All FAQs


If you are an approver, you should receive email notifications advising of items awaiting approval (unless you have opted out of notifications).

To check this select the User Profile icon from the top toolbar in Contensis and look under Account for 'Opt Out of CMS Workflow Notifications'.

Even if you opt out of notifications, you can check for content awaiting approval by clicking on the Approval icon, which is the tick next to the Contensis logo at the top left.

Click on Approve/Decline for the selected page and from here you can preview, approve, decline and more.


Find out who your unit web coordinator is, they may be able to approve work for you. Failing this, complete a support request.


It is possible to email a link to an edited page in an email. Once your changes are saved, click 'Preview', then copy the URL address of this preview into your email. This will allow the recipient to look at your draft and feedback before you submit it for approval.

Note: pages on the test server ( can not be viewed off-campus unless you use our VPN.


You can normally expect your work to be live between 10 minutes and two hours. Changes to the navigation may take longer.


You will have to revoke the page from being submitted for approval before you can make further changes.


The time for approval depends on your approver. If you need a page urgently approving, we suggest contacting your approver or unit web coordinator directly.


It's possible to schedule a page (or document) to publish on a date in the future (perfect if your work needs to go live over the weekend or at midnight). This only works on authorised pages. Here's what you do:

  1. In edit mode of your page, select the properties tab
  2. Tick the "Set new Release" checkbox
  3. Use the calendar to select the date you want the page to go live
  4. Select the time you want the page to go live
  5. Save
  6. Submit and Approve (or submit to your approver)

Note: Your page will be sent to the publishing queue at your scheduled date/time. It will not publish at this exact time. If therefore, you know there will be lots of other pages in the queue, it's worth scheduling your page to go live slightly earlier. 


To enable or disable Contensis notifications:

  1. Access your user profile (via the top toolbar near the Contensis icon)
  2. Ensure you have provided a valid email address (under the Contact section)
  3. Check/uncheck the Opt out of CMS Workflow Notifications option (under the Account section)
  4. Save

If you need a staff listing on your site, please contact your eStaffProfile administrator or web coordinator and ask them for your unit ID.

Your admin will need this to set up your site's staff listing. The web team are not responsible for setting up your eStaffProfile listing. eStaffProfile is a Digital and Technology Services (DTS) owned system.

Read through the documentation for more information (PDF).


Updates need to be done in the eStaffProfile interface. You may edit your own details or there may be an eSP administrator within your department. Your IT Representative should know who this is. Read through the documentation for more information (PDF).


Changes can take up to 24 hours to show on your staff page.

It's likely that you have not ticked some of the boxes in eStaffProfile allowing information to be displayed, or have not used the right text areas in eStaffProfile. Read through the documentation for more information (PDF).


This could be a number of reasons:

  1. The filename of your image doesn't match the name on your staff page URL
  2. Your image isn't stored in the staff-images folder of your people folder in Contensis
  3. You have a double-barrelled name - if this is the case, remove the hyphen (-) in the file name of your image
  4. Your image has a full stop (.) in the file name - if this is the case, remove it
  5. Your image must be .jpg only (png, gif or jpeg)
  6. In your eStaffProfile settings, you have not checked the option to show picture on your staff page

Read through the documentation for more information (PDF).


If you've setup a staff listing page and when you preview it is shows a 500 server error see if one of the following solutions fixes the error:

  • Correct staff unit ID is used in the correct subsitedata.xml file
  • People are listed in the group in eStaffProfile
  • Staff roles that people are assigned to are set to show on the web
  • .htaccess file is published within your people (or similar) folder
  • subsitedata.xml file is published

It is strongly advised that unless you are familiar with HTML, you do not edit your pages in code view. However, if you do know HTML then you can edit the HTML by clicking on the View Source icon on the WYSIWYG toolbar. Just be sure that any code you are adding is valid HTML as the system may remove invalid HTML automatically on save and preview.


Yes, to do a batch import you need to ensure that your images and documents are in a ZIP file (one for images and one for documents - it's best to keep them separate). To import ZIP files, you can use the Bulk Upload tool.


To add content into the CMS from your Word document first copy your content into Notepad, which will remove the formatting. Then copy and paste this unformatted text into the CMS as plain text. You can then format the text within the CMS.


A version will only be available if there are published versions of a page. You can not revert back to a saved version.

To revert to a previous version:

  1. View the Version History tab found at the top of the page
  2. Select a previous version
  3. Click revert
  4. You'll be asked to confirm that you want to revert

This is more than likely down to there not being any published versions of your page (your page has only ever just been saved).


This can often be due to items and mini templates being dragged and dropped in your editable area. We'd need to see how your styles are affected to give a suitable solution.


We recommend that unless you are familiar with the source code, you should not attempt to use it to edit pages because of the difficulties an accidental deletion could present.

The easiest way around this is to take steps to avoid complicating the code. For instance, do not click and drag text or images around your page and always paste imported content as plain text.


Yes. Tables can be created in most mini templates.

Note: Please only use tables for tabular data. Do not use a table to layout your content.

  1. Right click on your table where you want to add a row
  2. Go to Table Row
  3. Choose Insert row before or Insert row after depending on where you want the row to go

In edit mode of your listing page:

  1. Right click on the news or events listing control
  2. Change the number of items shown

This requires editing the table HTML code. We recommend contacting your unit web coordinator or the web team to do this.


Automatically generated content might be the:

  • H1
  • Footer
  • Website title

The footer and website title are editable in the subsitedata.xml file which only site administrators have permission to edit.

The H1 (on some pages) might be automatically generated from whatever you add in the "Title" field on your page. To change this, simply edit the page title (at the top of the editor screen), save and submit (or approve if you have permission to).


