on Social Determinants of Health (CSDH) Final Recommendations

The final report of the Commission on Social Determinants of Health (CSDH), released in August 2008 and endorsed by World Health Assembly Resolution in 2009, called for a broad scope of interventions, contained in three overarching recommendations for social determinants of health actions, followed by a number of more specific areas for action that are summarized on this webpage. 

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Subject Determinants of health   
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Communicable Diseases HEAT Module

This Module will help you to acquire the basic skills and knowledge to reduce the burden of mortality and morbidity in your community through the detection, prevention and treatment of common infections.

This module is part of the Ethiopian HEAT programme. These Blended Learning Modules have been produced in collaboration with the Ethiopian Federal Ministry of Health (FMOH) and Regional Health Bureaus (RHBs) as well as a range of medical experts and health science specialists within Ethiopia. They are being used to upgrade the theoretical knowledge of the country's 33,000 rural Health Extension Workers to that of Health Extension Practitioners and to train new entrants to the service.

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Subject Communicable diseases   
Tags online learning   resource   

The Modules are Open Educational Resources (OERs) and are free for everyone to use. You can download them as they are or adapt them to fit your specific context. The OERs cover the full range of health promotion, disease prevention, basic management and essential treatment protocols to improve and protect the health of rural communities. 


All Modules are available as web-based resources and in a range of formats including PDF documents for print.

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Creating Effective Health Systems Resources

This page of the CDC website provides a range of resources organised under the the following list of catagories:

  • About CDC and the US Public Health System
  • Accountable/Coordinated Care
  • Budget/Other Resources
  • Community Benefit/Needs Assessment
  • Evidence-Based Practices
  • Performance/Quality Improvement
  • Public Health and Clinical Care Integration
  • Public Health Law Resources
  • Public Health Professional Development
  • Return on Investment
  • Shared Services
  • Systems Change

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Subject Health systems and models of service delivery   
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Definition of Emerging infectious disease

A definition of Emerging infectious disease from

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Subject New and emerging infectious diseases   
Tags definition   define   
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Department of Health Information for a Healthy New York: A-Z Index

This is the Health Topic A-Z Index on the New York State website. 

The A-Z index provides information on a large number of different medical conditions. The main audience of the website is New York citizens, however the information may well be of intrest to other audiences including health care professionals.

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Type Website
Subject Communicable diseases   Non-communicable diseases   New and emerging infectious diseases   
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Development Goals: Information about the United Nations Millennium Development Goals

This informational site about the Development Goals is not an official site by the UN or The World Bank. is an attempt by a team of young people from Western countries to help keep the eyes of the world on the importance of the Development Goals, and the issues they target.

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Subject Millennium Development Goals   
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Devolution of Healthcare Services in Kenya

KPMG has a global healthcare advisory practice, with an African regional centre of excellence and a Kenyan healthcare team. We have experience in working across regional health ecosystems to redesign patient pathways and shift the provision of care to more appropriate settings. We have delivered a number of highly successful projects throughout Eastern, Central and Southern Africa in recent years. As such, we have local expertise to guide clients through major transformational processes. 

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Author KPMG
Type Website
Subject Global health governance   
Tags kpmg   
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Aricle written by Jakaya Mrishoo Kikwete (President of the United Republic of Tanzania), giving his opinion on health and the economy. 

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Subject Global economy and health   
Tags Tanzania   president   opinion   
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Doctor supply rising, outpacing population growth

CBC News article stating that: 'Canada's supply of doctors continues to outpace population growth but the numbers don't reflect the true picture, experts say.'.

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Subject Population growth   
Tags Canada   doctors   
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Dream Big Ghana

Dream Big Ghana work to enable healthcare students to gain insight into the health care experiences of people living in a rural setting in Ghana. You will stay at the beautiful ‘Africa Home Lodge,’ Meet Me There, Ghana. You will get a chance to meet local people and feel part of the community.

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Subject Planning a clinical placement overseas   
Tags africa   Ghana   volunteer   elective placement   medical student   midwifery   nursing   nurse   doctor   midwife   
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Drop in foreign student numbers: are UK universities too complacent?

News article published on the Guardian website on Friday 4 April 2014.

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Author Camille Kandiko Howson
Type Website
Subject Supporting international students   
Tags news   
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EBSCO Information Services: Global Health

Unparalleled access to all of the world’s relevant public health research and practice.

Produced by CABI, this database was created to ensure that key literature from all sources can be brought quickly and easily to the attention of those working in the field; the database covers all aspects of public health at both international and community levels, as well as a wealth of material from other biomedical and life science fields.

About this resource
Type Website
Subject Child health   Communicable diseases   Determinants of health   Epidemiology and burden of disease   Gender and health   Global health issues   Health systems and models of service delivery   Maternal health   Non-communicable diseases   Poverty and inequality   Education   
Tags eJournal   e-journals   e-journal   eJournals   articles   literature   academic   database   research   search   reading   
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Economic Evaluation Basics

After completing this course, learners will have a more complete understanding of the issues that researchers consider in conducting economic evaluations and the role of economic evaluations in policy and program decision making. - See more at:

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Subject Global economy and health   
Tags Global Health eLearning Centre   online   online learning   online course   online resource   

Collaborating organizations involved in the development of Economic Evaluation Basics include:


Maria Au, United States Agency for International Development

Lisa Basalla, Johns Hopkins University Center for Communication Programs

David Davies-Deis, Johns Hopkins University Center for Communication Programs

Dianna Edgil, Office of the Global AIDS Coordinator

David Hotchkiss, MEASURE Evaluation/Tulane University

Seseni Nu, ICF Macro

Vimalanand Prabhu, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Nalinee Sangrujee, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

We would also like to acknowledge the following technical reviewers for their valuable input:


Ajay Behl, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Mahmud Khan, Tulane University

Greg Russell, Office of the U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator

- See more at:

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EHIC - European Health Insurance Card

Information about the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC), which replaced the old E111 in 2006.

Your EHIC lets you get state healthcare at a reduced cost or sometimes for free. It will cover you for treatment that is needed to allow you to continue your stay until your planned return. It also covers you for treatment of pre-existing medical conditions and for routine maternity care, as long as you're not going abroad to give birth.

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Subject Planning a clinical placement overseas   
Tags European Health Insurance Card   EHIC   Apply   insurance   Health insurance   Europe   
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Elective Abroad

Elective Abroad is a leading organizer of experiential travel in Africa. We go extra miles to provide you with an end-to-end service Medical Internships, Work experience, Teaching & Volunteer experience, educational exchanges as well as, expedition trips to Africa.

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Subject Planning a clinical placement overseas   
Tags africa   elective placement   Tanzania   Uganda   Kenya   malawi   Ghana   internship   
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Elective Africa

Founded in 2000, Elective Africa is a leading organizer of medical volunteering, educational, gap, and expedition trips to Africa.

For over 13 years, we have been working with communities and healthcare institutions in our program destinations to provide our program participants with a unique opportunity for medical elective and clinicical rotations, gap breaks and volunteering trips that meet four key hurdles:

  • Offer a rich, rare and insightful hands-on experience especially for those in their clinical years
  • Helping under-served communities and people
  • Facilitate cultural exchange and appreciation of host country and community
  • Provide some escape time and space for reflection, inspiration and fun!

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Subject Planning a clinical placement overseas   
Tags africa   elective placement   volunteer   Kenya   Tanzania   Uganda   malawi   
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Elective Ghana

Elective Ghana is a medical elective organization that facilitates elective placements for medical students and volunteers to Ghana. Elective Ghana arranges hospital placements for premedical, medical students and doctors. We have partnerships with most hospitals throughout Ghana, allowing us to tailor the elective program to your interests.

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Subject Planning a clinical placement overseas   
Tags medical elective   Ghana   medical student   doctor   volunteer   
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Electives International

Elective International is an organization which aims to bridge connections on a global level, merging health care awareness within the developing and developed worlds. We provide health care placements in Kenya, Tanzania, Mauritius, India and Indonesia.

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Subject Planning a clinical placement overseas   
Tags Kenya   Tanzania   Mauritius   india   Indonesia   elective placement   health care placement   
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Emerging Infections Network

In 1995, the CDC granted a Cooperative Agreement Program award to the Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA) to develop a provider-based emerging infections sentinel network: the Emerging Infections Network (IDSA EIN).


During the past decade, the IDSA EIN has evolved into a flexible sentinel network composed of over 1,100 infectious disease specialists primarily from North America, with some global members. The overarching goal of the EIN is to assist CDC and other public health authorities with surveillance for emerging infectious diseases and related phenomena.


The specific goals of the EIN are to:


  • detect new or unusual clinical events;
  • identify cases during outbreak investigations;
  • gather information about clinical aspects of emerging infectious diseases;
  • help connect members to the CDC and other public health investigators; and
  • develop new methods for gathering epidemiological and clinical information.

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Subject New and emerging infectious diseases   
Tags resouces   
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Emerging Infectious Diseases | Video

One minute video, showing how during 1940-2004, the number of newly emerging infectious diseases has risen significantly over time after controlling for progress in diagnosis and surveillance. The peak is in the 1980s, concomitant with the HIV pandemic.

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Subject New and emerging infectious diseases   
Tags map   visual demonstration   visual   
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Endsleigh Insurance

Insurance made easy

We've got exactly the right cover for you throughout your professional life as you study, graduate and develop your career.

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Subject Planning a clinical placement overseas   
Tags Endsleigh   insurance   elective placement   
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Epidemiology and Burden of Disease from Japanese Encephalitis in Cambodia: Results From Two Years of Sentinel Surveillance

This article, published in Tropical Medicine & International Health, describes the results of two years of surveillance for Japanese encephalitis (JE) disease in Cambodian children aged 15 years and under at six sentinel meningoencephalitis surveillance sites. Cases were lab-confirmed as JE through testing of serum and cerebrospinal fluid samples by ELISA. JE comprised 19 percent of all meningoencephalitis cases, striking year-round at children aged 12 years and younger in 95 percent of the cases.

