

Strategic approaches

The challenges raised by climate change and the transition to net zero are many and varied. They require complex, interlinked solutions to avert crisis and build a more sustainable future. The sections below each bring together research from a range of disciplines and topics, under various overarching themes. 


Meeting notes

Understanding systems, responses and impacts

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Installing panels

Changing systems, responses and behaviours

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Wind farm

Limiting the effects of climate change

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Flooded street

Adapting to changes that are already unavoidable

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London skyscappers
Financing the transition

What are the costs of climate change versus transitioning to net zero? How do we calculate them? Who should be responsible for those costs and how can we manage them? What are the challenges and how can they be overcome?

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View all research from the categories above: 

  1. PODCAST: Developing a sustainable food supply
    Anne Touboulic and Festo Massawe from Nottingham's Future Food Beacon discuss the impacts of climate change on global food supplies and what can be done to help.
  2. POLICY: Faith for a Safe Climate Future
    This brief explains why morality-centred solutions which harness the influence of faith institutions are crucial for transformative change and acceleration in individual, community, and international-level responses to the climate crisis.
  3. Podcast: Modern slavery and the climate crisis
    Amanda is joined by Dr Bethany Jackson and Dr Jess Sparks from the Rights Lab at the University of Nottingham. They dig deep into a discussion on modern slavery within the climate crisis and thus the modern slavery/climate change nexus.
  4. SHORT ARTICLE: Can our grandchildren help us fund the transition to net zero?
    We are taking rapid steps toward low emission technology. Government subsidies have supported much of this progress. Yet efforts to accelerate the transition face fierce political resistance, with opponents claiming that they would cost too much. Without stronger support, clean technology may arrive too late.
  5. Short article: Children's rights and climate change
    On 11 October 2021, the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child published its decisions in complaints brought against five states – Argentina, Brazil, France, Germany and Turkey – by 16 child complainants. This short article examines that decision.
  6. POLICY PAPER: Addressing Modern Slavery at COP26
    Achieving the environmental SDGs must address modern slavery, through expanding collaborative action to centre the voices and rights of workers, communities, and survivors of modern slavery at all levels of legislation design and implementation.
  7. SHORT ARTICLE: Enhancing the resilience of smallholder communities in Tanzania
    These communities are particularly susceptible to chronic hunger, food insecurity, malnutrition and climate change. These problems can be visualised as a vicious circle between small-scale agriculture, rural poverty and climate vulnerability. Breaking this cycle is essential. This short article explores the issue.
  8. POLICY BRIEF: Incentivising reduced industrial emissions
    Professor Robert McCorquodale explains how legal frameworks around human rights offer a means to incentivise corporate behaviour to protect the climate.
  9. NEWS: Expert reaction to United in Science 2021 climate report
    Simon Gosling summarises the finding of the United in Science climate report, produced by The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) in 2021, on the state of the Earth's climate system.
  10. BLOG: Unsustainable seafood supply chains
    Seafood supply chains sustain three billion people nutritionally and also provide 10% of the world's population with employment. But they are dangerously unsustainable.
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