A |
Abd Kadir, Salma | +6 (03) 8924 8201 | Faculty Manager |  |
Adsley, Rosie | n/a | Assistant Professor |  |
Ahmad Hisham, Shairyzah | +60132872126 | Associate Professor |  |
Alexander, Morgan | 0115 9515119 | Professor of Biomedical Surfaces |  |
Alexander, Cameron | 01158467678 | Professor of Polymer Therapeutics |  |
Alfriah, Joud | n/a | Postgraduate Research Student |  |
Ali Nasiruddin, Aina Yazrin | n/a | Assistant Professor |  |
Al-Shagga, Mustafa | +6 (03) 8924 8729 | Director of Teaching and Learning, Associate Professor |  |
Alvarez, Mario | 07305859363 | Research Fellow |  |
Alvey, Karen | 0115 748 6340 | Anne McLaren Fellow |  |
Ambarsari, Cahyani Gita | n/a | Postgraduate Research Student |  |
Anderson, Claire | 0115 95 15389 | Professor of Social Pharmacy |  |
Ansari, Mohammed Tahir | +6 (03) 8924 8728 | Associate Professor |  |
Arakawa, Naoko | 0115 74 84559 | Associate Professor |  |
Atkinson, Gail | 0115 9515101 | Senior Administrator |  |
Aylott, Jonathan | 0115 9516229 | Professor of Analytical Science |  |
Azam, Aliyah | n/a | Teacher Practitioner |  |
Azizi, Nor Syahira | +6 (03) 8725 3745 | Administrative Assistant |  |
Azlan Hadi Tan, Norasyikin | +6 (03) 8924 8224 | Life Science Services |  |
B |
Baillet, Julie | n/a | MIT Postdoctoral Fellowship In biomaterials |  |
Bark, Christina | 0115 8466366 | Technician |  |
Barrett, David | n/a | Emeritus Professor |  |
Berrow, Madeline | n/a | Postgraduate Research Student |  |
Beswick, James | n/a | PGT Course Director, Assistant Professor |  |
Bianketti, Slawomir | 07971856928 | Technician |  |
Blake, Maisie | n/a | Mental Health Pharmacist Teacher Practitioner |  |
Boardman, Helen | 0115 95 14291 | Associate Professor in Pharmacy Practice, Director of Teaching and Learning |  |
Bosquillon, Cynthia | 0115 8466078 | Assistant Professor in Drug Delivery |  |
Boyd, Matthew | 0115 9515061 | Professor of Medicines Safety |  |
Bradshaw, Tracey | 0115 9515033 | Associate Professor |  |
Bridges, Stephanie | 0115 95 15064 | Associate Professor |  |
Bridge, Tom | n/a | Research Administrator |  |
Burley, Jonathan | 0115 84 68357 | Associate Professor in Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology |  |
Buttery, Lee | 0115 8467857 | Associate Professor in Cell Biology/Tissue Engineering |  |
C |
Carabelli, Alessandro Maria | 0115 951 5151 | Mit Postdoctoral Fellowshipin Biomaterials |  |
Carpentier, Nathan | +32479223309 | Research Fellow |  |
Cavanagh, Robert | n/a | Research Fellow |  |
Chan, Weng | 0115 9515080 | Professor of Chemical Biology |  |
Chandarana, Priyanka | Extn 32250 | Assistant Professor in Pharmacy Practice |  |
Charalambous, Mary | n/a | Technician |  |
Chauhan, Veeren | +44 (0) 115 951 5100 | Assistant Professor |  |
Che Samsuddin, Siti Nur Khatijah | +6 (03) 8924 8220 | Life Science Services |  |
Chen, Fangyi | n/a | Postgraduate Research Student |  |
CHEN, Rui | n/a | Postgraduate Research Student |  |
Collins, Hilary | 0115 8467728 | Scientific Research Officer |  |
Cooper, Kevin | n/a | Head of Operations, Pharmacy & Psychology |  |
Cotterill, Sudha | 0115 9515121 | Administrator |  |
D |
Davies, Martyn | n/a | Emeritus Professor |  |