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Author Touch S, Hills S, Sokhal B, et al.
Type Website
Subject Epidemiology and burden of disease   
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The Erasmus Programme is an EU exchange student programme that has been in existence since the late 1980s. Its purpose is to provide foreign exchange options for students from within the European Union and it involves many of the best universities and seats of learning on the continent.

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Subject Planning a clinical placement overseas   
Tags EU   Europe   elective placement   university   exchange   exchange student   Erasmus   
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Ethics and Care-Worker Migration

This article begins by identifying a range of factors that contribute to the movement of health care workers around the globe, specifically from low and middle-income countries to affluent ones.  From there it explores ethical issues that arise concerning the deepening of global health inequalities; the status and treatment of migrant health workers, the implications for their families and communities; and the structure of human health resource planning. There is further consideration of the range of agents who might be said to have responsibilities to address these concerns, and what could be said to ground them. Noted are key efforts made to date as well as ideas for further reform.

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Author Lisa Eckenwiler
Type Website
Subject Social justice, human rights and health   Migration of health professionals   
Tags philosophy   
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European Commission: The EU and the Millennium Development Goals

This part of the EU website focuses on the Millennium Development Goals

The EU joined world leaders in the pledge to eradicate poverty and save millions of lives spelled out in eight Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) to be achieved by 2015. This global partnership has come a long way since its adoption in 2000. The UN Millennium Goals Report 2011 confirms significant progress on a number of goals. The Commission is making a major contribution to the process. The key results from the EU programmes are now summarized in the brochure "EU Contribution to the Millenium Development Goals " – available in all languages via the EU Bookshop.

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Subject Millennium Development Goals   
Tags EU   
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Every Woman, Every Child

What is Every Woman Every Child? Launched by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon during the United Nations Millennium Development Goals Summit in September 2010, Every Woman Every Child aims to save the lives of 16 million women and children by 2015. It is an unprecedented global movement that mobilizes and intensifies international and national action by governments, multilaterals, the private sector and civil society to address the major health challenges facing women and children around the world. The movement puts into action the Global Strategy for Women’s and Children’s Health, which presents a roadmap on how to enhance financing, strengthen policy and improve service on the ground for the most vulnerable women and children. - See more at:

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Subject Child health   Maternal health   Millennium Development Goals   
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Foreign and Commonwealth Office - Travel Advice (UK Government)

UK Government website - provides travel advice.

The FCO promotes British interests overseas, supporting our citizens and businesses around the globe.

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Subject Planning a clinical placement overseas   
Tags travel advice   UK   UK Government   elective placement   safety   
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From AIDS to SARS to MERS, Emerging Infectious Diseases Remain a Dire Threat

New viruses like the pathogen that causes MERS are jumping across the species barrier, going from animals to human beings. Can we even eliminate infectious disease?


News article published by Bryan Walsh on 10th July 2013.

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Author Bryan Walsh
Type Website
Subject New and emerging infectious diseases   
Tags news   
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Future Health Systems - Innovations for Equity

The purpose of Future Health Systems consoritum is to generate knowledge that shapes health systems to benefit the world's poor. Future Health Systems addresses fundamental questions about the design of health systems and works closely with people who are leading the transformation of health systems in their own countries.

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Subject Health systems and models of service delivery   
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Gap Minder

This year, 2007, Hans Rosling’s TED-speech focused on making the seemingly impossible possible.


The Trendalyzer software (recently acquired by Google) turns complex global trends into lively animations, making decades of data pop. Asian countries, as colorful bubbles, float across the grid – toward better national health and wealth.

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Type Website
Subject Global health issues   Global economy and health   Population growth   Technology   
Tags TED   Gap Minder   statistics   data   population   health   wealth   trends   analysis   prediction   graphs   
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GAVI Campaign: Immunize every child

GAVI Alliance partners are spearheading immunization, the health intervention that saves more children than any other. Alliance activities target all the essential links along the immunization supply chain from late-stage research to introduction and delivery.

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Subject Child health   Communicable diseases   
Tags GAVI   charity   
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Global causes of maternal death: a WHO systematic analysis

Interpretation of the results of this systematic analysis:

Between 2003 and 2009, haemorrhage, hypertensive disorders, and sepsis were responsible for more than half of maternal deaths worldwide. More than a quarter of deaths were attributable to indirect causes. These analyses should inform the prioritisation of health policies, programmes, and funding to reduce maternal deaths at regional and global levels. Further efforts are needed to improve the availability and quality of data related to maternal mortality.

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Author Dr Lale Say MD a Corresponding AuthorEmail Address, Doris Chou MD a, Alison Gemmill MPH a b, Özge Tunçalp MD a, Ann-Beth Moller MSc a, Jane Daniels PhD c, A Metin Gülmezoglu MD a, Marleen Temmerman MD a, Leontine Alkema PhD d
Type Website
Subject Maternal health   
Tags WHO   
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Global economic crisis 'linked to suicide rise'

BBC news article published on 18th September 2013.

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Subject Global economy and health   
Tags BBC   BBC news   online news   
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Global Governance Watch

Global Governance Watch® (GGW) is a joint project of the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) and the Federalist Society for Law and Public Policy Studies. Its goal is to raise awareness about global governance, to monitor how international organizations influence domestic political outcomes, and to address issues of transparency and accountability within the United Nations, related intergovernmental organizations (IGOs), and other non-state actors.  

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Subject Global health governance   
Tags US   USA   UN   Unite Nations   
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Global Health and Diplomacy

GHD's mission:

To bring together leaders from the global health, diplomatic and development communities in order to discuss global health challenges and develop innovative solutions to help protect vulnerable populations from disease.

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Subject Child health   Gender and health   Global health issues   Maternal health   Global economy and health   New and emerging infectious diseases   Technology   
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Global Health Bioethics

The aim of this initiative is to provide resources to enable people conducting global health bioethics research in both developing and developed countries to communicate about issues in global health research ethics, share models of good research practice, collaborate on developing research ideas or applying for research grants, get constructive feedback on bioethics-related PhD proposals, and have ready access to a wide range of resources on research ethics. It is our hope that these resources will encourage local research initiatives, improve ethical standards in collaborative global health research, and contribute to the development and sharing of research ethics capacity.

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Type Website
Subject Global health issues   Education   
Tags research   ethics   research ethics   articles   methods   news   current affairs   
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Global Health Corps

Our mission is to mobilize a global community of emerging leaders to build the movement for health equity. We are building a community of changemakers who share a common belief:Health is a human right.

Global Health Corps pairs intelligent and passionate fellows with organizations that require new thinking and innovative solutions. We provide these young leaders with the tools to remain connected after their fellowship year finishes, deepening their ability to enact change through heightened skills and strong partnerships. We currently place fellows in Burundi, Malawi, Rwanda, Uganda, the United States, and Zambia.

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Type Website
Subject Global health issues   Poverty and inequality   Planning a clinical placement overseas   Global citizenship   Leadership   
Tags fellowship   fellow   placement   leadership   change   leader   leaders   social justice   organsation   
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Global Health Council

Global Health Council (GHC) is the leading membership organization supporting and connecting advocates, implementers and stakeholders around global health priorities worldwide

Mission: To improve health globally through increased investment, robust policies and the power of the collective voice.

Vision: We envision a world where health for all is ensured through equitable, inclusive and sustainable investment, policies and services.

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Type Website
Subject Global health issues   
Tags Global health   membership organisation   organisation   membership   awareness   protest   
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Global Health eLearning Centre

This website has a large collection of online learning resources and online courses in different ares of global health.

Meeting the learning needs of  leaders and experts in the USAID health sector

 In 2005, USAID’s Bureau of Global Health developed the Global Health eLearning (GHeL) Center to provide its worldwide mission-based health staff with access to state of the art technical global health information.

 The courses and certificate programs at the Center offer self-paced Internet-based courses that:

  •  Provide useful and timely continuing education for the world’s premier global health professionals
  • Present state-of-the-art technical content on key public health topics
  • Serve as a practical resource for increasing public health knowledge

About this resource
Type Website
Subject Child health   Communicable diseases   Global health issues   Maternal health   Non-communicable diseases   Poverty and inequality   Education   Global health teaching   
Tags eLearning   resource   resources   learn   independent learning   professional development   CPD   lectures   translations   translationed   other languages   languages other than english   USAID   US   aid   
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Global Health eLearning Centre: Additional Training Opportunities

The Global Health eLearning Team is always on the look out for opportunities that enhance the learning offered on this site. The links on this webpage are provided for your convenience. Please note that they are third-party websites and are not controlled or endorsed by the U.S. Agency for International Development or subject to our privacy policy.

About this resource
Type Website
Subject Child health   Communicable diseases   Determinants of health   Epidemiology and burden of disease   Gender and health   Global health issues   Maternal health   Non-communicable diseases   Poverty and inequality   Climate change and sustainability   Global health governance   New and emerging infectious diseases   Population growth   Population migration and health   Technology   Education   
Tags online learning   eLearning   resource   
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Global Health Hub

The Global Health Hub is a volunteer-run site that aims to provide an online gateway to news, commentary and resources related to global health. Our team of volunteers publishes original commentary while curating aggregated content from traditional and non-mainstream sources to provide a dynamic information portal for the global health community.

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Subject Child health   Gender and health   Maternal health   Non-communicable diseases   New and emerging infectious diseases   Technology   
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Global Health Library (led by WHO)

The objective of the Global Health Library (GHL) is to contribute to radically increase access to information and scientific evidence on health, particularly in developing regions. GHL is promoted and led by WHO as part of its strategy of knowledge management in global public health.

