
The finishing touch to your graduation outfit

Graduation is a significant milestone in your academic journey and is an opportunity for you to celebrate your successes with your family and friends. It's a time to put on your best outfit and take pride in your achievements.

One of the most iconic parts of any graduation ceremony is, of course, the hood and gown – a symbolic tradition that signifies the end of this part of your Nottingham journey and the beginning of a new one.

Further information, including the cost and instructions on how to order your gown, will be available on this page later in the year.


What to wear with your gowns | Our hood and gown guide

What to wear with your gowns

A celebration of years of hard work and dedication, graduation is your time to shine. Many graduates want to dress up for the occasion, donning their best formal attire underneath their Nottingham gown but it’s also important to us that you feel comfortable too. Below is a quick guide as to what is appropriate and encouraged.

Dress code
Graduation is a formal event, and we ask for all graduating students and guests to dress smartly. Graduation gowns have an open front and do not cover the full arm, so you may want to consider this when you're planning what to wear. You can wear what you feel fits your gender identity and expression best, as long as it is 'smart attire'. Denim, t-shirts, trainers, flip-flops and other items of casual clothing are not appropriate for graduation events. Guests are also expected to dress smartly for the occasion. 
It is important for both graduating students and guests to wear comfortable shoes on the day, as there is usually a lot of walking involved. Some car parks and public transport stops can be a 15-minute walk away from the Graduation Village.
National dress
We welcome graduating students and guests to wear national dress as a way of celebrating diversity and cultural heritage. If you would like to wear national dress, we encourage you to do so, but please make sure it is appropriate for a formal event. 
Wheelchair user

The university's official supplier, Ede and Ravenscroft, can provide shorter gowns if you would prefer.

Once you have ordered your gown, get in touch with Ede and Ravenscroft providing your name, student ID number, and student email address, and they will arrange for a shorter gown to be delivered to your home address at no additional cost. You can then choose whether to arrive in your gown, or you can bring your gown with you and the gowning team can assist you before your ceremony.



A guide to our hoods and gowns

Find your degree from the table below to see what colour your gown and hood will be.

BArch_BachelorsGown_UoN_crop BArch

Bachelor of Architecture

Ribbon: Orange 

BA_BachelorGown_UoN BA

Bachelor of Arts 

Ribbon: Cherry Red 

BDivMth_MastersGown_UoN BD

Bachelor of Divinity

Ribbon: purple

BEd_BachelorsGown_UoN BEd

Bachelor of Education

Ribbon: Lilac

BEng_BachelorsGown_UoN BEng

Bachelor of Engineering

Ribbon: Light navy blue

LLB_BachelorsGown_UoN crop LLB

Bachelor of Laws

Ribbon: maroon  

BMedSci_BachelorsGown_UoN BMedSci

Bachelor of Medical Science

Ribbon: gold 

BMBS_BachelorsGown_UoN BMBS

Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery

Ribbon: gold 

BPharm_BachelorsGown_UoN BPharm

Bachelor of Pharmacy 

Ribbon: dove grey 

BSc_BachelorsGown_UoN BSc

Bachelor of Science 

Ribbon: Royal Blue 

BVMedSci_BachelorsGown_UoN BVMedSci

Bachelor of Veterinary Medical Sciences 

Ribbon: teal 

BVM_BachelorsGown_UoN BVMBVS

Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine and Bachelor of Veterinary Surgery 

Ribbon: teal 

DAppPsy_CrimsonGown_UoN copy DAppEdPsy

Doctor of Applied Educational Psychology 

Ribbon: royal blue

DASS_CrimsonGown_UoN copy DASS

Doctor of Applied Social Science

Ribbon: cherry red

DBA_CrimsonGown_UoN copy DBA

Doctor of Business Administration 

Ribbon: salmon pink

DAppPsy_CrimsonGown_UoN copy DClinPsy

Doctor of Clinical Psychology 

Ribbon: royal blue

EdD_CrimsonGown_UoN crop EdD

Doctor of Education

Ribbon: lilac

EngD_Crimson_Gown_crop EngD

Doctor of Engineering 

Ribbon: Light navy blue

DNurse_DHSci_DocWHW_CrimsonGown_UoN crop DHSci

Doctor of Health Sciences 

Ribbon: cream

DM_CrimsonGown_UoN copy DM

Doctor of Medicine

Ribbon: gold

AMusD_CrimsonGown_UoN AMusD

Doctor of Musical Arts 

Ribbon: pink

PhD_CrimsonGown_UoN copy crop PhD

Doctor of Philosophy 

Ribbon: light blue to edge

DBA_CrimsonGown_UoN copy DPP

Doctor of Public Policy

Ribbon: salmon pink

DVM_CrimsonGown_UoN crop DVetMed / DVetSurg

Doctor of Veterinary Medicine/Surgery

Ribbon: teal

PhD_CrimsonGown_UoN copy crop DEuro

European Doctorate 

Ribbon: light blue to edge

MEng_MastersGown_UoN crop MEng

Master in Engineering

Ribbon: light navy blue

MSci_MastersGown_UoN crop MMath

Master in Mathematics 

Ribbon: royal blue

MSci_MastersGown_UoN crop MSci

Master in Science  

Ribbon: royal blue

MArch_MastersGown_UoN crop MArch

Master of Architecture

Ribbon: orange

MA_MastersGown_UoN crop MA

Master of Arts

Ribbon: cherry red

MBA_MastersGown_UoN crop MBA

Master of Business Administration

Ribbon: salmon pink

MEd_MastersGown_UoN crop MEd

Master of Education

Ribbon: lilac

LLM_MastersGown_UoN crop LLM

Master of Laws

Ribbon: maroon

MMedSci_MastersGown_UoN crop MMedSci

Master of Medical Sciences 

Ribbon: gold

MNurse_MastersGown_UoN crop MNursSci

Master of Nursing Science with Honours

Ribbon: cream

MSci_MastersGown_UoN crop MNutr

Master of Nutrition 

Ribbon: royal blue

MPharm_MastersGown_UoN_v2 crop MPharm

Master of Pharmacy

Ribbon: dove grey

MPhil_MastersGown_UoN crop MPhil

Master of Philosophy

Ribbon: light blue to edge

MBA_MastersGown_UoN crop MPA

Master of Public Administration

Ribbon: salmon pink

MPH_MastersGown__UoN crop MPH

Master of Public Health

Ribbon: cream

MRes_MastersGown_UoN crop MRes

Master of Research 

Ribbon: light blue to edge

MSc_MastersGown_UoN crop MSc

Master of Science

Ribbon: royal blue

MA_MastersGown_UoN crop MSW

Master of Social Work

Ribbon: cherry red

MVM_MastersGown_UoN crop MVM/MVS

Master of Veterinary Medicine/Master of Veterinary Surgery 

Ribbon: teal

PGCert_MastersGown_UoN crop PGCert

Postgraduate Certificate 

PGDip_MastersGown_UoN crop (1) PGDip

Postgraduate Diploma (PGDip)

DAppPsy_CrimsonGown_UoN copy DAgrif

Professional Doctorate in Agrifood 

Ribbon: Royal Blue

DAppPsy_CrimsonGown_UoN copy DForenPsy

Professional Doctorate in Forensic Psychology 

Ribbon: royal blue

DNurse_DHSci_DocWHW_CrimsonGown_UoN crop DocWHW

Professional Doctorate in Workplace Health and Wellbeing 

Ribbon: cream

UGradCert_BachelorsGown_UoN crop UGCert

Undergraduate Certificate

UGradDip_BachelorsGown_UoN 2 crop UGDip

Undergraduate Diploma 

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