School of Biosciences
Study at the School of Biosciences

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When applying to study for a postgraduate research opportunity, we recommend you identify a supervisor whose expertise matches your own research interests. Please contact them to discuss and develop your project ideas before submitting an application. 

School research expertise
Research themesTitleNameAreas of research (keywords)

Advanced technology

Soil and environment

Assistant Professor Salim Alam

Atmospheric Sciences

  • air pollution
  • analytical chemistry
  • atmospheric chemistry
  • modelling
  • air quality

Animal and livestock

Fundamental biology

Professor Ramiro Alberio

Developmental Biology

  • stem cells
  • embryos
  • development
  • epigenetics
  • germ cells

Plant and crop

Soil and environment

Sustainable agriculture

Dr Kamal Alskaf

Sustainable Agriculture

  • climate smart agriculture
  • sustainable soil management
  • conservation agriculture
  • agroecology
  • farmer behaviour
  • multimodal training

Animal and livestock

Advanced technology

Fundamental biology

Nutrition and health

Associate Professor Ravinder Anand-Ivell

Physiology and Endocrinology

  • health across the lifespan
  • control systems of reproduction
  • cells and hormones
  • lifestyle
  • nutrition
  • and healthy ageing
  • environmental endocrine disruption

Advanced technology

Plant and crop

Soil and environment

Sustainable agriculture

 Dr  Jon Atkinson

 Plant Sciences

  • phenotyping technology
  • plant physiology
  • root-soil interactions
  • anatomics
  • tropisms

Nutrition and health

Associate Professor Amanda Avery

Nutrition and Dietetics

  • diet and health
  • infant nutrition
  • pregnancy
  • weight management
  • diabetes

Advanced technology

Soil and environment

Professor Liz Bailey

Environmental Geochemistry

  • trace element geochemistry and pollution
  • soil-plant-animal/human transfer of mineral micronutrients
  • mineral bioaccessibility
  • analytical geochemistry

Plant and crop

Associate Professor Leah Band

Mathematical Modelling of Biological Processes

  • multiscale modelling
  • plant hormones
  • growth and development
  • systems biology

Advanced technology

Fundamental biology

Plant and crop

Soil and environment

Professor Malcolm Bennett

Plant Science

  • root development
  • phenotyping
  • systems biology
  • root-soil interactions
  • abiotic stress

Fundamental biology

Plant and crop

Soil environment

Sustainable agriculture

Assistant Professor  Rahul Bhosale

Functional genomics, bioinformatics, root biology, abiotic stresses

  • functional genomics
  • plant bioinformatics
  • genetics
  • root growth and development
  • abiotic stresses

Animal and livestock

Nutrition and health

Professor John Brameld

Nutritional Biochemistry

  • regulation of body composition
  • growth and metabolism
  • alternative protein sources and gut digestion
  • molecular and cellular nutrition


Fundemental Biology

Assistant Professor  Ivan Campeotto

Microbial Biotechnology

  • Protein crystallography
  • Biotechnology
  • Biophysical techniques
  • Immunogen design

Plant and crop


Fundemental Biology

Associate Professor Gabriel Castrillo

Plant-Microbiome Interactions, plant nutrition

  • microbiome
  • mineral nutrients
  • ionomics
  • growth promotion
  • regularity networks


Animal and livestock

Food and drink

Professor Ian Connerton


  • food Safety
  • gut microbiota
  • bacteriophage
  • campylobacter
  • pre biotics
  • pro biotics

Food and drink

Professor David Cook

Brewing Science and Technology

  • beer flavour and flavour stability
  • malting science and technology
  • brewing raw materials quality and functionality
  • sustainable innovations in malting and brewing
  • improving sensory quality of low alcohol beers

Advanced technology

Plant and crop

Soil and environment

Sustainable agriculture

 Assistant Professor  Hannah Cooper

 Climate smart agriculture

  • regenerative agriculture
  • soil carbon, soil science
  • soil health
  • greenhouse gas emissions

Food and drink

Nutrition and health

Assistant Professor Tristan Dew

Nutritional Biochemistry

  • metabolomics
  • mass spectrometry
  • molecular phenomics
  • polyphenols
  • functional foods

Food and drink

Advanced technology

Associate Professor Vincenzo di Bari

Food and Drink

  • Gels for food structure design
  • Emulsions and emulsification technologies
  • Edible packaging solutions
  • Physical processing for food functionality
  • Phase transitions (Crystallisation, Melting and Glassy states) in foods

Plant and crop

Assistant Professor Stella Edwards

Plant Physiology, Photosynthesis, Cereal Genetics

  • photosynthesis
  • plant physiology
  • cereal genetics
  • cytogenetics
  • wheat

Food and drink

Nutrition and health

Assistant Professor Sally Eldeghaidy


  • brain-gut axis
  • sensory perception and individual variation
  • obesity
  • diabetes
  • altered eating behaviour
  • appetite and satiety