The GHL aims to 'strengthen, promote and develop worldwide networks on the collection, organization, dissemination and universal access to reliable health sciences information'.


Based on existing initiatives, virtual libraries, networks, systems, products and services and to increase their interoperability, visibility and accessibility, the main objective of the GHL proposal is to maximize cooperative activities in networks and minimize duplications. The GHL is designed to create the global space that will promote and progressively connect local, national, regional and international flows of information on health.


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Type Website
Subject Global health issues   Education   
Tags library   Global Health Library   academic   reading   literature   articles   journals   research   
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Global Health Media Project: Childbirth Videos

Our Childbirth Series is intended to improve the quality of care during childbirth and help protect the lives of birthing women. All of our videos are can be downloaded free-of-charge for use in low-resource settings.  The childbirth films will soon be available in French and Spanish. 

Global Health Media Project is expanding their Childbirth Series with 3 new videos: Initial Assessment of a Woman in Labor, Preventing Infection at Birth, and Immediate Care After Birth (integrating care for mother and baby). The primary audience for these teaching videos are birth attendants in developing countries.

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Subject Child health   Maternal health   
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Global Health University: Global Health E-Learning Resources

Global Health University disseminates knowledge to advance global health delivery and to promote excellence in global health education. All material published by Unite For Sight Global Health University is open access, meaning that you may freely read, download, distribute, and use the material, as long as all of the work is properly cited. Do you find Global Health University resources helpful to you? Become a Global Health University Member by giving a tax-deductible donation. Support Unite For Sight's movement to synthesize cutting-edge global health research and evidence-based information for free unrestricted access worldwide.

About this resource
Type Website
Subject Child health   Communicable diseases   Determinants of health   Epidemiology and burden of disease   Gender and health   Global health issues   Maternal health   Non-communicable diseases   Poverty and inequality   Climate change and sustainability   Global health governance   New and emerging infectious diseases   Social justice, human rights and health   Technology   Education   
Tags online learning   eLearning   resource   
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Global Medical Projects

Global Medical Projects is part of the Global Volunteer Projects group and was formed as the majority of our volunteers came to us for medical work experience projects. As such, we have become specialists in arranging worthwhile medical work experience placements for Pre-university students, students in their vacation, students on their electives and qualified medical personel.

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Type Website
Subject Planning a clinical placement overseas   
Tags medicine   nursing   dentistry   physiotherapy   radiography   emergency medicine   Ghana   india   Romania   Mexico   china   Tanzania   cambodia   elective placement   elective   volunteer   
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Global Network: Neglected Tropical Diseases

Our mission

One in six people in the world, including half a billion children, suffer from neglected tropical diseases (NTDs). The Global Network for Neglected Tropical Diseases, an initiative of the Sabin Vaccine Institute, works to raise the awareness, political will and funds necessary to control and eliminate the seven most common NTDs by 2020.

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Subject New and emerging infectious diseases   
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Global Warming Seen Taking Toll on Economy, Health, Crops

News article written on 4th November 2013.

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Author Alex Morales
Type Website
Subject Climate change and sustainability   
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Globalization and Its Impact on Health

Learning Objectives of this presentation:

• Understand changes in the global economy that affect health 

• Identify global public health priorities and conflicts with prevailing economic and trade policies 

• Articulate how trade agreements can restrict access to affordable health-related services and medicines, public health regulations that protect health such as tobacco and alcohol control measures, health professional workforce, and food supply 

• Provide examples of campaigns to bring public health’s voice into global economic policy

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Subject Theories of globalisation   
Tags global health education consortium   
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Globalization Theory: A Post Mortem

An article published by the journal 'International Politics' in 2005.

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Type Website
Subject Theories of globalisation   
Tags globalization   conjunctural analysis   sociology   historical   uneven and combined development   Marx   
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Go Eco

Medical volunteering is an incredible opportunity to give back to communities abroad while gaining valuable experiences for your future career. If you are in the process of becoming a medical professional, or are already trained, we will be happy to welcome you to the following projects in Vietnam, Kenya, Israel, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Zambia, and India which rely on the help of international volunteers to function at full capacity. Activities may include HIV/AIDS awareness, hospital rounds, or rural clinic treatment centers.

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Subject Planning a clinical placement overseas   
Tags Vietnam   Kenya   Israel   south africa   Zimbabwe   zambia   india   medical   elective placement   hiv   aids   Rural   Hospital   volunteer   
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Government of South Australia: Communicable Disease Control Index

This website provides links to a quarterly bulletin incorporating the Communicable Disease Control Branch report, information for the general public about communicable diseases and information for healthcare professionals. 

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Subject Communicable diseases   
Tags australia   
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Green Facts

Green Facts is a website which aims to bring the factual content of complex scientific consensus reports on health and the environment to the reach of non-specialists.

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Subject Climate change and sustainability   
Tags environment   
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Health impacts of climate change: nurses look ahead

News article published on 7th Aoril 2014 related to the Australian College of Nursing’s (ACN’s) concerns that severe climate events are having a significant impact on the healthcare needs of Australians.

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Subject Climate change and sustainability   
Tags australia   Australian   news   new article   
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Health Impacts of Global Climate Change 2001 SOEH

Stefi Barna has posted a new Video Podcast in the Sustainable Healthcare Education Network: 


Health impacts of global climate change

This is 25 minute overview of the health impacts of global climate change, made by the Society for Occupational and Environmental Health (USA). 


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Subject Climate change and sustainability   
Tags climate   sustainability   video   climate change   extreme weather   
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Health leaders gather to combat non-communicable diseases

This article written on 10th October 2013 reports on the event where guests assembled at the Royal Society the week before to hear about efforts to tackle non-communicable diseases (NCD) in low and middle income countries.

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Author Jo Seed
Type Website
Subject Non-communicable diseases   
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Health Poverty Action

Health Poverty Action works to strengthen poor and marginalised people in their struggle for health.

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Subject Poverty and inequality   Social justice, human rights and health   
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Health topic quickview: Communicable diseases

A section of the Austrailan goverment department of health website providing a collection of communicable diseases-related information.

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Subject Communicable diseases   
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HEAT Resources

From this page you can access the modules that form the theoretical training element of the Health Education and Training (HEAT) programme of the UK Open University. The thirteen modules cover a wide range of subjects including child and maternal health, hygiene, immunisation, and nutrition. These modules have been created as Open Educational Resources and they can be accessed by anyone in the world, at any time, free of charge.

They are also accessible in a number of different formats depending on your needs which means you may download the materials and adapt them as necessary under the terms of the Creative Commons licence. You're asked to comply with copyright requirements and that you upload your amended version(s) to the site so that best practice can be shared.
The modules equate to 450 hours of study time for healthcare workers studying in sub-Saharan Africa, and exist in tandem with the comprehensive practical healthcare skills training provided.

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Subject Child health   Global health issues   Maternal health   Education   
Tags OER   OU   Sub-saharan Africa   development   

Creative Commons BY-NC-SA

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How Nurses Are Using Technology

From electronic medical records and patient self-tracking to informatics and minimally invasive procedures, healthcare is getting more and more high-tech. Here are some ways technology makes things better for patients, and nurses...

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Subject Technology   
Tags Johnson&Johnson;   
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Huge poor–rich inequalities in maternity care: an international comparative study of maternity and child care in developing countries

This paper describes poor–rich inequalities in use of professional delivery and antenatal care for 45 developing countries and compares these to inequalities in use of child health services. By presenting various aspects of inequalities in the use of maternity care, and by contrasting these to inequalities in the use of child health care, this paper seeks possible explanations for the inequalities observed in maternity care.

About this resource
Author Tanja AJ Houweling a, Carine Ronsmans b, Oona MR Campbell b, Anton E Kunst
Type Website
Subject Maternal health   Poverty and inequality   
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IFRE Volunteer Abroad

IFRE is a nonprofit organization based in Dallas, Texas, USA. We founded IFRE’s volunteer abroad program in 2005 after realizing the need for safe and affordable volunteer abroad programs. So far, nearly 10,000 volunteers have participated in our meaningful volunteer programs in Asia, Africa and Latin America. IFRE is headquartered in Dallas, Texas and has multiple offices with 100+ experienced field employees throughout the 18 developing countries we support in Asia, Africa and Latin America.

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Subject Planning a clinical placement overseas   
Tags volunteer   elective placement   latin america   asia   africa   south america   
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Informatics and technology in Professional Nursing Practice

A book chapter titled 'Informatics and technology in Professional Nursing Practice' which can be downloaded as a pdf document.

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Subject Technology   


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Institute of Development Studies: Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and Post 2015 Agenda

IDS is working with global partners to undertake research and convene debates that aim to inform understanding of the future opportunities and challenges for development progress, and help shape thinking around the design and implementation of an inclusive, integrated and universally applicable post-2015 framework.

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Subject Millennium Development Goals   
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Institute of Global Health Innovation (Imperial College London)

The Institute of Global Health Innovation (IGHI) works to improve people’s health through innovation.  By working with others and harnessing Imperial’s expertise across medicine, science, business and engineering, we are able to find sustainable solutions to the greatest global health challenges.  


Our work is focused on global health policy development, technological innovation, medical robotics, healthcare design and cutting edge research into nutrition and the gut microbiome.  


We invite you to explore our website, check out our courses and find out more about our current research interests.

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Type Website
Subject Global health issues   Education   
Tags PhD   Imperial   Imperial College London   research   news   courses   
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International Monetary Fund: The IMF and the Millennium Development Goals

The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) are a set of development targets agreed by the international community, which center on halving poverty and improving the welfare of the world’s poorest by 2015. The IMF contributes to this effort through its advice, technical assistance, and lending to countries, as well as its role in mobilizing donor support. Together with the World Bank, it assesses progress toward the MDGs through an annual Global Monitoring Report.

