
Community Campaigns

We promote a variety of different campaigns at key points during the academic year. Our campaigns centre around several different themes but all of them give you the opportunity to tackle community issues, educate and empower yourself, and have a safe and enjoyable time whilst living off campus. Many of these campaigns are delivered by the Community Engagement team in collaboration with a variety of community and university partners. 

Undergraduate students in Nottingham City Centre



Summer Safety Campaign

Stay Safe and Have Fun This Summer with Our ‘Hot Tips’ and ‘Cool Trips’ Campaign!

As the sun shines brighter and the days grow longer, the University of Nottingham’s Community Engagement Team is excited to launch our Summer Safety campaign! Designed with students in mind, our campaign is all about keeping you safe while ensuring you make the most of your summer in Nottingham.

What’s the Campaign About?

Our campaign, aptly named ‘Hot Tips’ and ‘Cool Trips’, delivers essential advice on how to stay safe during the summer months and provides suggestions for fun and engaging activities in and around Nottingham. We believe that a safe summer is a fun summer, and we’re here to help you achieve both!

Summer Safety Campaign Website

How We’re Reaching Out

We’re using multiple platforms to ensure you receive our safety tips and activity suggestions.

Social Media: Take a look at our Instagram page for information on all things ‘Hot Tips’ and ‘Cool Trips’ there’s even an opportunity to win free NCT day bus passes by getting involved.

Leafletting: Our dedicated Community Engagement Ambassadors will be delivering informative leaflets directly to your doors. These leaflets contain essential safety advice and exciting activity suggestions.

A Big Thank You to Our Community Engagement Ambassadors

This campaign wouldn’t be possible without the hard work and dedication of our Community Engagement Ambassadors. They have been instrumental in delivering leaflets and spreading the word about our Summer Safety campaign. Their efforts ensure that every student can access the information they need to have a safe and enjoyable summer. Thank you, Ambassadors, for your invaluable contribution!

Stay safe, have fun, and enjoy everything Nottingham has to offer this summer!

Click here to access our comprehensive campaign leaflet, packed with all the information you need to stay safe and have fun this summer!




Pack for Good

This campaign gives you the opportunity to donate unwanted items such as clothes, electricals, books and furniture to British Heart Foundation (BHF) collection banks on campus and in the local community.

As students vacate their Nottingham homes at a similar time each year, waste management needs to be taken into consideration. Since 2012 the University of Nottingham has joined forces with Nottingham Trent University and Nottingham City Council to support the Pack for Good campaign.

The donated items — which would otherwise likely have ended up in landfill — are taken to BHF charity shops, where they are sold on to make money. The money raised supports the lifesaving research and work of the BHF.

In the years the campaign has been running for, students living in halls and in the community have both donated generously. It has been a remarkable effort which, in partnership with Nottingham City Council and Nottingham Trent University, has raised over £1.65million for the charity. 

The British Heart Foundation raises money to fund research into cures and treatments for a whole range of heart and circulatory conditions– this has included supporting research projects led by scientists at the University of Nottingham investigating strokes, vascular dementia and using stem cell biology to tackle heart attacks.

Not only have the donations raised money which has gone into life saving research, but all of the donations could have ended up in the general waste stream. In total, the donations have diverted a staggering 1106 tons of items from landfill after 29,678 bags of donations have been collected.

Read the most recent report  





Helping beat burglary

Working closely with Police Community Support Officers (PCSOs), Community Engagement Ambassadors are offering advice on how to beat burglary in highly student-populated areas through the Love Your Stuff campaign. Together, they offer simple advice on how to prevent robberies in the student community.

 Crime Prevention

Through door-knocking exercises in the community, ambassadors hand out information cards and goodies and engage with student residents, advising them to check windows and doors are locked when they go to bed or go out. 

Residents are also encouraged to ‘Protect It and Register It’ using which is the free national property register. Our campaigns involve a team of Community Engagement Ambassadors and staff, Police and PCSOs target the Lenton Drives and the Radford Triangle areas of Nottingham.

For further information on how to protect your valuables at home, take a look at the advice from Nottinghamshire Police below:

Protecting your valuables at home



Stay Safe Together

Nottingham is a friendly city and our campuses are safe places, but you should remain aware of your surroundings and have a good attitude towards personal safety on nights out.

Here are some useful tips for staying safe and enjoying your night out in Nottingham and surrounding areas:

  • Out for the night? Talk to your friends about where you're going and who with
  • Carrying cash and valuables? Use inside pockets and zipped bags
  • Need a lift home? Only get licensed taxis. Secure fixed prices through unicab on 0115 950 0500
  • Walking home? Stay in your group and stick to well-lit main streets

To find out more about the Stay Safe Together campaign, look out for postcards and publicity on the screens in halls and around campus. You can also follow us on Twitter at @UoN_Community

Find more information about staying safe on a night out below:

Staying safe while drinking

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