Animal and livestock

Nutrition and health

Assistant Professor Matthew Elmes

Nutritional Science

  • developmental origins of disease
  • pregnancy outcomes
  • reproduction
  • infant nutrition
  • cardiovascular disease

Fundamental biology

Plant and crop

Dr Sina Fischer

Ion Homeostasis

  • whole genome duplication
  • arabidopsis thalinana
  • neo-tetraploids
  • ionome
  • expression

Food and drink

Professor Ian Fisk


  • flavour
  • food chemistry
  • salt reduction
  • aroma release
  • hyperspectral imaging

Fundamental biology

Advanced technology

Plant and crop

Professor Rupert Fray

RNA Biology and Nucleotide Modifications

  • epitranscriptomics
  • mRNA
  • pot-transcriptional

Plant and crop

Sustainable agriculture

 Dr  Alex Gibbs

Fellow in Plant Physiology

  • canopy architecture
  • photosynthesis
  • 3D reconstruction
  • alternative cropping systems
  • plant physiology

Plant and crop

Soil and environment

Sustainable agriculture

 Assistant Professor  Nick Girkin


  • greenhouse gases
  • sustainability
  • nature-based solutions
  • regenerative agriculture
  • ecology

Sustainable agriculture

Plant and crop

Nutrition and health

Food and drink

Fundamental biology

Assistant Professor Zinnia Gonzalez-carranza

Plant Sciences

  • mezquite
  • rural and indigenous communities
  • plant development
  • sustainable development goals
  • molecular mechanisms

Food and drink

Assistant Professor Joanne Gould

Food Science

  • food processing
  • food structure
  • extrusion
  • protein
  • insects

Plant and crop

Dr Neil Graham

Plant Mineral Nutrition

  • plant nutrition
  • biofortification
  • root architecture
  • gene mapping

Plant and crop

Assistant Professor Surbhi Grewal

Wheat Genetics

  • wheat wild relatives
  • introgressiomics
  • wheat cytogenetics
  • KASP markers
  • wheat genomics


Associate Professor Phil Hill

Molecular Microbiology

  • staphylococcus aureus
  • gene control
  • sortase
  • drug screening


Assistant Professor Laura Hobley


  • biofilms
  • predatory bacteria
  • bdellovibrio bacteriovorus
  • klebsiella pneumoniae
  • bacterial interactions


Associate Professor Jon Hobman


  • antibiotic resistance
  • antimicrobial metal resistance
  • toxic metals
  • mobile genetic elements
  • escherichia coli 

Plant and crop

Fundamental biology

Sustainable agriculture

Professor Michael Holdsworth

Crop Science

  • oxygen-sensing
  • abiotic stress
  • ubiquitin-mediated proteolysis
  • plant genetics

Nutrition and health

Assistant Professor Preeti Jethwa

Human Nutrition

  • appetite
  • energy balance
  • metabolic diseases
  • micronutrient deficiencies
  • neuro
  • gut-peptides

Plant and crop

Professor Julie King

Wheat Wild Relative Introgression

  • wheat
  • introgression
  • genotyping
  • cytogenetics

Nutrition and health

Soil and environment

Sustainable agriculture

Plant and crop

Dr Diriba Kumssa


  • agroforestry
  • forestry
  • geographic information science
  • biofortification
  • dietary mineral nutrition

Soil and environment

Sustainable agriculture

 Professor  Murray Lark

 Environmental Statistics

  • agricultural development
  • soil information
  • sampling and experimental design
  • history of colonial soil survey

Food and drink


Nutrition and health

Assistant Professor Stephen Lawrence

Brewing and Functional Beverages

  • brewing
  • functional beverages
  • microbiology
  • food safety
  • aptamer

Soil and environment

Associate Professor Barry Lomax

Plant and Climate Interactions Through Time

  • palynomorph chemistry
  • chemotaxonomy
  • environmental change

Soil and environment

Sustainable agriculture

Assistant Professor Sarah Luke

Ecology and Conservation

  • biodiversity
  • ecosystem functioning
  • land-use change
  • tropical agriculture
  • habitat restoration and management

Animal and livestock

Sustainable agriculture

Associate Professor Jean Margerison

Animal Science

  • nutrition
  • physiology
  • behaviour
  • emissions
  • sustainability

Food and drink

Nutrition and health

Plant and crop

Sustainable agriculture

Associate Professor Sean Mayes

Crop Genetics

  • underutilised crops
  • quantitative genetics
  • trait inheritance
  • global food and nutritional security
  • genetic diversity

Soil and environment

Assistant Professor Roseanna Mayfield

Long-term climate and environmental change

  • lake science
  • biodiversity
  • ecosystem functioning
  • greenhouse gases,

Food and drink

Plant and crop

Advanced technology

Sustainable agriculture

Assistant Professor Guillermina Mendiondo

Translational Crop Science

  • abiotic stress
  • crops
  • molecular biology
  • germination
  • crop physiology

Soil and environment

Professor Sacha Mooney

Soil Science

  • soil science
  • root-soil interactions (rhizosphere)
  • sustainable soil management
  • soil health
  • X-ray imaging