Find out more about the IMF's work towards the Millennium Development Goals on this website...

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Subject Millennium Development Goals   
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International Organization for Migration (IOM)

IOM's Vision on Migration Health


Migrants and mobile populations benefit from an improved standard of physical, mental and social wellbeing, which enables them to substantially contribute towards the social and economic development of their home communities and host societies.


IOM’s Strategic Objectives on Migration Health


IOM’s strategic objectives on migration health are derived from the 2008 World Health Assembly Resolution on the Health of Migrants (61.17) that recommends action along four pillars. These four pillars have been further operationalized and agreed during the Global Consultation on the Health of Migrants organized by WHO, IOM and the Government of Spain (Madrid, 2010):


Monitoring migrant health

Enable conducive policy and legal frameworks on migrant health

Strengthen migrant friendly health systems

Facilitate partnerships, networks and multi-country frameworks on migrant health

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Subject Population migration and health   
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International Women's Health Programme: Maternal Mortality

Life may be a miracle but birth needs a helping hand. The International Women’s Health Program (IWHP) at the Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada is working towards a better world for women. Using a rights-based approach, the IWHP promotes sexual and reproductive health and rights, including safe motherhood and newborn health.

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Subject Child health   Maternal health   
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Introduction to Non-Communicable Diseases, the Health Tsunami of the 21st Century

This article was published on the Global Health and Diplomacy website, written by Ann Keeling - Chair NCD Alliance and CEO International Diabetes Federation (IDF).

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Author Ann Keeling
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Subject Non-communicable diseases   
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Involving nurses in developing new technology

In this article...

  •  Differences in public attitudes to nurses in the US and UK
  •  Why healthcare technology implementation often fails
  •  How nurses can use technology to improve practice

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Subject Technology   
Tags Nursing Times   Technology   change   Nurse leaders   
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King's centre for global health


  • to develop a clear focus of activities across global health education, research, health partnerships and global surgery. 


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Type Website
Subject Global health issues   Education   
Tags King's center for global health   Higher Education   research   BSc   MSc   summer school   king's college london   Lancet Commission on Global Surgery   Lancet   global surgery   
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Love the One


Love the One exists to provide poor and orphaned children with free medical care.

Love the One aims to partner with existing reputable children's charities. The project has been launched in India and is expected to replicate; to expand and reach out to children of other nations in the future

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Subject Planning a clinical placement overseas   
Tags india   elective placement   child   children   
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Manager (pdf repository)

You can use this site to seach for eBooks and other pdf documents related to global health (and any other topic you may be interested in).

This is a link to the search 'global health': health 

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Subject Global health issues   Education   
Tags online learning   resource   
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Managing medical migration from poor countries


In the past, the migration of skilled health professionals from poorer to richer countries was essentially a passive process. Movement was driven mainly by the political, economic, social, and professional circumstances of the individual migrant. In recent years, however, demand for health workers in many countries in the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development has been greatly increased by changes in population dynamics. In response, some of these countries are relying increasingly on imported labour, with potentially damaging consequences for the healthcare systems in many developing countries, especially Africa. Indiscriminate poaching of health professionals is also likely to damage receiving countries in the long term. In this article I explore the policy options likely to minimise the consequences of migration of health workers.

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Subject Migration of health professionals   
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This is a summary paper in the series prepared by the Commonwealth Secretariat based on the report of the UCL Lancet Commission on Managing the Health Effects of Climate Change. 

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Subject Climate change and sustainability   
Tags UCL   Lancet   
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Manitoba Health: Communicable Disease Management Protocols

Communicable Disease Management Protocols

Introduction:  Purpose of the Manual

The prevention, management and control of communicable diseases requires the active participation and cooperation of all health-care professionals and practitioners.


While this manual is intended to act as a guide to the management and control of communicable diseases within the Province of Manitoba, professional judgment will still be required by those charged with providing health care services.


Protocols for specific communicable diseases contain epidemiologic information with reference to provincial and national trends. Detailed information related to laboratory testing, treatment and public health investigation is included in the protocols and reflects best practices at the time of release. As advances in scientific knowledge and health care practices become available, our collective response to well established as well as newly identified and evolving pathogens must be routinely reviewed and updated. Although the Manual will be updated periodically, practitioners must take responsibility to ensure that they have the most recent knowledge relating to the case they are dealing with.

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Subject Communicable diseases   
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March of Dimes: Working together for stronger, healthier babies

Since the establishment of its Global Programs in 1998, March of Dimes has worked hard to improve birth outcomes in low- and middle-income countries. To date, Global Programs has overseen projects in 33 countries through a partnership mechanism that it calls the "mission alliance." The ideal mission alliance partner is one which has an established presence in the target country, including legal status, the support of and connection to its Ministries of Health and Finance and a local infrastructure; shares our mission to improve the health of newborns; and demonstrates financial health and stability. Together with our international and U.S. partners, March of Dimes has conducted interventions over the past decade that have been well-planned and executed, product-intensive, of short turn-around and measurable. In doing so, March of Dimes has respected the individual cultural differences of our partner organizations. We also have offered our technical partners technical expertise and the extensive resources of the March of Dimes, including professional and public health education materials and tools for establishing data collection systems, which have been easily adapted by our mission alliance partners to local conditions and needs. Working in this manner, March of Dimes has become a highly-visible, trusted and respected ally in the eyes of our developing country colleagues and a source of scientifically-robust data, curricula and other informational materials for use both in lower-income countries and in resource-poor settings in industrialized countries.

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Subject Child health   Maternal health   
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MASTA Travel Health

MASTA (Medical Advisory Service for Travellers Abroad) has been operating for close to 30 years and we now run the largest network of private travel clinics in the UK. We have well established partnerships with Boots and STA, Independent Pharmacists and combined with our clinics based in NHS and Occupational Health establishments; we have full national coverage, with over 200 clinics now operating and more planned in the future.

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Subject Planning a clinical placement overseas   
Tags from UK   UK   vaccinations   travel health   travel advise   safety   travel clinic   
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Medical Aid Films - Films for Life

MAF aims to save the lives of vulnerable women and children in developing countries by providing innovative training and education through film.


Our Training Films are organised into topics which are growing and evolving with demand and feedback. The films are aimed at various audiences which is clearly indicated and supporting documentation is available on each page to assist the trainer in delivering the educational content.

About this resource
Type Website
Subject Child health   Gender and health   Global health issues   Maternal health   Poverty and inequality   Social justice, human rights and health   Education   Global health teaching   
Tags film   video   resources   education   educational videos   infant mortaltiy   Maternal mortality   preventable deaths   solution   training   digital media   Teaching   support patients   skills   teaching skills   self management   
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Medical Electives

The Medical Elective Network provides electives and and health care internships in Peru for medicine, dentistry, nursing, physical therapy, physician assistant, and dietetics students and professionals.

You may take your medical elective in Trujillo on the Pacific Coast; or Arequipa, in the Peruvian Andes.  At either location you are sure to have a fantastic and valuable learning experience.

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Subject Planning a clinical placement overseas   
Tags Peru   Spanish   Learn Spanish   Speak Spanish   Trujillo   Arequipa   health care internship   medical elective   medicine   dentistry   nursing   physical therapy   physician assistant   dietetics   student   
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Medical Missions to Peru

The Medical Missions to Peru are a join effort of Solidaridad en Marcha (SEM) with a large group of volunteers from North America and Latin America. In some trips, we join efforts with the Canadian organization Solidarity Experiences Abroad, Inc. Our missions seek to help people in material and spiritual need, according to their dignity and human rights.

Volunteers are the basic unit of all our medical mission trips.  You can help as a health care professional (doctor, nurse or pharmacist) or you can volunteer in other ways to support the mission, such as collecting donations, packing medicines, calling people, traveling with us to help in the field, etc.

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Subject Planning a clinical placement overseas   
Tags volunteer   medical elective   elective placement   pharamcist   pharmacy   nurse   nursing   doctor   medical   Peru   
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Migration: A Social Determinant of the Health of Migrants

This paper examines the relationship between migration and health from a human-rights and social equity based perspective. I discusses how migration can itself be seen as a determinant of migrants' health.

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Subject Population migration and health   
Tags IOM   
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MPH programs list .com

MPH Programs launched as a free resource for students interested in graduate public health, public administration, public policy and health administration programs.

About this resource
Type Website
Subject Child health   Communicable diseases   Epidemiology and burden of disease   Global health issues   Maternal health   Non-communicable diseases   Poverty and inequality   Climate change and sustainability   Global health governance   Social justice, human rights and health   Education   
Tags video   online learning   resource   eLearning   
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My Sister My Self - Brigid McConville and the White Ribbon Alliance UK

This film collects the testimony of women and midwives in Africa and South East Asia on the joys and tragedies of childbirth and pregnancy. By sharing the stories of women who have lost their lives giving birth, and of women whose lives have been saved thanks to receiving appropriate care, this film shows how appropriate care can make a critical difference for women.

Visit for more information about the White Ribbon Alliance’s work to promote safe motherhood.


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Subject Gender and health   Maternal health   
Tags pregnancy   video   Maternal mortality   africa   south east asia   safe motherhood   international women's health programme   birth   child birth   
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National Public Radio - Topic: Global Health

This website contains many videos and news articles arelated to current global health issues.

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Subject Global health issues   
Tags video   videos   news   articles   radio   audio   current affairs   
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Newborns suffer from communicable diseases

News article published in 'The Times of India' on 6th May 2014.

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Subject Child health   
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NHS Education for Scotland: Introducing the Wider Determinants of Health

Dahlgren and Whitehead's 1992 representation of the wider determinants of health below informed the Acheson Report (DH, 1998) and the Scottish Government's Equally Well (SG, 2008a). It still stands as the most effective illustration of health determinants and continues to inform the work to of those concerned with understanding and reducing the health inequality gap.

