
Section for the community

Throughout the year our students get involved in a variety of different community projects and work with local police officers to ensure that the community is a safe place to live. Over the past year, our students have undertaken a range of initiatives from mentoring local school children to bringing free Mexican cuisine to Lenton.

You can also follow us on Instagram.

 Undergraduate students walking through Nottingham City Centre



How to report an issue in the community

The University of Nottingham takes a strong stance on anti-social behaviour (ASB) and may take action to address any concerns that arise as a result. In addition to this, our students agree to a strict Code of Discipline.



If you do experience any issues or think there’s anything that the university should know about, the following support is available to you:


Nottingham City

For noise nuisance and waste management issues please contact your relevant local authority during office hours. (For Nottingham city residents, these matters are dealt with by the Community Protection Team on 0115 915 20 20 Mon-Fri 9am to 5pm)

For out-of-hours noise nuisance and other antisocial behaviour issues, please phone the Police non-emergency number 101. (For Nottingham City residents we advise reading the CommUnity guide detailed above)
These services and this advice apply to students and non-students experiencing issues.

Greater Nottinghamshire and other areas

For noise complaints or anti-social behaviour call your local authority environmental health team or 101 outside of these hours for your local Police force non-emergency response.

Neighbourhood helpline

We expect students to act in accordance with the University Code of Conduct during their time with us and to be ambassadors for our university. If you find an occasion where this isn't being observed, please contact the university via our helpline or Community Engagement department email. This 24-hour helpline offers students and local residents the opportunity to let the university know about any issues of concern. Please leave a message about anything from noisy neighbours to uncollected rubbish

Please include as much detail as possible in your report:

  • Your name, address and contact number
  • Address of incident
  • Date and time of incident
  • Whether you have reported to Nottingham City Council/Police - if so, please include the incident number
  • Details of the incident/disturbance/issue

Messages are dealt with promptly, but this is not an emergency helpline.

t: 0115 846 8666




Student Group Travel Support

 The University of Nottingham Community Engagement Team are offering Students’ Union affiliated student groups (Societies, Sports Clubs, Volunteer Groups, Student-run Services etc.) the opportunity to apply for pre-loaded Robin Hood travel cards to support the operation of their group in this academic year. These travel cards can be used across the entire Robin Hood Network on different modes of transport:

  • Nottingham City Transport (NCT) buses
  • Trent Barton buses (except skylink express, red arrow, pronto and night buses)
  • Kinchbus
  • NET tram
  • Linkbuses / CT4N

There are a limited number of Robin Hood cards available, each pre-loaded with £50 of travel credit, that your group can apply for using the form below. Only groups that can demonstrate how their activity has a positive impact on the wider Nottingham community will be considered.  Please consider and detail how the travel support will enhance, expand or develop your current student group delivery, with a focus on outreach into the off campus community.

Any questions can be directed to:

All successful applicants will be notified along with details of how and when to collect your card(s) and we aim to review submissions within two weeks. 

Click here to apply

Student Group Travel Support





Neighbourhood Award

Nottingham Neighbourhood Award

Has an individual student, student group, society or student household made a real difference in your neighbourhood?

We’re looking to recognise, celebrate and reward our students that go above and beyond to contribute positively in the area in which they live and study.

Have you had exceptionally considerate and helpful student neighbours? Have you witnessed an individual act of selflessness, bravery or kindness? Has a student group or society supported residents to make a difference where you live?

If you know of a single student, household or student group that deserve recognition for their positive impact on you, your family or on your community as a whole, please nominate them below. A panel of judges will shortlist nominations and decide on a winner.

We welcome nominations from students, non-student residents, charities and community groups.

Click here for nominations