
An inexpensive and accessible automatic defibrillator that's small and light enough to be transported.


Izzy Marston

Hi, my name is Izzy Marston, a highly motivated fourth year student, looking for entry level position in the User Centered Design, UX/UI and Product Design Industries.

Designing understandable and intuitive products for users is the core principle of which I undertake every project I do and is an ideology I want to continue to take into the workplace. During my degree I have been exposed a range of modules, with favourites being Cognitive ergonomics, Human Computer Systems, User Centred Design and sustainability. Through this, I have developed a strong interest in Human Factors and UX design and would relish any opportunities to work solving everyday problems with functional solutions, with user consideration at the heart of every idea, and to work within a multi-disciplinary design team to produce these solutions.

Both my degree program and playing for the top football and futsal teams at University has allowed me to develop effective time management and orgnaisation skills, demonstrated through high levels of academic attainment, coupled with the achievement of being nominated for leadership within the football club (Captain, Vice-Captain and Vice President).

Both degree and football club responsibilities require a high level of teamwork, which is something I strive to be a part of. Being part of a team to effectively complete tasks, allowing for everyone’s strengths to be maximized for group gain is an aspect of teamwork I excel at, with strong leadership qualities being at the heart of that.

Upon leaving, I am interested in further developing my knowledge and experience in the User Centred Design, UX and Human factors industries, am open to any and all opportunities and am excited to see where my future design career will take me. 

Isabelle Marston, MEng Product Design and Manufacture




Surgent+ AED

With every minute that passes prior to a victim of cardiac arrest receiving a shock, their chances of survival dramatically decrease. 

The solution is simple - Surgent AED. A single use AED, that requires no maintenance. A portable AED, light and small enough to be transported to every game in a medical bag. And an AED inexpensive enough, due to mass production, allowing sports teams to buy them in bulk, increasing accessibility.

The AED works by removing the product and the wax strips provided for hair removal from the packaging. Then activating by unfolding it, causing a tab to be removed from the circuitry, allowing the circuit to complete and the device to activate. A light switches on indicating activation, to provide feedback to the user, and audio instructions begin to be delivered through the speaker. 

The AED will guide the user, using LED lights and audio instructions, through the rounds of shocks and CPR compressions, allowing correct administration even with no medical training. The device will last 35 minutes (roughly 15 rounds of shocks and compressions).

the boards 2

Through user testing and cognitive ergonomics consideration, an optimal interface was designed for intuitive use even with no knowledge of a defibrillator. With key aspects shown in the images below, users about 35 seconds to set up the AED on the patient – a time much faster than those on the market currently.

The ABS PC componentry is manufactured using injection moulding and is assembled together, before being placed in the bottom of the compression mould, alongside the bottom silicone layer, and compression moulded, sealing everything together. The graphics are applied using PAD printing post process. 15000 units are manufactured at £20.53, allowing Surgent AED to be sold at £41 – an attractive price, meaning at least one can be bought for each sports team.

Surgent AED is a simple solution to a complex problem. It is a defibrillator designed for all users and all patients, through extensive user testing and cognitive ergonomics consideration. With this portable and inexpensive AED, no team ever has to go to a fixture without one, allowing safe participation in sport for all. 


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