

Extenuating circumstances (ECs) are events that affect your performance in assessments which are unforeseen and out of your control. Our EC procedure is intended to support you if you experience significant personal difficulties during your time with us.

In the first instance we recommend that you notify, for example, your Personal Tutor, PhD supervisor or the Support and Wellbeing team, as soon as possible. These people will be able to provide advice and direct you to appropriate procedures or support services, if applicable.

Take a look at the Extenuating circumstances flow chart linked below if you are not sure about where to start.




What you need to know

Important update – regulations on Extenuating Circumstances have changed for 2023/24.  Make sure you read these before you consider applying:

Key changes:

First sits (a reassessment opportunity that you take as if it’s for the first time):

  • If a first sit is granted as an EC outcome, your initial submission will not be marked or marks voided even if you completed the first assessment. 
  • If first sits are not completed, a mark of zero will be recorded.
  • If you are seeking a first sit for coursework, it is likely a long extension will be offered rather than a first sit. 

For more details, see What is a First Sit?   

Coursework extensions: 

  • Up to five working days could be claimed with no supporting evidence (some exclusions do apply so check on Moodle first). 
  • Check the flowchart for more info  EC student information page
  • You will need to provide an acceptable reason in order to be eligible for a no evidence extension.

If the circumstance is not acceptable, your claim may be rejected. See ‘What are acceptable circumstances for an EC claim’ for more details.