To create an anchor:

  1. Place your cursor where you want the anchor to be
  2. Click on the anchor button on the WYSIWYG toolbar (actually looks like an anchor)
  3. Give the anchor a relevant name (no spaces)
  4. Save selection
  5. Save your page

To link to your anchor:

  1. Highlight the text you want to link to your anchor
  2. Click on the hyperlink button on the WYSIWYG toolbar

There are now three options:

Option 1 - link to an anchor on the same page:

  1. Select Anchor on this Page from the link type drop down
  2. From the anchor dropdown, select the anchor you want to link to

Option 2 - link to the anchor using a full URL:

  1. Select URL from the link type drop down
  2. In the URL address field, add the full (live) URL of the page the anchor is on and add "#anchorname" to the end

    For example, if you're linking to an anchor called "visit" on the Mini Open Days page, your URL will be

Option 3 - link to the anchor on another page as internal CMS content:

  1. Select CMS Content from the link type drop down
  2. Browse for the page in which your anchor sits (in the box that appears select and save this)
  3. From the anchor drop down, select the anchor you want to link to

To finish:

  1. Add some appropriate title text (which when hovered over, tells the user where they'll link to)
  2. Save selection
  3. Save and preview your page

In order for this to work, the page with the anchor on and the text linking to it must both be live.

  1. Click on the folder in the navigator and select "rename folder".
  2. Change the name in the dialog box that pops up and click OK.
    If you are changing the name of a folder with many subfolders and pages, it may take a while for the change to cascade down.
  3. You may need to change the menu name in the folder homepage too.

Approvers and site administrators can do this:

  1. Click on the parent folder and select manage menu
  2. Drag pages and folders into the menu position you require
  3. Save selection

This should give each item its correct menu order. Changes to menus take a while to reflect on a website.


Yes. To do this, click on the page or folder you want to move and click Move, then select the folder you want to move it to and click Save.


Yes, to do this, click on Nottingham at the top of your folder list and select Sort Alphabetically. If this option isn't shown, then it is already sorted alphabetically. You can at this point change it to Sort by Menu Order.


In order for a folder to show up in a navigation you must ensure that the folder has a "Folder Homepage" set. This is normally the index page. To make this the folder homepage:

  1. Right click and select "Make Folder Homepage" (approvers/admin only)

To show pages in the navigation:

  1. Click on the parent folder and select manage menu
  2. Tick include in menu
  3. Save selection


  1. In edit mode of your page, select the properties tab
  2. Tick include in menu
  3. Save

You'll need to do this at each folder level/page.


Approver and Admin users can re-order menus. To do this:

  1. Click on the folder above the pages you want to re-order
  2. Select Manage Menu
  3. Drag and drop items to re-order the menu order
  4. Click Save at the bottom right hand corner of the screen

When creating items in the CMS, please check you are not including special characters, punctuation or multiple hyphens in the filename.

If you enter a page title with multiple spaces between words (perhaps by copying and pasting the title from another document), the filename will auto-complete, replacing the multiple spaces with hyphens (eg bad-----filename.aspx). The CMS then reads these hyphens as a special character, which can cause the page not to load.

If you are having problems with a page which refuses to load, despite being live, please check the file name for special characters.

To change the filename:

  1. Edit your page
  2. Click on ‘Properties
  3. Amend ‘File name
  4. Save, Preview and Submit/Approve your page

If you have a university account, you can login to eStaffProfile using your university login details.


If you are interested in becoming a CMS editor or approver book onto an upcoming training session, with permisson from your line manager/unit web coordinator.

You might not have access to Contensis yet. You can only get access after completing CMS training.

You will be added to the UI-Contensis-Users Active Directory (AD) Group around 24 hours after you complete your CMS training course. 

It takes up to 24 hours from being added to the AD group to being granted CMS permissions.


Yes, here is a quick reminder of the main keyboard shortcuts that you will find useful:

  • Cut
    CTRL + X (PC)
    Command + X  (MAC)
  • Copy 
    CTRL + C (PC)
    Command + C (MAC)
  • Paste 
    CTRL + P (PC)
    Command + P (MAC)
  • Select All
    CTRL + A (PC)
    Command + A (MAC)
  • Save
    CTRL + S (PC)
    Command + S (MAC)
  • Undo
    CTRL + Z (PC)
    Command + Z (MAC)
  • Redo
    CTRL + Y (PC)
    Command + Y (MAC)
  • Bold
    CTRL + B (PC)
    Command + B (MAC)

Please contact your unit web coordinator who should be able to access this information. Otherwise please contact the web team via our support form.


Contact the web team via our support form and we can arrange for your account to be unlocked.


If other pages link to your page as internal CMS content the link will remain. If however, pages link to your page using an external URL, the link will be lost. In this scenario, it is necessary to individually delete or replace any hyperlinks leading to the old page. Consider if you need to put a redirect in place for pages that are linked to by many other pages.


The links that lead to an expired page will still be hyperlinked, but will now lead to a 'Page Not Found' error message. These links have to be disabled separately in order to make it clear that the page no longer exists and to avoid user frustration.


If you see a system error twice, it is worth checking with the web team. Please complete a support form including screenshots if possible. The web team will then attempt to recreate the issue and find a resolution.


Content should be pasted as plain text because the underlying code from a Word document can get carried across and cause problems in the CMS. We recommend that you paste the content into Notepad - which wipes the formatting - and then copy and paste from there into the CMS.


Please contact your unit web coordinator who should be able to access this information. Otherwise, please contact the web team via our support form.


Meta data isn't currently mandatory in the CMS, however, it may become so in the future. We would advise users to add meta data to pages where possible.


Sometimes, if content and mini templates have been dragged and dropped around on a page, the code becomes jumbled up and breaks the page in preview.

This may also be due to your page not being saved. Please save and preview your page to check again.

If your preview is drastically different to your edit mode, please log a support request.


If you have the necessary permissions (approver or higher), right click on the page and select 'Make folder homepage'. This will then begin to update the site. Please note, allow up to a day for this change to take effect.


To get your event a place on the University of Nottingham homepage, please contact the Communications team.


You should follow best web practice.

  • Give files recognisable names (this helps with search engine optimisation) that are short while still retaining meaning
  • Do not use spaces in a filename (eg undergrad study.aspx) - use hyphens instead
  • Do not use full stops (eg
  • Do not use any character that isn't a letter, number, dash or underscore (eg % ,*)

Yes, images do require approval. Submit them in the same way as any other document or page.


We recommend resizing very large images before uploading them into the CMS.

Contensis also has its own Image Editor which allows you to do basic image manipulation such as resize, crop and some image effects (eg greyscale). For more advanced image editing, we recommend using Adobe Photoshop, GIMP or Adobe Express and then importing your images.


This is because your controls must have different IDs. Two instances of the same ID will break your page.


There are a few steps you need to follow - please see the media gallery guide for details.


