
Nominations Committee


Terms of Reference

  • Consider nominations for vacancies for external members of Council under paragraph 3.1 of Section 6 of the Statutes and the membership of the committees of Council, and recommend to Council the names of persons to fill such vacancies
  • In making its recommendations to Council, the Committee seeks to ensure that:
    • Council is able to discharge its duties effectively through an engaged membership that has an appropriate mix of skills, knowledge, experience and diversity;
    • robust and appropriate procedures are in place around Council appointments to University committees and boards;
    • there is an appropriate allocation of workload amongst members; and
    • due consideration is given to succession planning.
  • Consider nominations for the post of Chancellor and recommend to Council the name of a person to be appointed to the post.


Chair of Council (Chair): Sir Keith O'Nions

President and Vice-Chancellor: Professor Shearer West

Vice-Chair of Council: Nora Senior

Two external members of Council: Lynette Eastman, Sonya Leydecker

Two academic members of Council: Professor Jane Norman, Dr Pearl Agyakwa 

A student member to be selected from the two student members of Council: Jessica Nuttall (Union Development Officer)

Secretary: Registrar (Dr Paul Greatrix)


The quorum for the Committee shall be not less than half of the total number of members with a minimum of two external members in attendance.

 (ToR approved by Nominations Committee 1 October 2021) 

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Registrar's Office

Trent Building
University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

telephone: +44 115 951 5761
fax: +44 115 951 5739