
Sustainability Action Week 2021 round up

Sustainability Action Week 2021 ran from 1-7 March. It was a packed week of online events and activities, organised alongside Nottingham Trent University, to raise awareness about environmental issues and encourage positive action.

Over 300 people took part in the events and contributed to our Padlet board. Thank you to everyone who let us know what sustainability issues matter to you and what actions you plan to take to tackle them. You can view the board and add your pledges here.

Links to some of the activities can be found below. The main highlights of the week were the launch of two exciting new initiatives:

 Go! Your sustainable choices matter

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At the University of Nottingham we’ve always looked to the future. We know it’s time to act against climate change and we’re powering ahead to make our university truly sustainable.

We’re committed to our University being truly sustainable. We’re already doing a lot, but now’s the time to really step it up. So, we've launched a new campaign to bring together everything sustainability, and encourage and support staff and students alike to be more sustainable at the University.

Everyone can make a difference, and even the smallest actions add up to big impacts. Every sustainable change we make takes us closer to our goal.

So let's go!

Read more about our new campaign.

Over the coming months we’ll be sharing different ways people can contribute to our sustainable future.

In the meantime, there is one way you can get involved right now:


Get rewarded for your sustainable actions with Green Rewards

Green Rewards is a sustainability platform to show that your sustainable choices matter. The online platform and mobile app will show you what actions you can take and what impact they have – in return you’ll earn Green Points and the chance to win vouchers for yourself and charity donations for your team.As part of our commitment to environmental sustainability, we want to make it easy (and rewarding!) for all University of Nottingham staff and students to take positive environmental actions.

Watch the launch webinar or read more about how it works.

Since launch, more than 2,800 sustainable actions have been completed by the staff and students who have signed up. That equates to nearly 3,000kg of CO2 emissions avoided.
If everyone at the University used Green Rewards, together we could save more than 423 tonnes of CO2 through our every day actions.

Sign up to Green Rewards now.

Other things you may have missed:



Posted on Thursday 18th March 2021

Sustainability Team

Estate Office, University Park, Nottingham, NG7 2RD