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Subject Determinants of health   
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Nursing Informatics & Technology: A Blog for All Levels of Users

About Nursing Informatics & Technology: A Blog for All Levels of Users


While critical thinking is arguably still the most important skill in nursing, technological knowhow is probably a close second, and is an essential complement to critical thinking. From telemetry to PDAs, from scheduling to EHRs, nurses are surrounded by technology and the more they are involved in its creation, implementation and integration, the more useful they will find the tools - and the better care they can provide patients. The purpose of this blog is to engage nurses in conversation about how technology is used in nursing. Both technophobes and uberusers will learn from a group of bloggers who are immersed in healthcare informatics, technological development and implementation.

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Subject Technology   
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Nursing Leadership in Global Health: Developing Pathways for Effective Advocacy and Action

The Symposium objectives are:

  • Discuss complex and competing forces that influence health of individuals and populations around the world
  • Identify challenges, barriers and solutions to increasing nurse leadership and local workforce capacity
  • Describe essential components for successful collaboration with traditional and non-traditional partners to impact policy
  • Cite pathways to effective advocacy and activism in improving health of patients and populations within their communities

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Subject Leadership   
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Nursing Technology Fund

Information about the 'Nursing Technology Fund' on the NHS website.

In October 2012 the Prime Minister announced the establishment of a Nursing Technology Fund to support nurses, midwives and health visitors to make better use of digital technology in all care settings, in order to deliver safer, more effective and more efficient care.

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Subject Technology   
Tags UK   NHS   
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ONE is an international campaigning and advocacy organization of nearly 6 million people taking action to end extreme poverty and preventable disease, particularly in Africa… because the facts show extreme poverty has already been cut in half and can be virtually eliminated by 2030, but only if we act with urgency now.

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Subject Child health   Maternal health   Poverty and inequality   New and emerging infectious diseases   
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Online tool to support postgraduate student choice in higher education

A new web-site to help UK and international prospective postgraduate students find the right higher education courses for them is to be developed by the four UK higher education funding bodies.

The online decision-making tool, provisionally called ‘PGT Choices’, will be launched in 2015. It is designed to help prospective postgraduate taught (PGT) students identify the sorts of questions to ask when deciding what and where to study, and to signpost sources of relevant information.

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Subject Supporting international students   
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Operation Orphan

Releasing medical skill into the developing world is a great way to raise the standard of healthcare for many vulnerable children.  Operation Orphan is able to facilitate this by offering Medical placements for those wanting to complete their elective overseas and for qualified medical practitioners ready for an adventure.


Placements vary from 2 weeks to 2 months 

Opportunities are available for medical staff to work in a wide variety of hospitals and communities in both Uganda and Ghana.

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Subject Planning a clinical placement overseas   
Tags elective placement   medical elective   Uganda   Ghana   africa   
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Original Volunteers

Original Volunteers is the UK’s leading independent volunteering specialist, and every year we send volunteers to more than 100 projects across 18 countries. Our placements are ethical, flexible, low-cost and tailored to you.

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Subject Planning a clinical placement overseas   
Tags volunteer   elective placement   nursing   medicine   hospital placements   
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Overview of Urbanisation in India

Historically, cities have been the driving force in economic and social development. At present approximately 307 million Indians lives in nearly 3700 towns and cities spread across the country. This is 30.5% of its population, in sharp contrast to only 60 millions (15%) who lived in urban areas in 1947 when the country became Independent. During the last fifty years the population of India has grown two and half times, but Urban India has grown by nearly five times. In numerical terms, India's urban population is second largest in the world after China, and is higher than the total urban population of all countries put together barring China, USA and Russia.

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Subject Urbanisation   
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Plan My Gap Year

Plan My Gap Year was established by Gad and Philip, who have both have a passion for travelling and volunteering around the world. Since our launch in 2011, PMGY has become an award-winning organisation with four members of staff in the UK and an extended network of local teams placed across the world.

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Subject Planning a clinical placement overseas   
Tags gap year   volunteering   elective placement   africa   south america   latin america   asia   
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Polio’s Return After Near Eradication Prompts a Global Health Warning

News article published 5th May 2014.

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Subject Child health   
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Population Growth & Health Facilities In Nigeria (A Case Study Of Ondo State)

ABSTRACT: Initially, HEALTH SERVICES in Nigeria were usually provided by traditional doctors followed by physicians brought by Portuguese traders to care for the health of members of their staff. Achievement of the goal of health is a basic problem being encountered in most parts of the country. Hence, the research on population growth and health facilities in Ondo State was carried out with the intension of finding out how the population growth affects the available health facilities in the state. The achievement was made possible by using various statistical tools such as series Analysis, F – ratio test. It was deduced that the available health facilities are not sufficient enough compare to the standard given by the world health organization (WHO) from where measurement is based. However, more action should be expedited, since the subject plays a primary role in the development and standard of the country.

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Subject Population growth   
Tags Population Growth   Population Projections   Health Facilities   
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Projects Abroad

Projects Abroad offers a wide variety of tailor-made elective placements overseas in developing countries. These have been designed specifically to meet the needs of students training to be doctors, dentists, nurses, midwives, physiotherapists and occupational therapists.

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Subject Planning a clinical placement overseas   
Tags volunteer   volunteering   elective placement   doctors   dentists   nursing   nurse   midwives   physiotherapists   occupational therapists   
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Public Health and Social Justice

This website contains articles, slide shows, syllabi, and other documents relevant to topics in public health and social justice. References for most of the information contained in the slide shows can be found in the accompanying articles. Presentations are updated every 6-12 months (Note: dates in link addresses refer to dates of creation of original versions, not dates of most recent updates).

The site is aimed at students, educators, and the general public. It addresses the social, economic, environmental, human rights, and cultural contributors to health and illness. Some of the content focuses on the medical humanities and the history of medicine.

All slide shows are open-access. Feel free to use information from the articles and slide shows, indeed even the slides themselves, with appropriate citation.

Starred (*) slide shows and articles are what I consider my own most comprehensive postings in a given area. Material from other contributors is not starred, which does not imply that such material is less valuable and/or important, but I am not in a position to judge what others feel qualifies as their most valuable and/or important work. On many pages, submissions from other contributors are the most interesting, and I encourage you to explore as many selections as possible.

Submissions welcome. Please email me any articles and/or slide shows you would be willing to share, along with comments, corrections, and suggestions.

Vision for the Future: Public Health and Social Justice Training Program – see

For further information, contact Martin Donohoe

Website Organized by Martin Donohoe: Biography & Curriculum Vitae

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Subject Social justice, human rights and health   
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Public health approaches to infectious disease

This unit focuses on the strategies available in the twenty-first century to tackle major infectious diseases, including pneumonia, diarrhoea, malaria, HIV/AIDS, measles, tuberculosis and infections of the newborn. Infection poses a major threat to public health all over the world, but it disproportionately affects children in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), where pneumonia and diarrhoeal diseases are the two largest causes of death among those under five years old.

The aim of the unit is to give you clear insights and memorable examples of:

  • the importance of surveillance and mapping of infectious disease outbreaks in human populations and their impact on human lives
  • the biological, socioeconomic and other circumstances influencing the transmission of pathogenic (disease-causing) bacteria, viruses and parasites
  • the success of some low-cost, community based public health campaigns to prevent, treat or control infections, illustrated by a video of a unique rural health programme in Ethiopia and a case study of how guinea worm disease has been brought to the brink of global eradication
  • the challenges that must be overcome in order to make further progress in reducing the burden of infectious disease and meeting the associated Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)agreed by the international community in 2000.

This unit is an adapted extract from The Open University course SK320 Infectious disease and public health.

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Subject New and emerging infectious diseases   
Tags online learning   open learn   open university   
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Reducing the global burden of childhood unintentional injuries


Among 1–19-year olds, unintentional injuries accounted for 12% of 5.1 million global deaths from injuries in 2010. Despite this high burden, childhood injuries have not received much attention in global health. This paper describes the major causes of deaths from childhood unintentional injuries and provides a review of interventions for reducing this burden. About 627?741 deaths were due to unintentional injuries in 2010 among 1–19-year olds. The proportionate mortality increased with age—from 12.6% among 1–4-year olds to 28.8% among 15–19-year olds. Deaths from Western sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia accounted for more than 50% of all deaths. Rates in these regions are 68.0 and 36.4 per 100?000 population, respectively, compared to 6.4 in Western Europe. Road traffic injuries (RTI) are the commonest cause of death, followed by deaths from drowning, burns and falls. Male children are more predisposed to unintentional injuries except for burns which occur more frequently among females in low and middle income countries (LMICs). Effective solutions exist—including barriers for preventing drowning; safer stoves for burns; child restraint systems for RTI—but the effectiveness of these measures need to be rigorously tested in LMICs. The general lack of a coordinated global response to the burden of childhood unintentional injuries is of concern. The global community must create stronger coalitions and national or local plans for action. Death rates for this paper may have been underestimated, and there is need for longitudinal studies to accurately measure the impact of injuries in LMICs.

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Author Olakunle Alonge and Adnan A Hyder
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Subject Unintentional injuries   
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Responsible Electives

Responsible Electives provides electives for medical students in developing or resource poor countries through a collaboration between Dundee School of Medicine, Challenges Worldwide and The Electives Network

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Subject Planning a clinical placement overseas   
Tags medical student   elective placement   fair trade   
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rethink aid: The Social, Environmental, and Political Determinants of Health

At ReThink, we are keenly aware of the social, environmental, and political determinants of health that are often overlooked in vertical aid initiatives. As a coalition of physicians and social scientists from around the world, we have learned that these determinants of health are a part of the every day lives of communities in need. This page highlights some of the key components, including:


Water & Sanitation –  Food Security & (Mal)nutrition – Women & Communities


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Subject Determinants of health   
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Royal College of Nursing

If you are a fully qualified nurse or midwife you can join the largest nursing union and professional body in the UK. Membership of the RCN will give you access to invaluable protection and support as well as an extensive range of exclusive benefits and services.