Food and drink

Nutrition and health

Assistant Professor Molly Muleya

Food science and nutrition

  • gut digestion
  • bioaccessibility and bioavailability
  • protein quality
  • mineral micronutrients
  • sustainable food systems

Animal and livestock


Fundamental biology

Soil and environment

Assistant Professor Ellen Nisbet


  • dinoflagellate algae
  • mitochondria genome
  • apicomplexa
  • plasmodium
  • RNA processing

Advanced technology

Fundamental biology

Plant and crop

Soil and environment

Sustainable agriculture

Associate Professor   Bipin Pandey

 Genomics, genetics and cell biology

  • soil compaction
  • mechanosignalling
  • hormones
  • root adaptation
  • climate change

Food and drink

Fundamental biology


Assistant Professor Chris Powell

Yeast and Fermentation Science

  • yeast
  • brewing
  • fermentation
  • microbiology
  • microbial physiology

Plant and crop

Soil and environment

Sustainable agriculture

Associate Professor Amanda Rasmussen

Plant Physiology

  • adventitious roots
  • plant physiology
  • maize
  • cutting propagation

Plant and crop

Sustainable agriculture

Professor Rumiana Ray

Plant Pathology

  • disease resistance
  • host-pathogen-pest interactions
  • mycotoxins
  • physiology of disease
  • integrated disease management


Professor Cath Rees

Applied Microbiology

  • mycobacterial infections
  • listeria molecular biology
  • bacteriophage applications
  • diagnostics
  • food safety

Food and drink

Advanced technology

Assistant Professor Joshua Reid

Functional Food Chemistry

  • Solution chemistry of food molecules
  • Dietary fibre: food as medicine
  • Functional food development
  • Complex carbohydrate analysis
  • Waste valorisation in food production

Food and drink

Nutrition and health

Assistant Professor Jake Sallaway-Costello

Public Health Nutrition

  • health promotion
  • salutogenesis
  • health sociology
  • community nutrition
  • ethnography

Fundamental biology

Associate Professor David Scott

Structural Biology and Biophysics

  • structural Biology
  • biophysics
  • physical biochemistry
  • protein crystallography
  • cryo Electron Microscopy

Food and drink

Animal and livestock

Sustainable agriculture

Assistant Professor Christina Siettou

Agricultural Economics

  • economics
  • animal health
  • animal welfare
  • consumer behaviour
  • food

Advanced technology

Fundamental biology


Sustainable agriculture

Soil and environment

Animal and livestock

Plant and crop

Professor Dov Stekel

Computational Biology

  • mathematical models
  • computer models
  • antimicrobial resistance
  • microbiology
  • agriculture and environment

Sustainable agriculture

Assistant Professor Stacia Stetkiewicz

Sustainable Agriculture

  • sustainable food systems
  • stakeholder engagement
  • interdisciplinary
  • food choices

Fundamental biology

Associate Professor Carl Stevenson


  • fear learning and memory
  • neuropharmacology
  • sex differences
  • animal models
  • anxiety

Fundamental biology

Associate Professor Reinhard Stoger

Molecular Biology and Epigenetics

  • DNA modificatons
  • gene-environment interactions
  • epigenetic clocks
  • developmental programming
  • gene dosage

Plant and crop

Sustainable agriculture

Associate Professor Ranjan Swarup

Molecular Biology and Genetics

  • root and lateral root development
  • auxin
  • molecular mechanisms
  • biostimulants
  • global food security

Plant and crop

Fundamental biology

Sustainable agriculture

Assistant Professor Ute Voss

Plant Science

  • plant development
  • root architecture
  • plant hormones
  • auxin
  • stress response

Nutrition and health

Associate Professor Simon Welham

Nutritional Science

  • mineral micronutrients
  • maternal nutrition
  • fetal programming
  • food security
  • renal development and disease

Advanced technology

Plant and crop

Fundamental biology

Dr Darren Wells

Principal Research Fellow in Plant and Crop Biophysics

  • plant physiology
  • plant phenotyping
  • tropisms
  • imaging technology
  • anatomics

Sustainable agriculture

Professor Paul Wilson

Agricultural Economics

  • sustainability
  • agricultural systems
  • technical efficiency
  • farmer behaviour
  • food choice

Plant and crop

Professor Zoe Wilson

Plant Developmental Biology - Plant Reproduction

  • pollen and anther development
  • plant reproduction
  • abiotic stress
  • plant gene networks
  • crop fertility

Food and drink

Assistant Professor Ni Yang

Flavour Science

  • spicy food
  • chilli Flavour
  • flavour release
  • sustainable flavour
  • novel flavour application
  • multimodal training.

Food and drink

Assistant Professor Qian Yang

Sensory and Consumer Science

  • sensory
  • consumer behaviour
  • sustainability
  • individual variation
  • smart technology



School of Biosciences

University of Nottingham
Sutton Bonington Campus
Nr Loughborough
LE12 5RD, UK

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