D'Cruz, Carol Sarah | n/a | Faculty Administration |  |
De Cogan, Felicity | n/a | Associate Professor in Pharmaceutical Science of Biological Medicines |  |
De Matteis, Cristina | 0115 9515038 | University Digital Learning Coordinator, Professor of Chemistry and Digital Learning |  |
Dekker, Lodewijk | 0115 8466327 | Associate Professor |  |
Dixon, James | 0115 7486313 | Associate Professor |  |
Downie, Angela | n/a | Research Associate |  |
Dreveny, Ingrid | 0115 8468015 | Associate Professor |  |
Dudley, Lucy | n/a | |  |
Durrant, Christine | 0115 84 66248 | Administrator, Pharmacy Practice & Policy |  |
E |
Elbahr, Ramy | n/a | Research Fellow |  |
Emsley, Jonas | 0115 8467092 | Professor of Macromolecular Crystallography |  |
Evans, Abi | n/a | Teacher Practitioner/Nottingham University Hospitals Pharmacist |  |
F |
Fang, Chee Mun | +6 (03) 8924 8722 | Biomedical Sciences Programme Director, Associate Professor |  |
Finch, Catherine | n/a | Teaching Associate |  |
Fisher, Leanne | n/a | Research Fellow |  |
Foong, Hoe Yinn | +6 (03) 8924 8233 | Laboratory Technician |  |
G |
Gershkovich, Pavel | 0115 8468014 | Associate Professor of Biopharmaceutics |  |
Gidman, Charlotte | n/a | Post-Doctoral Researcher |  |
Gordhan, Dipak | n/a | Postgraduate Research Student |  |
Griffiths, Rian | n/a | Assistant Professor |  |
H |
Harrison, Graham | n/a | CDT Manager - EPSRC CTD in Transformative Pharmaceutical Technologies |  |
Heery, David | 0115 9515087 | Professor of Eukaryotic Gene Regulation |  |
Hibbett, Lee | n/a | Technician Manager |  |
Hook, Andrew | +4411574(85074) | Associate Professor |  |
Hopkins, Bradley | n/a | EPSRC Doctoral Prize Fellow |  |
Hopkins, Sarah | n/a | Assistant Professor in Pharmacy Practice |  |
Hopkins, Sarah | n/a | Teacher Practitioner and Community Pharmacist |  |
Hori, Naoto | 0115 74 87627 | Assistant Professor |  |
Ho, Wan Yong | +6 (03) 8725 3439 | Associate Professor |  |
Holden, Isobel | n/a | Postgraduate Research Student |  |
Hood, Yvonne | n/a | E-Learning Manager |  |
Husin, Haslinda | +6 (03) 8924 8220 | Life Science Services |  |
Hyde, Tom | 07977190330 | Technician |  |
I |
Imere, Angela | n/a | Research Fellow in Orthopaedic Regenerative Medicine |  |
Irwan, Gustilia Ovivi | +6 (03) 8924 8735 | Administrative Officer (Purchasing) |  |
Ison, Lizzie | n/a | Research Associate |  |
Ison, Lizzie | n/a | Postgraduate Research Student |  |
J |
Jackson, Paula | n/a | Research Associate |  |
Janjua, Sobia | 0115 82 32277 | Postgraduate Research Student |  |
Jha, Rakesh Roshan | 66272 | Research Fellow |  |
Jiang, Long | 0115 74 87086 | Surface Analytical Officer |  |
Jones, Joshua | n/a | Research Fellow |  |
Jopling, Catherine | 0115 8232029 | Associate Professor, Head of Division of Molecular Therapeutics and Formulation |  |
K |
Kan, Mun Seng | +6 (03) 8725 3421 | Director for Educational Quality Assurance |  |
Kellam, Barrie | 0115 9513026 | Professor of Medicinal Chemistry, Head of School |  |
Kenny Voon, Gah Leong | +6 (03) 8924 8732 | Associate Professor |  |
Kenward, Rachel | n/a | Honorary Associate Professor | Pharmacy Consultant |  |
Khan, Adil | n/a | Teacher Practitioner |  |