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Subject Planning a clinical placement overseas   
Tags insurance   union   RCN   indemnity   
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Royal College of Pediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH): RCPCH International

RCPCH is committed to improving the health of children everywhere by supporting members and policymakers to build on evidence-based practice.

RCPCH International is 'Working with partners in the UK and overseas to advance global child health'

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Subject Child health   
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Royal Triangle

Currently, Royal Triangle coordinate medical elective placements in rural and urban hospitals in Ghana for students of health care professions worldwide as well as facilitate the placement of healthcare volunteers on healthcare projects in Ghanaian Health institutions.

Our collaboration with giant UK organisations (The Elective Networks [TEN] and Alex's Medical And Educational Clinic in Africa [AMECA]) leaves us with no option than to offer the very best of placements to our applicants.

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Subject Planning a clinical placement overseas   
Tags Ghana   elective placement   medical elective   placement   elective   
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Royal Tropical Institute: Gender, rights and health (e-learning)

This is an online eductional course on gender, rights and health

Participants in this course will gain insight, knowledge and understanding of how health issues affect men and women differently, as well as how their rights can be respected and realised. The governance of health will be discussed and participants will write a research based health policy or a research proposal from a gender and rights perspective.

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Subject Gender and health   Social justice, human rights and health   
Tags eLearning   online learning   
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Saving Mothers, Giving Life

The Saving Mothers, Giving Life partnership is prioritizing countries where women and children are dying at alarming rates. As of today, the founding partners have pledged more than $280 million USD in financial resources and additional in-kind resources for work in up to 10 countries over five years. Work has begun in two countries where maternal mortality rates are disproportionately high—Uganda and Zambia.

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Subject Maternal health   
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SI-UK: Nursing Courses in the UK

SI-UK is committed to providing free independent advice and support to international students applying to UK universities.

Our international university consultants are fully experienced and trained by trusted university partners and the British Council, and are here to help guide you through each step of the application process to any UK university, college or language school.

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Subject Supporting international students   
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Smart Global Health is the website for the Global Health Policy Center at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) in Washington D.C.  The Global Health Policy Center is a leading policy research institution focused on building bipartisan awareness about global health and its importance to U.S. national security.

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Subject Regulation and governance   
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Starfish Volunteers

Hello, we are Starfish Volunteers and you are the lucky adventurer who has found us! We offer the very best overseas volunteer adventures and volunteer abroad experience holidays in Thailand, India and beyond.

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Subject Planning a clinical placement overseas   
Tags thailand   volunteer   elective placement   health care   
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State Innovation Models Initiative: Model Testing Awards Round One

Over $250 million in Model Testing awards is supporting six states to implement their State Health Care Innovation Plans. A State Health Care Innovation Plan is a proposal that describes a state’s strategy to use all of the levers available to it to transform its health care delivery system through multi-payer payment reform and other state-led initiatives.

Visit the webpage to find out more.

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Subject Health systems and models of service delivery   
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Students as Global Citizens

A research partnership between the Development Education Research Centre (Institute of Education, University of London), the Institute for Global Health (University College, London), the Royal Veterinary College, the School of Pharmacy (University of London), and the London International Development Centre, the Development Education Research Centre at the Institute of Education, University of London was established in 2009 to develop and evaluate methods to embed learning about global and development issues within degree courses on pharmacy, veterinary science, and human health.

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Subject Global citizenship   
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Supercourse is a repository of lectures on global health and prevention designed to improve the teaching of prevention. Supercourse has a network of over 56000 scientists in 174 countries who are sharing for free a library of 5560 lectures in 31 languages. The Supercourse has been produced at the WHO Collaborating Center University of Pittsburgh, USA.

Supercourse does not grant degrees or certificates, but is designed to be a resource for teachers, professors, and other educators.

About this resource
Type Website
Subject Global health issues   Education   Global health course design   Global health teaching   
Tags pittsburgh   OER   

GNU Free documentation licence - see Supercourse Terms of Use.

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Supporting international students in UK Higher Education: a course for staff

These materials are a course pack commissioned by the Subject Centre for use by education developers (workshop mode) or by individual staff (online mode). The materials provide reflective activities designed to engage teachers with some of the key issues in working with international students and practical ideas for ways in which these can be addressed. They will be of particular interest to new staff or anyone new to working with international students. Learning outcomes include; increased awareness of areas of the UK learning experience that may present challenges for international students, Strategies for improving the learning experience of international students.

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Subject Supporting international students   
Tags eLearning   online learning   
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The 10 challenges of global health governance

In a presentation delivered at the June 2010 "Global Health: Together we can make it" conference in Brussels, Professor Ilona Kickbusch, Director of the Global Health Programme at the Graduate Institute, Geneva and Chair of the Global Health Europe Task Force, summarized the key challenges that have to be tackled in order to improve global governance for health.

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Subject Regulation and governance   
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The basic principles of migration health: Population mobility and gaps in disease prevalence Brian D Gushulak1 and Douglas W


Currently, migrants and other mobile individuals, such as migrant workers and asylum seekers, are an expanding global population of growing social, demographic and political importance. Disparities often exist between a migrant population's place of origin and its destination, particularly with relation to health determinants. The effects of those disparities can be observed at both individual and population levels. Migration across health and disease disparities influences the epidemiology of certain diseases globally and in nations receiving migrants. While specific disease-based outcomes may vary between migrant group and location, general epidemiological principles may be applied to any situation where numbers of individuals move between differences in disease prevalence. Traditionally, migration health activities have been designed for national application and lack an integrated international perspective. Present and future health challenges related to migration may be more effectively addressed through collaborative global undertakings. This paper reviews the epidemiological relationships resulting from health disparities bridged by migration and describes the growing role of migration and population mobility in global disease epidemiology. The implications for national and international health policy and program planning are presented.

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Author Brian D Gushulak and Douglas W MacPherson
Type Website
Subject Population migration and health   
Tags Emerging Themes in Epidemiology   Review   

Open Access

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The Best Online Tools and Technology for Your Nursing Career

However, as new online nursing tools and resources continue to flood the market, sifting through all of the selections can become an overwhelming task.


Let’s take smartphone and tablet apps, for example; there are more than 10,000 healthcare related apps found on the iTunes store alone.


How does a nurse whittle down the tens of thousands of online tools available with the click of a button?


Dawn Cheairs, VP of Strategic Partnerships for DohJe, Inc., suggests keeping an ear to the ground.


“In my research for building DohJe…” says Cheairs, who markets a tool that allows nurses to directly receive, respond to and store inspirational notes/photos online, “…nursing students have indicated that educators and fellow students are the best way to find out about new apps and online technology.”


The following list also touches upon some of the most popular and best online tools for a nursing career...

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Subject Technology   
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The CDC (Centres for Disease Control and Prevention) A-Z Index


The CDC A-Z Index is a navigational and informational tool that makes the Web site easier to use. It helps you quickly find and retrieve specific information. The A-Z index is structured so that synonyms, acronyms, and cross-referencing provide multiple ways for you to access the topics and features on The index includes common and scientific terms to meet the needs of consumers as well as health professionals.

The CDC A-Z Index lists topics with relevance to a broad cross-section of’s audiences. The items are representative of popular topics, frequent inquiries, or have critical importance to CDC’s public health mission. The index will continue to evolve as additional topics are added.

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Subject New and emerging infectious diseases   
Tags Centres for Disease Control and Prevention   
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The Center for Global Health & Development (CGHD)

The Center for Global Health & Development (CGHD) at Boston University is a multidisciplinary research center that engages faculty from across the University to help solve the critical global health and social development challenges of our time. The mission of the center is not only to conduct high-quality applied research, but also to advocate for the use of this research to improve the health of underserved populations around the world. Through our collaborative work with scientists worldwide, we also seek to strengthen individual and institutional capacity to conduct and utilize research.

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Subject Global health issues   Poverty and inequality   Social justice, human rights and health   
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The Center of Expertise on Migration and Health

The Center of Expertise on Migration and Health will be the first multidisciplinary, university-based program in the world devoted to systematically studying the health consequences of international population movements and developing more effective strategies to address them.

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Subject Population migration and health   
Tags slide share   slideshare   slide   share   
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The Effect of Nurse Migration on the Provision of Health Services in Ghana

This website provides information on how in Ghana, the drastic internal and international migration by trained nurses has a huge impact on the provision of healthcare.

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Author Matthew Crommett
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Subject Migration of health professionals   
Tags Ghana   
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The Electives Network

TEN was founded in the UK in 2001 when Gordon Hamilton, then a medical student, wanted to organize his own elective “with a difference” and found himself with few options. He saw a need for a centralised online database, where medical students from all medical schools across the world would be able to access up-to-date and comprehensive information. And so TEN was born.

We are a one-stop shop where you can come to find all the assistance you should need with planning your elective. We strive to bring you the most current and accurate information we can at all times.

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Subject Planning a clinical placement overseas   
Tags electives   hospital placement   medics   medical student   database   online database   
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The Fogarty International Center


The Fogarty International Center is dedicated to advancing the mission of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) by supporting and facilitating global health research conducted by U.S. and international investigators, building partnerships between health research institutions in the U.S. and abroad, and training the next generation of scientists to address global health needs.