When documents are uploaded, it is common to forget to submit and authorise them. In order to create a live version of a document, click on the document in the navigator and select edit. Then select workflow and submit and authorise. It will then put the document in the publishing queue for the live server.


Refer to our rotating feature guide. If you need any further help with setting this up, please contact your unit web coordinator in the first instance.

  1. Once your image has been uploaded to Contensis, locate it in the navigator.
  2. Click (and hold) the icon of the image and drag it onto your page.

When building a web page, we strongly recommend using images from the University of Nottingham image bank. These images have either been commissioned by the university or else purchased with unrestricted copyright, so their use is completely authorised.

If you use images from elsewhere, you must ensure that their copyright license allows you to use them and you follow any restrictions on use, for example, giving credit. They should also follow our brand style, please read our photography pages for more information.


You can find a list of recommended image sizes on our website.


You will need to amend the PDF outside of Contensis. Once this is updated, you can click edit on the current PDF file in the CMS and then browse to the new version on your computer to upload it over the old version. Once you have approved the PDF file, all links will update to the new version and it will keep the same name, so you don't need to relink to it.


Even though your profile is updated via the eStaffProfile interface, your image is uploaded to Contensis. If you don't have permissions to edit Contensis, your unit web coordinator will be able to assist.

Staff image format

Image to show the size of an eStaff Profile picture

Ensure your staff image is in the following format:

  • Width: 120px
  • Height: 150px
  • Format: .jpg (not png, gif, jpeg or any other format)
  • Resolution: 72dpi
  • Filename: firstnamesurname.jpg (to match the end of your staff profile URL)

The filename must be your full name with no full stops or hyphens. For example, if your staff page URL ends in Michael.James-Phillips your image must be named michaeljamesphillips.jpg

Please ensure the image is the correct size before uploading to Contensis.

Uploading a staff image

  1. Image showing the people folder structureIn Contensis, navigate to and expand the people folder (or similar) you want to upload the image to
  2. Click on the staff-images folder and create new content
  3. Select image as the content type (if given the option)
  4. Browse for your image and upload
  5. Add your full name into the image's alt (alternative) text field
  6. Click finish to upload the image
  7. It will take a while for your profile page to update with your image

eStaffProfile settings

Your eStaffProfile must be set to show your staff image on your profile. See the eStaffProfile user guide (PDF) for instructions on how to do this.


You will find these in the /SharedResources folder in the navigator and then either the /MiniTemplates or /HTMLSnippets folders. See layouts and formatting and reusable content for more information.


Yes, you can create these within your site but we do encourage you to consult us first as they may be useful to others and we may decide to add them to Shared Resources.


Twitter/X feeds are no longer supported on our website.


As a content editor you are able to do the following:

  • Create and edit existing content
  • Create folders
  • Upload documents and images
  • Submit work for approval
  • Create news and events (where applicable)
  • Access the shared resources folder

Content editors are expected to ensure content is accurate, appropriate and accessible, and that there are no copyright issues with images. All content should follow the university's style guide and brand.


As a content approver, you are can do everything a content editor can do, along with the following:

  • Archive pages
  • Manage menu
  • Publish work to the live website

Content approvers are responsible for checking content for:

  • accuracy
  • legality
  • suitability
  • accessibility  

Unless it is unavoidable due to staff absences, approvers should not approve their own work.  The approval stage is an important quality check and an independent review is clearly preferable.


As a site administrator, you are able to administer the following:

  • Folders
  • Content types
  • Permissions
  • User access
  • Meta data
  • Menu options
  • Page templates
  • Publishing
  • Advanced options

You can also:

  • Delete pages, images, documents etc

There is generally only one administrator per website.


We have a list of unit web coordinators for your reference. If you think someone should be listed on here that isn't, please let us know.


New users will need to attend the CMS training. Once they have attended the course, the user will need to ask their unit web coordinator or line manager to contact the web team through a support form with confirmation of the user's required permissions.

New CMS users will be added to the UI-Contensis-Users AD group (active directory) and will appear in Contensis within 24 hours.

To get an existing CMS user added to a new folder, the unit web coordinator or line manager contact the web team through a support form confirming the permissions required.


There are details for one-day CMS training courses on the website, as well as the dates that these days take place on.


These areas are managed by the marketing team and only they have access to edit. If you have an amend, you should contact your Faculty Head of Marketing.


To view examples of different layouts, look through the layouts and formatting section.

To use a layout, find it in the 'MiniTemplates' folder in 'Shared Resources', then click (and hold) its icon and drag to the relevant place on your page.

You can also ask your unit web coordinator for best practice advise.


When a page is created as a part of a school website, the correct colour and navigation bar are automatically applied.

New content is expected to meet the university brand guidelines. In order to maintain a uniform layout, we recommend using appropriate heading sizes (keeping Heading 2 styles beneath a Heading 1, etc), focusing important information on the top left of the page, with any images on the right, and formatting text to clearly present information.


Yes. Drag and drop the show/hide mini template into your page. This can be found in Shared Resources > MiniTemplates > Content Layouts. An example of this can be seen on the web team website.

You should consider if you need to use a show/hide. It is best for information where someone only needs to view one of the show/hide sections. If you use them because content is too long, consider cutting content down or if it requires a subpage instead.


Some old mini templates were automatically set to show text over image as a heading 1. Current mini templates have unformatted text areas which allow you to apply any heading style you like.


If you'd like to remove the alternate row style from lists generated by a web control, use one of the following IDs:

  • noalternate
  • noalternateTwo
  • noalternateThree
  • noalternateFour

It doesn't matter which you use but note that you'll need to use a different ID for multiple listing controls on a single page. You can therefore have a maximum of four separate controls with no alternate row style on one page.


The CMS is unable to provide restricted access areas. Instead, Workspace or Sharepoint should be used to create log in only areas.


The CMS is unable to provide restricted access areas. Instead, Workspace or Sharepoint should be used to create log in only areas.


The university brand has been developed with colour deficiency and the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines in mind. Our brand guidelines give details of all university colours and how they work in terms of contrast, font size and accessibility on the university website and in print.

  • General guidance on colour vision deficiency can be found on the NHS website
  • See information on accessibility of the university's website

Server errors occur for a number of reasons. See our common Contensis errors page for example errors and how to fix them.