Khoo, Teng-Jin | +6 (03) 8924 8213 | Senior Tutor, Associate Professor, Digital Learning Director Science & Engineering |  |
Kien Sin, Tan | n/a | |  |
Kilpatrick, Laura | n/a | Assistant Professor |  |
Kim, Dong-Hyun | 0115 74 84697 | Associate Professor |  |
Kindon, Nicholas | n/a | Research Fellow |  |
Knaggs, Roger | 0115 74 85829 | Professor of Pain Management |  |
Kok, Zhi Yuan | n/a | Assistant Professor |  |
Korwin Granford, John | n/a | Technical Manager |  |
Kotowska, Anna | n/a | Research Fellow (Surface chemical analysis) |  |
Kovacs, Katalin | n/a | Associate Professor |  |
L |
Laughton, Charles | 0115 9513405 | Professor of Computational Pharmaceutical Science |  |
Laws, Bo | n/a | Placements Administrator |  |
Lee, Ee-Soo | n/a | Assistant Professor |  |
Lee, I-NING | n/a | Research Fellow |  |
Lee, Mei Kee | +6 (03) 8924 8239 | Assistant Professor |  |
Lees, Rebecca | n/a | Technical Manager |  |
Leonard, Alexander | n/a | Research Administrator |  |
Lim, Kuan Hon | +6 (03) 8924 8208 | Deputy Head of School of Pharmacy, Professor |  |
Limo, Marion | + 44 (0) 01157487086 | Biophysical Analyst |  |
Low, Bee Yean | +6 (03) 8924 8758 | BPharm Programme Director, Associate Professor |  |
Lu, Li Jennifer | n/a | Research Associate |  |
Lydamore, Tammy | 01158466237 | Level 2 Technician |  |
M |
Maguire, Oran | n/a | Postgraduate Research Student |  |
Maharajan, MariKannan | +6 (03) 8924 8734 | Associate Professor |  |
MA, YEWEI | +447536347291 | Postgraduate Research Student |  |
Mantovani, Giuseppe | 0115 8232348 | Associate Professor in Biomedical Polymers, Director of PGR Studies |  |
Marlow, Maria | 0115 8467045 | Associate Professor |  |
Marshall, Teresa | 07866893257 | Technical Manager RMCT |  |
Martinez Jarquin, Sandra | n/a | Research Officer for Centre for Analytical Bioscience |  |
Mat Idrus, Roshanini | +6 (03) 8924 8756 | Teaching & Student Support |  |
Mata, Alvaro | n/a | Chair in Biomedical Engineering & Biomaterials |  |
Matini, Teresa | n/a | Senior Research Development Manager |  |
McLaren, Jane | 0115 823 1113 | Research Fellow |  |
Meletiou, Athina | 0115 74 85222 | Rke Business Analyst |  |
Merrett, Christopher | n/a | Teaching Associate |  |
Mistry, Shailesh | 0115 8467983 | Associate Professor of Medicinal Chemistry. Course Director (MSc Drug Discovery & Pharmaceutical Sciences) |  |
Mohd Ithnin, Nurul Hasila | +6 (03) 8924 8231 | Laboratory Technician |  |
Mohd Zim, Nurul Asyikin | n/a | Laboratory Technician |  |
Moloney, Cara | n/a | Research Fellow |  |
Monkgogi, Thatayaone | n/a | Postgraduate Research Student |  |
Moorhouse, Kerry | 0115 95 15303 | Research Manager |  |
Morris, Kate | n/a | CCG Pharmacist Teacher Practitioner |  |
Muhamad Nor, Siti Norazlin | +6 (03) 8924 8220 | Life Science Services |  |
Musa, Siti Nor Asma | +6 (03) 8924 8220 | Life Science Services |  |
Muthiah Thailan, Shankari Shyamala | +6 (03) 8924 8221 | Life Science Services |  |
N |
Nadal, Timothy | n/a | Technician |  |
Nairn, Amy | 07971857095 | Stores Technician |  |
Narayanan, Tilagavati | +6 (03) 8924 8203 | Assistant Manager, Teaching & Student Support |  |
Nasir, Aishah | n/a | Research Fellow |  |
Needham, David | n/a | Professor of Translational Therapeutics |  |