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Subject Global health issues   Technology   
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The Global Health Leadership Office of the UIC College of Nursing

The Global Health Leadership Office of the UIC College of Nursing promotes an international approach that emphasizes multidisciplinary collaborations relevant to Primary Health Care (PHC) and international health in the U.S and abroad. The philosophy of the Global Health Leadership Office is that research and PHC programs at the local level are critical components of global health care efforts.  The GHLO includes providing opportunities for nurses of all countries to improve the quality of nursing and health care. It is expected that nurses assume positions of leadership in education, practice, research, and policy to ensure the participation of community members in accessible, affordable and essential health care. 

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Subject Leadership   
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The government of the Hong Kong special administrative region: Communicable diseases resources

This webpage provides links to a large collection of online resources about a number of different communicable diseases. The types of resources it provides include: Fact Sheets,  Pamphlets, Posters, Booklets, Exhibition Boards,  Video, CDs and  Photos.

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Subject Communicable diseases   
Tags online learning   resources   Hong Kong   
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The government of the Hong Kong special administrative region: Communicable Diseases Watch

"Communicable Diseases Watch" is an on-line bi-weekly on communicable diseases published by the Centre for Health Protection. The publication aims at providing healthcare professionals with up-to-date infectious disease news and knowledge relevant to Hong Kong. It is also an indication of CHP's commitment in responsive risk communication to address the growing community interest on infectious diseases.

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Subject Communicable diseases   New and emerging infectious diseases   
Tags Hong Kong   
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The Guardian: The Millennium Development Goals

This section of the Guardian's website focusses on the Millennium Development Goals. It includes news articles, blogs, videos and other resources giving up-to-date information on the progress made towards the Millennium Development Goals so far. 

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Subject Millennium Development Goals   
Tags news   
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The Higher Education Academy

We believe that policy and pedagogic practice that works for international students also works for the benefit of all students. We promote a curriculum which is informed by a broader global view, that is taught in a range of ways and enables students to study abroad to learn more about themselves, their disciplines and their future professions.

About this resource
Type Website
Subject Education   Cultural competence   Global citizenship   Global health course design   Global health teaching   Supporting international students   
Tags Higher Education   Teaching   Funding   learning and teaching   supporting students   Open Educational Resources   OER   education   
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The Huffington Post: Global Maternal Health

This section of the Huffington Post's website is devoted to news articles about global maternal health.

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Subject Maternal health   
Tags news   
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This paper presents 

in part, a tesearch report concluded early in 1986 on the impact of urbanization on the health tare of urban Nigerians in terms of availability and accessibility. The paper in addition draws from other researches of relevance to buttress its arguments

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Author Dr. Tunde AGBOLA
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Subject Urbanisation   
Tags nigeria   
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The Kaiser Family Foundation

A leader in health policy analysis, health journalism and communication, the Kaiser Family Foundation is dedicated to filling the need for trusted information on the health issues facing the nation and its people.

Kaiser is a non-profit organization focusing on the major health care issues facing the U.S., as well as the U.S. role in global health policy.  Unlike grant-making foundations, Kaiser develops and runs its own research, journalism and communications programs, sometimes in partnership with other non-profit research organizations or major media companies. We serve as a non-partisan source of facts, information, analysis and journalism for policymakers, the media, the health care community, and the public. Our product is information, always provided free of charge — from the most sophisticated policy research, to basic facts and numbers, to in depth health policy news coverage provided by our news service, KHN, to information young people can use to improve their health or elderly people can use to understand their Medicare benefits.

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Subject Global health issues   
Tags research   stats   statistics   US   United States   news   current affairs   foundation   
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The Lancet

The Lancet Global Health Portal 

The Lancet has a commitment to improving global health, and this area gathers all our global health content in one location. Most of our global health content is free to all users, so if you have an interest in this area, spend some time browsing our content. World Reports and Perspectives articles are ideal for anyone who wants a personal view on a subject, and The Lancet Global Health Series, and Regional Reports and Commissions provide in-depth views for anyone seeking disease-specific or regional information.

The Lancet Global Health is the first online-only, open access journal in The Lancet’s now well established stable of monthly specialty journals. The Lancet Global Health publishes high-quality original research, commentary, correspondence, and blogs on the following subjects as they pertain to low- and middle-income countries: reproductive, maternal, neonatal, and child health; adolescent health; infectious diseases, including neglected tropical diseases; non-communicable diseases; the global health workforce; health systems; and health policy. All original research is subjected to The Lancet’s usual rigorous standards of external clinical and statistical peer review, and is edited by experienced copy editors to the highest standards.

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Subject Global health issues   Education   
Tags articles   papers   research   journals   Lancet   the lancet   videos   audio   resources   learning   
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The Lancet: Infectious Diseases

The Lancet: Infectious Diseases Journal

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Subject New and emerging infectious diseases   
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The Millennium Project

The Millennium Project was commissioned by the United Nations Secretary-General in 2002 to recommend a concrete action plan for the world to reverse the grinding poverty, hunger and disease affecting billions of people. Headed by Professor Jeffrey Sachs, the Millennium Project was an independent advisory body and presented its final report, Investing in Development: A Practical Plan to Achieve the Millennium Development Goals, to the Secretary-General in January 2005. The Millennium Project was then asked to continue operating in an advisory capacity through the end of 2006.

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Subject Millennium Development Goals   
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The National Institute for Communicable Diseases (NICD)

The National Institute for Communicable Diseases is a major global player in infectious disease intelligence.

The NICD is a resource of knowledge and expertise in regionally relevant communicable diseases to the South African Government, to SADC countries and the African continent. The NICD assists in the planning of policies and programmes and supports appropriate responses to communicable disease problems and issues.

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Subject Communicable diseases   
Tags africa   
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The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)

The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) conducts and supports basic and applied research to better understand, treat, and ultimately prevent infectious, immunologic, and allergic diseases. For more than 60 years, NIAID research has led to new therapies, vaccines, diagnostic tests, and other technologies that have improved the health of millions of people in the United States and around the world. NIAID is one of the 27 Institutes and Centers of the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

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Subject New and emerging infectious diseases   
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The NCD Alliance: Putting Non Communicable Diseases on the Global Agenda

The NCD Alliance was founded by four international NGO federations representing the four main NCDs – cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, and chronic respiratory disease.  Together with other major international NGO partners, the NCD Alliance unites a network of over 2,000 civil society organizations in more than 170 countries.  The mission of the NCD Alliance is to combat the NCD epidemic by putting health at the centre of all policies.

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Subject Non-communicable diseases   
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The NHS Plan: Improving health and reducing inequality

No injustice is greater than the inequalities in health which scar our nation. The life expectancy of a boy born into the bottom social class is over nine years less than a boy born into the most affluent social class. The gap between health needs and health services remains stubbornly wide.

The worst health problems in our country will not be tackled without dealing with their fundamental causes. This means tackling disadvantage in all its forms - poverty, lack of educational attainment, unemployment, discrimination and social exclusion. It means recognising the specific health needs of different groups, including people with disabilities and minority ethnic groups. Improving health is now a key priority for all government departments. Action will be taken to step up the cross-governmental focus on health and inequalities.

The NHS too has a stronger role to play in prevention, as well as working in partnership with other agencies to tackle the causes of ill health so as to reduce health inequalities.

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Subject Poverty and inequality   
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The O’Neill Institute for National and Global Health Law

The O’Neill Institute for National and Global Health Law at Georgetown University was established in 2007 through the generous philanthropy of Linda and Timothy O’Neill to respond to the need for innovative solutions to the most pressing national and international health concerns. Housed at Georgetown University Law Center in Washington D.C., the O’Neill Institute reflects the importance of public and private law in health policy analysis. The O’Neill Institute draws upon the University's considerable intellectual resources, including the School of Nursing & Health Studies, School of Medicine, the Public Policy Institute, and the Kennedy Institute of Ethics.

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Subject Global health governance   
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The Political Economy of Health

This si an online learning module from which participants will:

  • develop the background knowledge and conceptual tools for analysing the political and economic structures and dynamics (at the local, national and global levels) which frame the social and environmental determinants of health and which frame health policy and funding directions;
  • develop the analytical skills needed to apply such tools to the analysis of a particular set of health issues.

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Subject Global economy and health   
Tags politic   political   politics   learning   online learning   resource   
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The Population Council: Research topic: Urbanization, Migration, and Climate Change

The Population Council is studying the interaction between increased urbanization and climate change. We are using geographic information system (GIS) software to map and forecast populations at risk of extreme weather events. And we are gathering data on the effects of migration on mobile populations, particularly adolescent girls.

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Subject Climate change and sustainability   Population migration and health   Urbanisation   
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The price of being well

Is it time for a new paradigm for health and development? A heavyweight panel with an egalitarian ideology claims to have found one

News article published by The Economist August 28th 2008.

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Subject Global economy and health   
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The role of nursing has changed considerably

Nurses have played a key role in the NHS for more than half a century. Here, Liz Day takes a look at how that role has changed and what we can expect in the future

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Author Chris Glynn-Jones
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Subject Technology   Leadership   
Tags news   
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The Royal College of Midwives

Medical malpractice insurance (information for midwives)

The RCM has recently renegotiated its Medical Malpractice cover for liability for damages awarded for injury, death or illness alleged to have been caused by malpractice in the provision of professional services.

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Subject Planning a clinical placement overseas   
Tags midwives   midwifery   student   insurance   trade union   union   medical malpractice insurance   
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The Three Delays of Maternal Mortality

Approximately 560,000 women die in pregnancy and childbirth every year. These deaths are preventable. There are many factors affecting whether or not women will be able to access the treatment necessary to save their lives. This photo essay explores the ‘three delays’ approach related to maternal death.