If you've created a new homepage to replace an existing homepage you may find that the previous URL has stopped working. This could be for a number of reasons:

  1. The filename is different, we'd recommend using the same filename
  2. The navigation hasn't picked up the new file
  3. You've not set the new page as the folder homepage

Try each of the above, save, publish and preview your page.


To upload video to Contensis you will need to read the adding videos guide (PDF). All videos should be captioned for accessibility.


We are currently looking for a range of work placements and internships for students from the Schools of Engineering, Computer Science, Biosciences and Chemistry. If your company/organisation would like to offer a work placement of internship, please visit our website to find out more information or register your interest here.  If your organisation is interested in giving time to the University in other ways, please get in touch with Rachael Green, Head of Volunteering,

Giving time to The University of Nottingham is open to anyone who wishes to volunteer their skills and talent, partake in activities which support the University’s strategy, and specifically help students and research. Opportunities to give time and volunteer are not just open to alumni - we welcome those who do not have a connection to the University. We just ask that you give your time for free and that you are not paid by your business/employer to volunteer. 

Each of our roles asks for particular skills or experience. If you have these we would love to hear from you. It doesn’t matter if you are an alumnus of The University of Nottingham, a local community member, University staff, a student, or just interested in what we do - we’d love for you to be involved.

Information for staff volunteers

If the volunteering role is outside of your current role and you’d like to give your time please check with your line manager before applying.

Information for student volunteers

If there is a role you think you are suitable for please apply and just let us know you are a current student.

Yes of course you can. We’d love for you to help with as much as you feel you have the time and expertise to help with.

No don’t worry - please let us know about your other volunteering role in your application form, and we will take care of everything else.



Visit our opportunities page, to apply for specific opportunities which suit the amount of time you have, where you are in the world, where you want to volunteer and your skill set. Please click through to the application form for that role, where there is a quick form to fill in. We will then process your application and the ‘Volunteer Task Manager’ will get in contact with you.


If you can’t find a role suitable for you, please complete the Register Your Interest form. We will then contact you when a suitable role comes up.



There are many different ways you can give your time and volunteer for the University from work, from home, from the UK or from anywhere else in the world. The range of opportunities include: quick micro-volunteering activities, 1-1 student mentoring, speaking to large groups of students, advising our academics or entrepreneurs, completing online profiles, online eMentoring or more strategic roles. Lots of our Schools and Departments are also looking for alumni to help with student activities such as Careers talks and advice.

For a full list of current opportunities that are available at the moment, please visit our opportunities page.


You can volunteer from home via some of our online opportunities such as Alumni Profile - Your Story, or you can come to Nottingham to speak to students or take part in the range of opportunities we have on campus. Alternatively, you might like to volunteer from elsewhere in the UK or Internationally. For a list of current roles please visit our opportunities page.

Opportunities outside of Nottingham

We are aware that most of our alumni don’t live in Nottingham and may not be able to come back to campus. We are constantly looking at new opportunities which can be accessed remotely, so please keep an eye on our opportunities page.

International opportunities 

We have lots of international volunteering opportunities such as the recruitment volunteer, conversion volunteer, buddy, event volunteer and many more. For a whole list please visit our opportunities page and type international into the search bar. If you can't see a role that you would like to do, please register your interest in giving your time internationally and we will contact you when a role becomes available.






We have volunteer opportunities available for people to give their time and talent to The University of Nottingham. Some of these roles support the student experience and use volunteer skills, experience and talents which do not otherwise exist within our excellent professional staff. Other tasks such as advisory boards are reserved for volunteers. The University of Nottingham is also well known for our fantastic global research and for this we tend to need volunteers to help us solve some of the global questions we are asking.


Volunteers, and anyone who gives their time to The University of Nottingham, are a really important part of the University. They help give our students unique insights, provide advice and guidance, as well as inspire our students to go on to fantastic careers they may never have considered. Volunteers also help the University in other ways such as with research, or helping out at activities and events. Everything is really appreciated and each role is specifically for a volunteer.


As a volunteer you will have a clear role and point of contact. We ask you to speak to your ‘Volunteer Task Manager’ about your role to ensure you understand what will be required of you. If you can then ensure you keep your ‘Volunteer Task Manager’ up to date should any changes occur, such as if you are unable to attend, or you cannot give as much time any more etc.


This will be clearly shown in the ‘Role Description’ of your role. If you have any questions please contact your main point of contact.


That’s fine. We understand things change and so we ask for you to keep us updated if you are unable to take part or want to step down.


We understand that sometimes you may not feel able to talk to your main point of contact. If you have any concerns and would like to speak to someone else please contact the Head of Volunteering, Lauren White on  or +44 (0)115 74 84987


We will provide you a briefing for the role you are taking on and give you the opportunity to attend networking/training. For some roles more details training and ongoing support is needed. If this is the case it will be stated in your role description. If your role requires training you will be given full details about what is provided and what you may need to do to prepare. We will ensure you have as much detail as you need to complete the volunteer activity to the best of your ability.


There are many different roles available at The University of Nottingham which can help you develop your skills and confidence outside of your workplace. We hope that the roles we have can provide you with new opportunities for you to try and develop your talents, whilst helping the University's staff and students.



Depending on the volunteer role you would like to do, you may need to travel. For full details on the location of the role please check the role profile/with your Volunteer Task Manager.

Although volunteering or giving your time to The University of Nottingham is unpaid, we do understand that for some people expenses may be required to take part in volunteering activity at The University of Nottingham.  Further information on the types of expenses which can be claimed for your role can be discussed with your Volunteer Task Manager.


As a volunteer you should expect to hear from us in a timely manner. We will aim to ensure that once you have submitted you application your Task Manager will be in contact with you in within 10 days to confirm the next steps of your role.


Once you have completed your volunteering, you will receive regular updates from us including a supporter eNewsletter, supporter magazine, pin badge and invitations to special events.



All information is held securely on the University’s central database and will be treated confidentially and with respect in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. Unless you tell us otherwise the data may be used for events programmes, alumni activities involving academic and administrative departments, fundraising programmes and for the promotion of benefits and services, which may involve an element of direct marketing. The data will not be disclosed to any external organisations, other than those acting as agents of the University. This may include organisations such as the Higher Educational Survey Agency (HESA). If you do not wish your information to be used in this way please write to the Campaign Office or email


There is no limit to the amount of volunteering you can do whilst claiming benefits, as long as you continue to meet the conditions of those benefits. For the most recent updates on volunteering whilst claiming benefits (and expenses associated) please visit


For some of the volunteer roles we have we will be conducting some background checks. Each role will be considered very carefully to see whether this is required for the role. We may ask you if you have a DBS check in place.


