

Strategic approaches

The challenges raised by climate change and the transition to net zero are many and varied. They require complex, interlinked solutions to avert crisis and build a more sustainable future. The sections below each bring together research from a range of disciplines and topics, under various overarching themes. 


Meeting notes

Understanding systems, responses and impacts

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Installing panels

Changing systems, responses and behaviours

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Wind farm

Limiting the effects of climate change

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Flooded street

Adapting to changes that are already unavoidable

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London skyscappers
Financing the transition

What are the costs of climate change versus transitioning to net zero? How do we calculate them? Who should be responsible for those costs and how can we manage them? What are the challenges and how can they be overcome?

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View all research from the categories above: 

  1. BLOG: Global trading - the good, the bad and the essential
    This blog explores some of the flaws in our globalised food systems and the historical trading patterns upon which they are based, which have remained largely unquestioned for centuries. Food is essential but the way consumer demands have shaped our food systems through overproduction and consumption is not.
  2. PAPER: Adoption incentives and environmental policy timing
    In this paper, researchers consider the incentives of a single firm to invest in a cleaner technology under emission quotas and emission taxation, analysing the effectiveness of different incentives and policy timing in different scenarios to determine the most effective method.
  3. BLOG: Support for fracking continues to drop
    A new survey shows that public support for the extraction and use of shale gas has dropped significantly over the last year with concerns about the potential impact on the environment beginning to outweigh the possible economic benefits.
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