About this resource
Type Website
Subject Gender and health   Global health issues   Maternal health   Poverty and inequality   
Tags The Three Delays   Maternal heatlh   Maternal mortality   death in child birth   child birth   pregnancy   complication in pregnancy   photo essay   videos   video   
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The United States Department of Health and Human Services

The United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is the U.S. government's principal agency for protecting the health of all Americans. HHS provides essential human services, especially for those who are least able to help themselves. The Office of Global Affairs (OGA) is part of the HHS Office of the Secretary. OGA promotes the health and well-being of Americans and of the world’s population by advancing HHS’s global strategies and partnerships and working with USG agencies in the coordination of global health policy.  

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Type Website
Subject Child health   Communicable diseases   Gender and health   Global health issues   Maternal health   Non-communicable diseases   Poverty and inequality   
Tags US   United States   water   water supply   global water supply   health diplomacy   global programmes   initiatives   lecture series   events   
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The welfare state and global health: Latin America, the Arab world and the politics of social class



The tern "welfare state" has been used in the second half of the 20th century to refer broadly to a series of state-finances social services and transfers. In contemporary public health and social epidemiology, however, the term has a broader meaning and often includes social transfers, social and health services, consumer, environmental and workplace protection, labour market polices and reduction of social inequalities. Global health has been defines as "the area of study, research and practice that places a priority on improving health and achieving equity in health for all people worldwide". Because welfare states have been associated with different levels of populations health in wealthy countries, our attempt here is to point to their relevance to the contemporary broader global health context.

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Author Carles Muntaner, Joan Benach, Gemma Tarafa, Haejoo Chung
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Subject Social justice, human rights and health   
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The WHO: Violence and Injury Prevention

This section of the WHO website provides information on advocacy events, reports, policies survices, data and more related to preventing violence and injury.

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Subject Unintentional injuries   
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The World Bank: Millennium Development Goals

This part of the World Bank website provides information about the Millennium Development Goals, including news articles, blogs, statistics, question and answer sections and more.

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Subject Millennium Development Goals   
Tags the world bank   
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The World Bank: Millennium Development Goals: Improve Maternal Health by 2015

Webpage on the World Bank website about the Millennium Development Goal:Improve Maternal Health by 2015.

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Subject Maternal health   Millennium Development Goals   
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The World Health Organisation (WHO): Millennium Development Goals

This section of the WHO website is all about the Millennium Development Goals. It provides general information, technical information, publications and links to other resources about the Millennium Development Goals.

The United Nations Millennium Development Goals are eight goals that all 191 UN Member States have agreed to try to achieve by the year 2015. The United Nations Millennium Declaration, signed in September 2000 commits world leaders to combat poverty, hunger, disease, illiteracy, environmental degradation, and discrimination against women. The MDGs are derived from this Declaration, and all have specific targets and indicators.

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Subject Millennium Development Goals   
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Our thematic guide to internet resources leads you beyond the limits of the Medicus Mundi International Network. For MMI Network resources, please refer to our HRH main page. And have a look at our "Human Resources for Health" guide, too. Any important resources missing? Please let us know.

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Subject Migration of health professionals   
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Thematic Guide: Social and Economic Determinants of Health

Our thematic guide to internet resources leads you beyond the limits of the Medicus Mundi International Network. Any important resources missing? Please let us know.

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Subject Determinants of health   
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Theorising the Politics of Globalisation: A Critique of Held et al.’s “Transformationalism”

Abstract. This article tries to review the attempts to theorize both the politics and criticisms of the unpredictable and turbulent process of globalisation by considering one of the main critiques of the globalisation process, namely, the work of David Held and his colleagues which has surveyed the controversial approaches to globalisation and divided its participants into three schools of thought: sceptics, hyperglobalizers and transformationalists.  

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Subject Theories of globalisation   
Tags critique   
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Trends in mild, moderate, and severe stunting and underweight, and progress towards MDG 1 in 141 developing countries

A systematic analysis of population representative data. Macroeconomic shocks, structural adjustment, and trade policy reforms in the 1980s and 1990s might have been responsible for worsening child nutritional status in sub-Saharan Africa. Further progress in the improvement of children's growth and nutrition needs equitable economic growth and investment in pro-poor food and primary care programmes, especially relevant in the context of the global economic crisis. Access to Lancet subscribers only. 

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Author Stevens et al
Type Website
Subject Millennium Development Goals   
Tags Nutrition   Sub-saharan Africa   Child poverty   Undernutrition   Health inequalities   
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UCL Global Health - YouTube

The UCL Institute for Global Health (IGH), led by Prof Anthony Costello and based within the Faculty of Population Health Sciences, is the thriving research and teaching community at the heart of UCL Grand Challenge of Global Health.

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Type Website
Subject Global health issues   Education   Global health course design   Global health teaching   
Tags UCL   videos   YouTube channel   teaching resources   
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UCL Institute for Global Health (IGH)

The UCL Institute for Global Health (IGH), led by Prof Anthony Costello and based within the Faculty of Population Health Sciences, is the thriving research and teaching community at the heart of UCL Grand Challenge of Global Health.

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Subject Global health issues   Education   
Tags UCL   Higher Education   research   university   University College London   events   resources   PhD   degree   teaching programmes   undergraduate   postgraduate   health economics   
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UN Millennium Development Goals e-learning materials

These e-learning materials have been designed to help learners explore the United Nations (UN) Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). In addition they will guide participants through using international data provided by the UK Data Service and provide learners with an increased understanding of the international data available and the potential of that data for use in their own research or teaching. The focus of the materials is international macro or aggregate data but does also briefly cover micro or cross-national survey data. The materials comprise four main sections:

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Subject Millennium Development Goals   
Tags eLearning   online learning   
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UNICEF: The Millennium Development Goals

Tis subsection of the UNICEF website is devoted to the Millennium Development goals. It includes, videos, a news feed, press releases, papers and reports and many other types of information about the Millennium Development Goals.

As a UN organization, UNICEF is the only inter-governmental agency devoted exclusively to children and is mandated by the world’s governments to promote and protect children’s rights and their well being. Along with other UN agencies and global partners, UNICEF has taken the Millennium Development Goals as part of its mandate. From working with local policymakers toward health care and education reform to delivering vaccines, each UNICEF action is a step toward a Millennium Development Goal.

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United Nations: Millennium Development Goals and Beyond 2015

This is the United Nations' website devoted to the Millennium Development Goals.


The eight Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) – which range from halving extreme poverty to halting the spread of HIV/AIDS and providing universal primary education, all by the target date of 2015 – form a blueprint agreed to by all the world’s countries and all the world’s leading development institutions. They have galvanized unprecedented efforts to meet the needs of the world’s poorest.

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Subject Child health   Gender and health   Maternal health   Millennium Development Goals   Poverty and inequality   
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University of the West of Scotland: International Student Support

As an international student at UWS we recognise that you will have specific support needs and so we have dedicated International Student Advisers who are there to help with issues relating to student visas, immigration advice, advice on working in the UK, letters for relatives’ visits, financial queries, welfare and health benefits and your general welfare.

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Subject Supporting international students   
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USAID is the lead U.S. Government agency that works to end extreme global poverty and enable resilient, democratic societies to realize their potential.

Our Mission: We partner to end extreme poverty and to promote resilient, democratic societies while advancing our security and prosperity.

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Type Website
Subject Child health   Communicable diseases   Gender and health   Global health issues   Health systems and models of service delivery   Maternal health   Non-communicable diseases   Poverty and inequality   Climate change and sustainability   Global economy and health   Social justice, human rights and health   Education   
Tags US   United States   aid   USAID   initiatives   presidential initiatives   water   sanitation   data   reports   resources   
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Wellcome Collection: Art in Global Health

'Art in Global Health' is a Wellcome Collection project curated by Danielle Olsen.

Thsi website gives access to artwork themed around Global Health, including: reflective pieces, videos, interactive activities, awareness posters and more.

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Subject Global health issues   Global health teaching   
Tags art   artwork   artists   wellcome   wellcome collection   
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Why Nurses Are the Unsung Heroes of Global Health

News article posted on the Huff Post Impact website on 5th August 2012.

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Author Sheila Davis
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Subject Leadership   
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Wisconsin Department of Health Services: Communicable Disease Subjects A-Z

This webpage provides general information about communicable diseases. It includes an extensize A-Z index providing detailed information about a large number different communicable diseases.

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Subject Communicable diseases   
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WMA Statement on Social Determinants of Health

The World Medical Association's statement on the social determinants of health.


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Subject Determinants of health   
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Work the World

Work the World organises safe, structured healthcare placements in Africa, Asia and South America. They provide elective placements and projects overseas for student doctors, nurses, midwives, dentists, pharmacists, radiographers and physiotherapists.

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Subject Planning a clinical placement overseas   
Tags africa   asia   south america   elective placement   doctors   nurses   midwives   dentists   pharmacists   radiographers   physiotherapists   
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World Clock

Online calculator providing global statistics on population, mortality & morbidity, food consumption, energy consumption and environmental impact statistics. Site also includes a life clock demonstrating behaviours and other factors that affect longevity. This is an excellent test that entry level students can use to assess their own lives and assuming the identity of others.

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Type Website
Subject Epidemiology and burden of disease   Global health issues   Population growth   
Tags demography   longevity   aids   oncology   tb   hepatitis   malaria   diabetes   chd   asthma   rta   stroke   
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World Service Enquiry

World Service Enquiry provides information and career advice to people who want to volunteer or work in international development.

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Subject Planning a clinical placement overseas   
Tags elective placement   work   volunteer   advice   africa   asia   
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Worldwide Universities Network: Public Health (Non-communicable Disease)

The focus of the WUN Public Health Global Challenge in 2014-15 is on:

  1. Health of family and migrants across the life course
  2. The resilience of adolescents in different cultural contexts
  3. Schools as a setting for reducing risk factors associated with NCDs

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Subject Child health   Non-communicable diseases   Population migration and health   
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