We really appreciate all of the help, advice, guidance and time our volunteers provide. To recognise this we will regularly collect case studies and photographs to celebrate our volunteers, as well set up a series of ways to say thank you including Volunteering Awards.

We would also be happy to provide you with a LinkedIn reference. Please contact your Volunteer Task Manager if you would like to request a reference.



Registering to become a mentor is really quick and simple. You will be taken through a quick mentor set up process after which you will be searchable on our eMentoring online platform. Get started by registering here.


As volunteers, you’ll be offering a free service to individuals looking for help and guidance towards their chosen career path. We’d therefore like our mentors to provide support and advice regarding their industry, making a relevant and valued contribution to the students.


eMentoring at The University of Nottingham is really flexible and you can decide how much time you give. When volunteering as a mentor, you will have the option to choose which mentoring 'services' you would like to offer. Services range from answering a few quick questions over email, to taking part in a 4 week, 12 week or 24 week mentoring programme. With our eMentoring system, you can modify your offered services at any time so that you stay in control.


Mentors can accept invitations from a maximum of three mentees. For those who are new to mentoring, it may be you might like to mentor just one or two mentees to begin with. You can then monitor progress with them and take on others as and when you feel comfortable to do so.


eMentoring at The University of Nottingham is designed to be flexible so that it can fit around your schedule. When you sign-up to become a mentor, you will have the option to select which scheme duration suits you the best, whether it's 4 weeks, 12 weeks or 24 weeks. If you would prefer to take part in short term mentoring, then you can opt to answer a few quick questions that a student might have. Alternatively, you can mentor up to three mentees at any given time. If your availabilty changes, then you can update your profile settings to reflect this.



The platform gives the mentor the opportunity to accept or decline a mentee, dependent upon the information given by the mentee. If insufficient information is given initially, you may request more before making a determination.  


eMentoring online enables alumni, to extend their volunteering activities and mentor a current student or recent graduate. Mentors will have the opportunity to:

  • refine their one-to-one mentoring skills
  • play an important role at a vital time in a student’s life
  • give advice about the unwritten aspects of their role
  • get to know the people who are the future of the international job market
  • widen their professional network
  • maintain links that will last by becoming an integral part of The University Of Nottingham



eMentoring enables working professionals, alumni from The University of Nottingham, and individuals with experience and knowledge of a profession/industry, to give their time to the University and mentor a current student. This service is an incredibly important part of our Careers and Employability Service, as it provides students with advice, guidance, insight and inspiration into a field they are interested in.


At times during the process it will be necessary to gather information about how your mentoring relationship is progressing. Both mentee and mentor will carry out an online survey when their mentoring relationship comes to an end, the timing will be dependent on the length of the scheme selected. If for any reason either party needs to contact someone regarding eMentoring then they can do so by emailing the team at


The University has Public Liability insurance in place that will respond should it be proved that the University to be negligent in its actions towards a member of the public. This policy will respond to volunteers working under the instruction of the University.  This covers our legal liability to pay compensation for injuries or illness to a third party or damage to the property of third parties, which are due to The University of Nottingham’s negligence.  It does not cover pure accidents (e.g. if a spectator at an event trips over their own feet) or malicious damage (e.g. deliberate damage to equipment).


If you are interested in volunteering, but you hold an international visa, please email the Volunteering Team:


    1. Ingenuity18 is open to all students, alumni, early career researchers and staff.
    2. Staff will need to gain permission from their Head of School/Department in order to participate.
    3. Early career researchers submitting ideas that relate to University IP will need to gain permission from the IP Office, as well as their Head of School/Department.
    4. Business ideas submitted by students and alumni must be majority owned by a University of Nottingham student or alumni. 

Businesses that have been trading for over three years are not able to enter.


Teams are limited to five people and all entrants must ensure that participation does not affect their academic work or employment requirements.

Please Note: Advisors/mentors can not be included as part of your team.


Those who made the Top 3 in the previous Ingenuity Competitions are not eligible to apply, unless the business activity has not been presented before. If you are unsure about whether this applies to you, please contact the Ingenuity18 team.


£10,000 is available and is usually shared between teams. This grant is sponsored by The University of Nottingham’s Asia Business Centre.


We expect every team member to attend the Ideas Summit as teams will recieve a great deal of information, literature and support, that will enable them to develop their Innovation Proposal, and ultimately help them understand their proposal and the direction they wish for it to go.

Should a member of the team be unable to attend due to extenuating circumstances, please contact the Ingenuity18 team to discuss.

Please Note: If successful, all team members must be able to make the dates for the Ingenuity18 Pitches and the Gala Dinner. 


Overseas entrants will not be required to travel to the UK to enter. There will be localised development events delivered for participants in Ningbo and Malaysia. However, all applications, business entries, pitches and the Gala Dinner will be in the UK. Participants in Ningbo or Malaysia will be asked to pitch via live video.

UK entrants must attend their pitch day(s) and it is compulsory for at least the team leader to attend the Ingenuity18 Ideas Summit.


While we would like Ingenuity18 participants to develop their proposals based on their original application, this is acceptable, as long as it fulfills the criteria and rules of the event. If you would like clarification, please email the Ingenuity18 team.


Once you have sought approval from your Head of Department, you may be eligible to reach out to other Departments and form an interdisciplinary team. 


Ingenuity18 judges will only consider the material provided through the official Ingenuity18 Proposal form. Any additional materials given in person or over email to the judges or event organisers will be ignored. 


Yes, but you must notify the Ingenuity18 team and seek approval from your personal tutor in order to do so.


No. As the application deadline has passed, you are unable to add people to your team. However, should you want to form a team for the Competition stage that includes members from other Ingenuity18 teams, that is allowed.


Yes. If you are not enrolled on the Technology Entrepreneurship in Practice module, we expect you to attend the Ingenuity18 Innovation Diploma.

No. But we would urge you to look into the opportunities available through the  Ingenuity Lab, and make sure you apply to next year's Ingenuity Competition before the deadline. 