New, Siu Yee | +6 (03) 8924 8762 | BSc Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences Programme Director, Associate Professor |  |
O |
Ojediran, Ayo | n/a | Senior Technician |  |
Olubi, Rebecca | n/a | Postgraduate Research Student |  |
O'Shaughnessy, Lewis | n/a | |  |
O'Shea, Emilia | 01159515395 | Administrator |  |
Owen, Robert | 0115 748 6436 | Nottingham Research Fellow Fellowship |  |
P |
Palfrey, Becky | n/a | Operations Manager, School of Pharmacy |  |
Pang, Leanne Li Yin | n/a | Assistant Professor |  |
Pan, Yan | +6 (03) 8725 3444 | Associate Professor |  |
Parmenter, Chris | 68943 | Senior Research Fellow |  |
Pathak, Monika | 0115 8232018 | Research Fellow |  |
Paul, Gautam | 0115 74 84560 | Associate Professor in Pharmacy Education & Development |  |
Pedro, Sonia | n/a | Research Fellow |  |
Petropoulou, Markella | n/a | Senior Technician |  |
Piccinini, Anna | n/a | Assistant Professor of Inflammation Biology |  |
Piggott, Matthew | 0115 9515046 | Head of Commercial, nmRC |  |
Pope, Sarah | 0115 74 84161 | PLACEMENTS MANAGER |  |
Pramanik, Bapan | n/a | Research Fellow |  |
Pung, Yuh-Fen | +6 (03) 8725 3748 | Professor |  |
Puthanveedu, Mahesh | 01158468022 | Postdoctoral Research Associate |  |
Q |
Quach, Tien Thuy | n/a | PhD Candidate |  |
R |
Rawson, Frankie | 0115 7484698 | Associate Professor |  |
Razani, Afini | +6 (03) 8924 8221 | Life Science Services |  |
Reinert, Chris | 0115 95 15320 | School Operations Technical Officer |  |
Rickaby, Rebecca | 0115 74 85140 | Assistant Professor |  |
Roberts, Katie | n/a | Specialist Clinical Pharmacist - Teacher Practitioner |  |
Roberts, Joseph | n/a | Research Associate |  |
Robins, James Aaron | n/a | Postgraduate Research Student |  |
Rose, Felicity | 0115 8467856 | Professor of Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering, Director of Research and Knowledge Exchange |  |
S |
Sabri, Akmal | n/a | Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Chemical Analysis of Polymer Surface and Biointerphase |  |
Sanchez, Julie | n/a | Research Fellow - Pharmacology Cell Biologist |  |
Santoni, Silvia | n/a | Research Fellow in Bioprinting for Dial-Up Regenerative Medicine |  |
Schembri, Luke | n/a | Assistant Professor in Pharmaceutical Medicinal Chemistry |  |
Scurr, David | +44(0)115 748 4098 ext. 86256 | Principal Research Fellow |  |
Shivakumar, Tejasvi | n/a | Postgraduate Research Student |  |
Singaram, Vanitha | n/a | Faculty Administration |  |
Sisinthy, Sreenivas Patro | n/a | |  |
Sivadasan, Radha | +6 (03) 8924 8205 | Purchasing Executive |  |
Skinner, Marina | 0115 9514136 | Administrator, Regenerative Medicine & Cellular Therapies |  |
Solanki, Vibhu | 0115 8416236 | Associate Professor in Community Pharmacy Practice and Education |  |
Sonnex, Kimberley | 0115 8232250 | Assistant Professor |  |
Spriggs, Keith | 0115 8466345 | Associate Professor in Gene Regulation |  |
Sreedharan Nair, Rajesh | +6 (03)89248796 | Associate Professor |  |
Starr, Nichola | n/a | ToF-SIMS Facility Manager (Boots Science Building) |  |
Stevens, Malcolm | 0115 9513414 | Emeritus Professor |  |
Stewart, Chloe | n/a | Postgraduate Research Student |  |
