
Application for support with your Guarantor fees

To support care experienced and estranged students with their applications to Your Guarantor, and as part of the University of Nottingham's Stand Alone Pledge, we have arranged to pay associated application charges for students who qualify. 

Please note that your tenancy should be for a maximum of 12 months and up to a maximum limit of £1083 per calendar month (£250 per week).

Who qualifies for support with YourGuarantor fees?

If you are a student who:

  • Has a UK home status for funding purposes
  • Is currently or has been in public care for a minimum time period of three months, since your 14th birthday. Students who are under special guardianship and kinship care during this period may also qualify. OR
  • Are an estranged student who has been granted independent status by Student Finance England and
  • Is 18 years or older
  • Is a returning undergraduate or postgraduate student who has already completed at least your first year of study at the University of Nottingham (First year or direct entrant students are not eligible*)
  • Have a household income between £0-£35,000, as assessed by Student Finance.

You are welcome to make an application for support with your Guarantor fees. Please note you must not have any outstanding debts to the University, and be enrolled full time at the University for the duration of the guarantor agreement.

*First year students and direct entrants qualify for our guarantee of University accommodation for their first year, as part of this guarantee we are also able to assist with any providers within our portfolio who request a guarantor as part of their acceptance process. Contact us for further information.


How to apply for support with YourGuarantor charges

You can apply to us prior to securing accommodation in order to check that you would qualify for support in advance of house-hunting, alternatively apply as soon as you know that your chosen accommodation provider requires a guarantor.

Your Guarantor Support Application Form

Please allow up to five working days for your application to be reviewed, we will then confirm by email if we are able to assist. If approved please email us upon completion of the Your Guarantor application so that we can liaise with them directly with regard to payment of your fee

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What is YourGuarantor?

Before you move into private accommodation many landlords, private providers and letting agencies ask for a UK based guarantor. This is someone who will pay your rent if you fail to pay. If you cannot provide a UK based guarantor you may be unable to secure your booking unless you can pay the full fees in advance. To avoid this guarantor schemes are available, and the University of Nottingham has partnered with Your Guarantor who can act as your UK guarantor if you need one. Your Guarantor is discretionary and is open to both home and overseas students, undergraduates and postgraduates.

Your Guarantor can cover a maximum of £1500 per person, per month rent, no other debts. There will be a one off charge for this service, this is a percentage of your total annual rent. Students are not required to provide a co-signer for their scheme. Fees for Nottingham based students are:

  • 3.5% if you are an overseas students (including EU)
  • 7% if you are a UK student

When applying you should not be in a situation that would affect you paying your rent on time and understand that you are responsible for all costs, such as replacement keys, or property damage, as well as rent payments. Your Guarantor is regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Because of their 100% insured model they have a legal deed which is the guarantee to landlords so do not sign individual landlord agreements.


How it works?

Your Guarantor offer an online platform which manages the administration of the scheme end to end. Applications, verification, document issuance and account management are all handled through the platform. To apply you:

  • Apply online at - register yourself (you will typically need to provide a copy of your Student ID card, for overseas students a copy of your visa or passport will be required). Then enter the details of the property you wish to rent including contact details for your landlord
  • You will be notified that you have been accepted by Your Guarantor typically within 15 minutes.
  • Your landlord will then be contacted and advised that you have been approved by Your Guarantor and will be asked to confirm the details provided by yourself re the property. The Landlord will be asked to confirm that they will accept Your Guarantor as guarantor for your licence
  • You will receive an email confirming that your guarantor application has been accepted by your landlord and is now fully approved. You will be asked to pay the associated fee within seven days to finalise.