As an applicant, how do I accept my offer in


Follow these steps to accept your offer in NottinghamHub:

1. Log into NottinghamHub

2. Click on the ‘My application’ tile

3. Click on your application

4. Select ‘Accept’

5. Click ‘Yes’


Initially, we will focus on stopping COVID-19 outbreaks in halls of residence before they get out of control. By quickly identifying positive cases and stopping the chain of asymptomatic transmission, we help protect staff and students by suppressing the numbers of infections.  
When combined with effective isolation and infection control, it should also reduce the likelihood of severe public health measures such as whole-hall lockdown, saving local and national public health resources by: 

  1. Reactive outbreak control 

If there is a known, or suspected outbreak (two linked cases) in a hall of residence, then we will work with local public health to monitor potential spread of the virus and support isolating students. This will likely involve all those living and working in a hall being asked to provide several samples for testing over the course of a week. Each reactive outbreak control plan will be different and tailored to the specific circumstances we face. Students and staff will be contacted with all the information they need. 

  1. Rolling sentinel surveillance  

Starting from the beginning of October, each week we will schedule a programme of rolling ‘sentinel surveillance’ testing sessions across the University’s halls of residence. We are in discussion with third party accommodation providers about including their facilities. This will involve collecting at least two samples at the beginning and end of the week from staff and students living and working in the hall.    



If your hall has been selected for testing, we will contact all students and staff that live and work in that hall. This will be by personal and University email, posters and social media. The service is not bookable, and you won’t be able to request a test.



We know that young people are less likely to have severe symptoms, if any at all. We also know that those infected with the virus can also infect others, even if they don’t display any symptoms. Our aim is to halt transmission and minimise outbreaks before they get out of control. If outbreaks become severe, local public health authorities have the powers to lock down halls, close buildings and maybe even shut the University.  

By taking part and following the rules around isolation if you or other members of your household test positive, we can help control the spread of the virus and keep students, staff and the local community safe.  



There are a wide-range of world-leading COVID-19 research projects taking place across the University into COVID-19. If you give permission for your sample to be used for research, it can be stored and used by researchers for a variety of different projects. You will be contacted by researchers to get your consent for each specific project and you can withdraw consent at any time.  
We are particularly interested in getting participants for a new research project linked to the establishment of the testing service. The Track COVID study is funded by the Medical Research Council and aims to understand more about how the virus spreads on campus and the link with behavioural factors such as social distancing, getting tested for COVID-19 and having to self-isolate. By taking part in this research you will be able to help us, as well as researchers across the UK, understand these challenges better and what we need to do differently to support you in keeping well and safe. 



If your sample tests negative, then you will receive an email advising of the result, informing you of any future sample collection times and providing you with any necessary advice.

Please do bear in mind that a negative test result does not mean you aren’t infected, as we know that the virus is only detectable at certain times, particular in those who are asymptomatic. This is one of the reasons we are using repeating sample testing over a period of time. 



Yes, you can submit a sample if you have symptoms and are isolating. However, to arrange for your sample to be collected from your room, please email the us at



If your sample tests positive for COVID-19, we will contact you via phone and email using the details you provided on your testing materials. If we can’t get hold of you, we will send a text asking you to call us back. If you receive a positive result from a University test, then you should act as if you are symptomatic and you will be advised to do the following: 

  1. Isolate 

You must self-isolate immediately. If you are in a hall of residence, this means returning to your room and avoiding using communal areas. You are not obliged, and it is not your responsibility to tell your household or anyone else outside of the University about the result of your test, but you are free to do so.  

  1. Notify the University 

You must notify us as soon as possible by completing the student reporting form or staff reporting form. When prompted, select the option that says, “I have received a positive result from the University Testing Service”. 

Once you have notified us, we will notify your household and tell them to self-isolate, providing you and them with the necessary advice and access to support. 

  1. Seek a government test 

Currently, our testing service isn’t linked to the NHS Test and Trace IT system. If you test positive, you must book a follow-up government test to confirm the result and provide the link into the national contact tracing programme. This is a requirement of the University. To book a test, including at one of the University local testing sites, visit the website. Our testing team may also provide additional instructions and advice on securing this follow-up test when they contact you by phone. 

You can leave self-isolation to take this government test, ensuring you do not take public transport. You must return to your accommodation immediately after taking the test until your isolation period is complete, or if you are notified that the government test result is negative.  

If the result of your government test is negative, then this overrides the result of the University test. 

You must update us with the results of your government test by completing the test outcomes form online.




We’ve worked hard to make our campuses as safe as possible for our students and staff. Your safety is our absolute priority.

Take a look at our safety on campus web pages to learn about the steps we’ve taken to ensure our campuses are COVID-secure.

The key things to remember are:

  • wear a mask in buildings, including in teaching sessions
  • socially distance
  • wash your hands regularly. 

If you experience symptoms of COVID-19, you should take the following steps as promptly as possible:

If you think another student or member of staff might have symptoms, you should encourage them to do the same.

Government guidance mandates that anyone showing symptoms of COVID-19, however mild, or anyone who has received a positive test result, must self-isolate for at least 10 days and for as long as they still have a high temperature.

If you're a student living in a hall you will have been allocated a household. If you live in the community, the people living in your house are a household. In the event that one member of your household experiences symptoms or has a positive COVID-19 test, all members of that household must isolate for at least 14 days.

Students should inform their School, via their module convenors or personal tutors.

Staff should contact their line manager to inform them that they’re isolating. If you remain well enough to work, you should do so from home.


If you have symptoms, you must isolate until you receive your test result – along with all members of your household.

If your result is negative, notify the university as soon as possible. If no one else in your household has symptoms, your households’ isolation period can end. If others in your household have symptoms, you must all remain in isolation until you all get a negative result, or until the mandated isolation period ends.

If your result is positive, notify the university and the rest of your household as soon as possible. You and your household must continue to isolate according to government guidance and regulations (also see this FAQ for more information).

Any breach of government regulations could lead to a fine, or disciplinary action taken by the university.


Free tests are available to book on the website. The service may be busy, but you should be able to get a test – via post, or by visiting drive-through or walk-in sites. 


When you test positive for coronavirus, the NHS Test and Trace service will send you a text or email alert or call you with instructions of how to share details of people with whom you have had close, recent contact and places you have visited. It is important that you respond as soon as possible so that appropriate advice can be given to those who need it.