Stocks, Michael | 0115 84 66863 | Professor of Medicinal Chemistry and Drug Discovery |  |
Stolnik, Snow | 0115 8466074 | Professor of Pharmaceutics, Director of EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Transformative Pharmaceutical Technologies |  |
Strzelecki, Slawomir | n/a | Technician |  |
Stylianou, Antonis | n/a | Postgraduate Research Student |  |
Sugathan, Subi | n/a | Research Fellow in Translation Bone Regenerative Medicine |  |
Sunman, Caitlin | n/a | Senior Technician |  |
T |
Tarantini, Francesco | n/a | Project Manager |  |
Then, Sue-Mian | +6 (03) 8725 3420 | Research Director for School of Pharmacy |  |
Thomas, Alexandra | n/a | Postgraduate Research Student |  |
Thompson, Julia | 01158 466949 | Placements Manager |  |
Thompson, Scott | 01159532358 | Clinical Pharmacist (Teacher-Practitioner) |  |
Thornley, Tracey | n/a | Professor of Health Policy |  |
Ting, Kang-Nee | +6 (03) 8924 8209 | Professor and Head of School of Pharmacy |  |
Tivey, Susan | 0115 74 86169 | Administrator, Pharmacy Placement Team |  |
Toh, Li Shean | 0115 9515168 | Assistant Professor |  |
Tung, Wai Hau | +6 (03) 8924 8207 | MPharm Programme Director |  |
Turner, Nikki | n/a | Teacher Practitioner / Senior medicines management technician in stroke mediciine |  |
U |
Usoff, Kamarul Bariah | +6 (03) 8924 8202 | Taught Programme Administrator (Biosciences & EGS) |  |
Uysal Yoca, Ozge | n/a | Research Fellow |  |
V |
Vu, Huong T | n/a | Research Fellow |  |
W |
Wan Ishak, Wan Ghani | +6 (03) 8924 8222 | Life Science Services |  |
Wang, Junting | n/a | Postgraduate Research Student |  |
Westley, Ed | n/a | Teacher Practitioner / Senior Pharmacist in Stroke Medicine |  |
Whitehead, Charlie | n/a | Postgraduate Research Student |  |
White, Lisa | 0115 82 30748 | Associate Professor |  |
Williams, Ann | n/a | Working within the RMCT division |  |
Williams, Phil | 0115 9515025 | Professor of Biophysics, Faculty of Science APVC for Research and Knowledge Exchange |  |
Wilson, Kathy | 0115 74 85516 | Education and Student Experience Senior Administrator |  |
Wilson, Louise | 0115 82 32271 | Assistant Professor in Pharmacy Practice |  |
Winkler, Sebastiaan | 0115 8468457 | Associate Professor in Gene Regulation. Course Director (BSc/MSci Pharmaceutical Sciences) |  |
Withers, Ian | 0115 8466069 | Technical Specialist |  |
Wong, Carver (Kei Fung) | n/a | Postgraduate Research Student |  |
Wong, Siak Chung | n/a | FOSE Technical Manager (Science), Life Science Services |  |
Wong, Carver | n/a | Research Associate (Mass Spectrometryanalysis of Organic Surfaces Andinterfaces) |  |
Woodhouse, Julie | 0115 9515059 | Senior Administrator |  |
Y |
Yang, Jing | 01157484690 | Assistant Professor |  |
Yap, Fei Ling | +6 (03) 8725 3422 | Assistant Professor |  |
Yong, Ernest | n/a | Research Fellow in Electrospinning of Biopolymers, Faculty of Science |  |
Younes, Alex | n/a | Teaching Technician |  |
Z |
Zelzer, Mischa | +44 (0) 115 74 84519 | Associate Professor |  |
Zhu, Zheying | 0115 9515031 | Associate Professor in International Pharmacy, Course Director of BSc International Pharmacy |  |
d |
de Moor, Cornelia | 0115 9515041 | Associate Professor in RNA Biology |  |