You may choose to contact friends and family personally. Do be aware that sharing information about symptoms, isolating or test results on public platforms, like social media, could be shared further than you are comfortable with.

If you are aware of other people isolating due to symptoms or a positive test result, you must respect their confidentiality. Do not share their personal information without their consent.


We do not encourage people to challenge each other. Raise this calmly and respectfully if you are able – but only if you feel comfortable doing so. Where people observe behaviour or incidents which cause concern, they can, if they wish, report these through the COVID-19 incident reporting form.

One never knows what others are having to deal with; for example, there will be some who cannot wear a mask for a variety of reasons related to unseen disability, mental health or physical health.  Please remember this if you are concerned that someone isn’t following the guidance or adhering to the rules when they should. 


Unless someone is exempt, everyone must follow social distancing and face covering guidelines – including in Halls of Residence.

You can, if you wish, report these incidents through the COVID-19 incident reporting form. You can also speak to your Hall Tutor or Warden for support.


The law requires that you must self-isolate if you have a positive test result or are contacted by the NHS Track and Trace Service and instructed to self-isolate, but you should also self-isolate if you or someone in your household has symptoms or a positive test result. This measure is necessary to control the virus and limit transmission as much as possible.

If someone in your household refuses to isolate, you can, if you wish, report this via the COVID-19 incident reporting form. Breaking government regualtions could lead to a fine, or disciplinary action from the university.


If you are told by the NHS Track and Trace Service to self-isolate, the law requires you to remain in your current location until your mandated period of self-isolation is complete. Do not return to Nottingham, or the campus. Report that you are isolating to the university, and contact your School, via your module convenor or personal tutor. They will help you to access online teaching while you are unable to attend in-person sessions if you are well enough to study.

If your personal circumstances mean you cannot stay at home, you can contact the Student Services and Support and Wellbeing Team for assistance.


If you have tested positive or been contacted by the NHS Track and Trace Service and told to self-isolate, the law requires you to remain in your current location to isolate, whether this is in halls of residence or in private accommodation. You must not travel while isolating – unless it’s to get a coronavirus test.

We know that isolating is challenging and could have a negative impact on your mental health. Keep in touch with friends and family via phone and video chat, and contact the Support and Wellbeing Team if you need support. 


Their positive test will have triggered the NHS Track and Trace process. You will be contacted by this service if required to isolate. The NHS Track and Trace process may not be able to reach all potential contacts as quickly as one might wish.  Check the government guidance on whether you may be considered a close contact of the infected person, and subsequently told to isolate. 


You and everyone else in the household must isolate according to government guidelines and regulations. Notify the university that you are isolating, and encourage the affected member of the household to report their symptoms/positive test result to the university.


If any of your assessments have been, or are going to be affected, by your illness or self-isolation, please submit a claim for extenuating circumstances within the prescribed timescales, using the online form.

Read the University’s Extenuating Circumstances Policy before submitting your claim.

The Students’ Union guide to extenuating circumstances gives helpful advice on the process.


After notifying the university, you should contact your School, via your module convenor or personal tutor, to discuss how you can continue to engage with your studies if you are well enough. They will support you in accessing your teaching online where possible, via platforms including Moodle and Microsoft Teams.


You are not alone, and there is support available. Don’t hesitate - get in touch so that we can help you.

Speak to your personal tutor about your worries and concerns. They can talk these through with you and signpost you to support services that can help.

You can also contact our Support and Wellbeing Team direct and our web pages have a huge amount of information to help.


Use the Findspace online service to find safe spaces to work, study and socialise on campus. You can search for specific buildings, or for types of spaces – like cafes.

Spaces will have one of the following ratings:

  • Green – the space has lots of availability
  • Amber – there is some space, but it is filling up quickly
  • Red – the space is full, come back later or make other arrangements

Access the resource at, or via the MyNottingham app.

Even with the above, just as you would anywhere, if you arrive at a location and it is very busy and there is a consequent risk that social distancing may be compromised then please do not enter that area - protect yourself and others.


Face coverings are mandatory in all indoor areas on campus unless at least one metre separation can be maintained. However, some people may be exempt from wearing a face covering. Some of those who are exempt may choose to wear a sunflower lanyard, which indicates they have a hidden disability.  One never knows what others are having to deal with.  Please remember this if you are concerned that someone isn’t wearing a mask in a setting where the guidance suggests they should. 

Those not wearing face coverings should ensure they remain one metre distant from others and if any of us feel someone is too close to us, we can ask them to respect social distance.


By isolating, you protect your friends, family and community by halting the transmission of the virus. Isolating is challenging – physically and mentally. It may make you feel lonely, sad or anxious – but you are not alone. There is a range of support available that can help you get through isolation. Some is accessible to all students., other elements depend on where you live. 

Visit our self-isolation support pages for more information. 


You must isolate if someone in your household has had a positive test or is symptomatic. 

If someone in your household has been asked to isolate by NHS Track and Trace, but they have no symptoms, you do not need to isolate.  However, you must have as little contact with them as possible, and cannot have visitors to your home until their isolation period is complete. 

If they develop symptoms, you and the rest of your household must isolate for 14 days from the onset of those symptoms. 

More information on Track and Trace is available on the NHS website


You must isolate if someone in your household has had a positive test or is symptomatic.

If you are a close contact of the symptomatic/infected person, or have been contacted by the NHS Track and Trace service, you should isolate. 

However, if you are not a close contact, are not symptomatic, haven't have a positive test, and haven't been contacted by NHS Track and Trace, you do not need to isolate.


No. Please do not pause contact tracing unless you are wearing clinical grade PPE. While precautions such as social distancing and wearing face coverings reduces the chance of infection the app provides extra protection as it measures the risk score for individuals i.e. it can record if they are too close to someone for a certain period of time.

The app can really help to make a difference, alongside the precautions everyone is adhering to, in tracking interactions and intercepting virus transmission quickly.


Follow these steps to download your offer letter:

1. ,Log into NottinghamHub

2. Click on the ‘Documents’ tile

3. At the top, click on the folder with the relevant course code on it

4. Click on the file entitled ‘offer letter’

5. Click on the download icon at the top of the screen

Please view the guidance video to find out how to add and edit your bank details.

If you are an applicant, you can change your password here.

Applicant guidance is as follows:

1. ,Log into NottinghamHub

2. Click on the ‘Profile’ tile

3. Select ‘Password reset’

4. Under ‘Current password’, enter your existing password

5. Under ‘New password’ and ‘Confirm password’, enter your new


6. Click ‘Change password’

Student guidance is as follows:

If you are a student, you use your university IT account username and password to log into NottinghamHub.

You can change your university IT account password here.


View the step-by-step video on how to update your personal details.

If the information you want to update is not shown, or you are unable to edit it, please contact Student Services.


To upload a document in NottinghamHub:

  • Log into NottinghamHub and you will be taken to the homepage.
  • On the right side, you will see a green button labelled Manage Documents. Click this button and it will take you to the Manage Documents page.
  • You will see multiple folders on the page.
  • Click on the folder that is relevant to the document you are uploading, for example an application document, or a document relating to a support request you have raised.
  • You will then need to choose the relevant Document Type and Document Label to the document that you are uploading.
  • Click on Upload Document, this will then display a pop up to allow you to choose a file.
  • Once you have chosen your file, click upload and it will then appear in your Manage Documents page.

You have 15 minutes to remove the document and replace it with an alternative version. If it has been longer

than this, please upload the correct document and then raise an IT self-service request to request for the

original document to be removed.

After uploading the document needed to complete a task, the document still needs to be processed and verified by a staff member. Once this happens, the notification will disappear.

Full-year timetables can be viewed here.

You will need to accept pop-ups in your browser to view your timetable.

You can visit our Timetable webages for more related information.



You may need to clear your cache, a collection of data that your web browser has collected and stored, which could be slowing down your loading time.

To clear your cache on Chrome:

  • Open Chrome.
  • Press CTRL + SHIFT + DEL.
  • In the Time Range drop down menu select the 'All time' option and ensure that 'Cookies and other site data' and 'Cached images and files' are selected.
  • Select the 'Clear data' button.

To clear your cache on Internet Explorer:

  • Open Internet Explorer.
  • Select 'Settings' (settings cog) in the top-right corner of the browser.
  • Select 'Internet Options'.
  • On the 'General' tab, select the 'Delete' button under 'Browsing History'.
  • Ensure 'Temporary internet files and 'Cookies and website data' are selected.
  • Click the 'Delete' button.

After completing the appropriate steps for your browser, try to log in again. If you are still experiencing problems, please raise an IT self-service request or phone the IT Service Desk.

Yes, a module is called a ‘course’ in NottinghamHub.
Please contact Student Services for support.
Please contact Student Services for support.
Please contact Student Services for support.

Case sensitive username:

  • Your username is case sensitive. Please check it is all in lowercase when you enter it.

Clear your cache:

  • You may need to clear your cache, a collection of data that your web browser has collected and stored, which could be slowing down your loading time.

To clear your cache on Chrome:

  • Open Chrome.
  • Press CTRL + SHIFT + DEL.
  • In the Time Range drop down menu select the 'All time' option and ensure that 'Cookies and other site data' and 'Cached images and files' are select.
  • Select the 'Clear data' button.

To clear your cache on Internet Explorer:

  • Open Internet Explorer.
  • Select 'Settings' (settings cog) in the top-right corner of the browser.
  • Select 'Internet Options'.
  • On the 'General' tab, select the 'Delete' button under 'Browsing History'.
  • Ensure 'Temporary internet files and 'Cookies and website data' are selected.
  • Click the 'Delete' button.

After completing the appropriate steps for your browser, try to log in again. If you are still experiencing problems, please follow these steps:

  • If you are an applicant, reset your password or contact the admissions enquiries team on +44 (0)115 9514749.
  • If you are a student, please contact the IT Service Desk.
You can chat online with Student Services using this link

To find your personal tutor's details, log into NottinghamHub and click on Support.

You will then be able to view the My Tutors section. If you click on your tutor's name, it will open an email with their email address in Outlook.

You can access your marks, progression and award details through the Blue Castle system.

To view information relating to your Postgraduate Research programme, log into NottinghamHub and click on the Research tile.

This will display details of your supervisors, research topic, duration of your study and milestones.


Follow these steps to view your student ID number:

1. Log into NottinghamHub

2. Click on the ‘Profile’ tile

3. You will see your ID number in the top left of the screen

Guidance and advice on online registration can be found on the online registration webpage

At the start of the academic year, we carry out processes to enrol you on your courses (modules). Once

these have been updated in NottinghamHub, it may take up to two working days before the content

in Moodle is made available to you.

If you are a returning student who has recently taken reassessments, it may take until the end of the first

week of the term for you to see the content in Moodle.

If you cannot see your content after this time, please raise an IT self-service request or phone the IT Service



At the start of the academic year, we carry out processes to enrol you on your courses (modules).

Once these have been updated in MyNottingham, it may take up to two working days before the content in Moodle is made available to you.

If you are a returning student, who has recently taken reassessments, it may take until the end of the first week of the term for you to see the content in Moodle.

If you cannot see your content after this time, please raise an IT self-service request or phone the IT Service Desk.


You will receive an email or notification when it is time for you choose your optional modules.

Please view the step-by-step video for guidance on how to choose your optional modules in NottinghamHub.


Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) aims to put the pages of the University of Nottingham website in front of as many eyes as possible, and over the years, we've delivered on a number of projects that have really helped to grow student recruitment and audience retention through organic search - the website's most important online channel.

Along with the ongoing work that aims to improve every area of the website, we can provide training, web audits and identify key opportunities to help get your area of the website more visitors and bring more students to the University of Nottingham.

We also offer training on Google Analytics, so that you can understand who your visitors are, what they're looking for, and what you can do to ensure that you keep them engaged and interested in your pages.

You can use our request form for help with SEO and Google Analytics.

A support request is for simple issues that will likely require a quick answer or a fast solution. Do you require access to one of our third party platforms? Do you want a brief explanation of how things work? Are you looking for an analysis of just one or two pages? These would all fall under the banner of support requests. If the work won't require a long timeline, or any meetings, and you believe that it could be resolved promptly, this is a support request.

A project request is for larger pieces of work. Do you need to discuss the future of multiple webpages based on in-depth analysis? Do you want an SEO audit of your area of the website? Is your request likely to prompt an ongoing series of meetings, continued support, or detailed and considered solutions to complex issues surrounding SEO or Analytics? If you answered yes to any/all of the above, then you need to log a project request.

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